CJvR wrote:Från början daterade man berg genom att studera deras fossilinnehåll.
In the beginning they dated rock by examining their fossile content.
Impossible. Without having a way to date the fossils in the first place, you can't date the rocks. And you date fossils using rocks.
Hittade man ett 10 miljoner år gammalt fossil i ett visst lager, så antog man att lagret också är 10 miljoner år.
If you found a 10 milion year old fossile in a certain layer, you assumed that the layer was also 10 milion years old.
No. You find fossils and see what layer of rock they are in.
Naturligtvis är dock antagandet om fossilets ålder gjort utifrån evolutionsläran.
Naturaly the assumption about the age of the fossile is based on the evlotutiontheory.
Except it isn't. Even if evolution wasn't true, that doesn't mean that the fossils are any less old.
Senare daterade man berg genom s.k. radiometriska metoder, dvs man studerar hur mycket av icka-stabila, radioaktiva, material som finns kvar i berget.
Vid närmare studium kan man dock visa att många av dessa metoder är konstruerade för att ge de högra åldrar som utvecklingsläran kräver.
Uppon closer examination you can show that many of these methods are designed to provide the high ages required by the evolutiontheory.
No. They are not designed to provide the high ages. They are designed to give accurate measurements, moron.
Mot detta står många observationer som tycks tala för en ung jord.
Against this stands many observations that seem to indicate a Young Earth.
And you'll actually have to provide them, idiot.
Om jorden är gammal så borde t.ex:
If the earth is old then:
Koncentrationen av många salter i världshaven vara mycket större (den ökar med tiden).
the concentration of salts in the world oceans should be higher (it increases over time)
Says what? You'll have to show why that is true.
Trycket i oljekällor borde vara mycket lägre (det pyser ut med tiden).
the pressure in oilwells should be much lower (it seeps ut over time)
Why? There are other forces that affect the Earth's oil supply.
Jordens magnetfält borde vara mycket mindre (det minskar med tiden).
the Earths magnetic field should be much weaker (it decreases over time)
Where'd you get that, your ass? The magnetic field doesn't just get weaker over time. The change goes both ways, moron. It can, gasp, actually reverse poles you, blithering idiot.
Heliumkoncentrationen i atmosfären borde vara mycket högre (helium bildas genom radioaktivt sönderfall).
the Helium concentration in the atmosphere should be much higher (Helium is formed by radioactive decay)
Except that helium can escape from the Earth, moron.
Men ånyo, jag påstår inte att detta bevisar att jorden är ung.
But again, IM not saying that this proves that the Earth is young.
Because it doesn't you fucking idiot.
Däremot påstår jag att den rimligaste tolkningen av alla sammantagna observationer är att jorden är ett antal tusentals år gammal.
I do say that the most reasonable interpretation of all included observations is that the Earth is a number of thousands years old.
Only if you are a complete fucking jackass with no comprehension of science. Oh wait, that would be you.
Even in one of the most secular nations in the world there are a few creationists, although you usualy have to turn over quite a few rocks before you find them...
And it sucks. Oh and CJvR the insults don't refer to you.
Member of the BotM. @( !.! )@