Imperial Overlord wrote:A few points
1) Dire Charge combines a charge and a full attack. It is brutal. If a variant barbarian gets a similar ability before epic level, well that's powerful as well. Psionic Lion's Charge allows the combination charge and full attack and buffing the attacks all in one go. If you don't understand why that is extremely powerful, you're either stupid or a munchkin. Or both.
I understand that it is powerful, I merely don't think that it is broken. A charge will often destroy what ever is on they other end. Adding additional attacks with a small boost is just going to make the thing on the receiving end more dead.
2) Acrane Thesis is limited to a single spell, which overchannel and metapsionic feats are not. As for metamagic rods, they are widely acknowledged to be extremely powerful and abusable.
Your forgeting sudden feats, and while Arcane thesis is more limited than overchannel it is vastly more powerful for that one spell. At eighth level overchannel will essentially add 1 the DC and/or 2 die of damage, arcane thesis will add 2 die of damage and allow for an energy admixtured empowered lightning bolt, or a chained suggestion. At 15th the overchannel is adding a whopping 3die of damage and increasing the dc by 1 or 2. So instead of dealing 15d6+15 of damage it would be dealing 18d6+18 avg 81. Lets add empower and maximize to this it would deal 6d6+90 avg 111. It has enough PP to keep this up for 11 rounds.
The arcane thesis is now allowing the lightning bolts to be thrown at 10d6+120 avg 155 damage due to being empowered, maximized and energy admixtered, and a feat that adds stunning and knockdown to lighting spells.
Or it could of been on an orb of acid with substitution to electricity, energy admixture, empower, maximize, and the feat that adds stunning to electricity spells, for 15d6+180 avg 232.5 with its 8th level spell slot. It only gets one of those so it's time for 2 rounds of 7th level would be dealing 180 damage. Its 6th would be 3 rounds of 44d6 avg 154. The wizards fifth level spell slots would be doing 30d6 damage for a 105 point average for 4 rounds and the psion finally starts to deal more damage to bad its down by about 380 points at this point. After these slots are burned through the psion closes the gap to about 350. For the fourth level slots the wizard is now doing 90 damage for the rest of his orbs. Which would mean that the psion would be catching up if it wasn't for him running out of power points in the eleventh round. So the psion does 1221 to the wizards 1834. The psion also did less for the first 6 rounds.
So while the psion could use Overchannel on more things, Arcane thesis will blow it out of the water if it came down to a situation where the thesis applied. And while it would be doubtful that a wizard would prep his top and middle spell slots it is a simplified comparsion.
Also metapsionic feats would be a direct metamagic analog.
3) The power point system is badly abusable, even without the extremely nasty recursive loops.
Well aparently the Nitram was wrong on the recursive loop, so you just have the nova versus 2 encounters a day, which if a wizard or sorceror chooses his feats correctly can pull off also.
I'm with Nitram on the switch to a "per encounter basis". As it stands the Vancian system does work best with current D&D systems, because the whole system is set up along those lines with mostly at will abilities (attacks, sneak attacks, variant attack feats) and per day abilities (spells, smites, healing touches). The psi point system gives superior choice to a caster (which a spell point system does as well) and is inherently superior and thus unbalanced.
They pp system may be unbalanced, but it also actually makes sense compared to the Vancian system. I don't think that psions going nova is going to be hugely different compared to a wizard or sorceror going nova. A psion has enough base pp at 20th level for 18 fully augmented spells. A wizard is going to have 12 slots of his 7-9 level open to him. A sorceror is going to have 18 of 7-9. And they can deal comparable damage with those slots.