havokeff wrote:So you equate black communities with trash and racist killers? Nice Zod.

Wow, strawman much?
It's nice that you also completely gloss over the fact that 'black community' is so damn vague that it could refer to anything from an upper-class, affluent neighborhood that happens to have a majority black population, to a shitty, inner-city ghetto. Zod was just illustrating this and showing that, yeah, there are cases where you couldn't pay him enough to be in a 'black community'.
The ironic thing here is that it's just as racist to generalize 'black community' because it assumes that all 'black communities' are essentially the same, or similar enough, that you can answer the question without further elaboration. Protip: Not all black people act the same way or form similar communities, just like white people.
To answer AP's question: Yes, I have lived in a 'black community' several times. Ranging from a rather shitty ghetto suburb outside of Reno that, like Zod said, you couldn't pay me to live in again (we moved out shortly after my brother nearly got jumped for being a white kid walking alone down the street in the middle of the fucking day), to a semi-shitty mid-to-lower class neighborhood in Chicago, to a relatively decent neighborhood in Milwaukee.
I understand that, shock of all shocks, black people can be just as varied in communities as white people.
So my answer is 'Maybe'. I might choose to live in a 'black community', I might not. The issue is my decision would not be made on the basis of whether or not they're black, but rather whether or not it's a shitty community.
Justforfun000 wrote:I"m betting that both sides are right here in their own way. Not that I'm trying to throw up a Golden Mean fallacy here....let me explain..
I agree, which is why I chose the examples I did.
In the university example, the blacks involved came from mostly affluent middle to upper-class families, most having their own cars, decent money from home and/or a steady job... and they're bitching about being oppressed and trying to intimidate anyone who is not black out of a university center deliberately set up for the sole purpose of helping them and other minorities get accepted.
Yeah, racism is all over the place, it fucking sucks, I've seen what it can do to some good friends of mine, and I'll fight just as viciously for them as I will for anyone else I care about. But I'm not going to let that blind me to the fact that an awful lot of people are insular, clique-ish, selfish whiney, tribal assholes regardless of race.