brianeyci wrote:
Yes, that's what they called it, LDS. I wish I had said LSD over and over to get a rise out of him.
Old Joke. It crops up in Star Trek 4 too. Someone makes a comment about something bizarre that Spock does. Kirk answers "He did a little too much LDS in the 60's" (paraphrase)
Sounds more like the tithe is used to pay off the guys at the top of the pyramid scheme. LDS balance sheets are not made public.
Only a few folks in the LDS church receive salaries, some full time administrators do, and the folks who run missions do as well. Also the Leaders of the Church, President/Prophet and the quorum of the 12 receive living allowances or salaries. I've never seen reliable information that they're skimming, and most indications are that they're not wealthy from their church service. Twice a year the churches accounting department reports on the finances of the church, as to whether the money is used in accordance "with established principles". As you said the balance sheets aren't published, but there are plenty of existing assets that need to be maintained. And BYU is supported partially by tithing money. If Millions of dollars were leaking away to support the Prophet's many wives I think the accounting department would have something to say. You're more than welcome to believe shadowy conspiracy theories about them, but there's not much evidence in support, and there are some contrary indicators.
Charity I have a very hard time believing, mostly because of the way they sell their religion. The first day they brought some guy, who was an engineer. He said he lost his job, but then through the power of praying, he got it back and a promotion, or something close to this. It never occured to him that even if it was true, his praying fucked over the other guys who might have been more qualified and wanting, and if it wasn't then God wasn't responsible for it at all. Even if God helped him out, he just fucked over others in the process. This seems like the mentality of the church, God will provide, because if you go to them in a time of need I doubt they would help with cold, hard cash.
Sorry for the snipping and pasting of your paragraph, it just has a few ideas that all deserve separate responses.
I guess doctrine could have changed since I was there, but the way you're explaining their stance on miracles sounds like you missed something. This is the way I learned things when I was a member. When praying for a problem to be solved you first of all had to do everything in your power to resolve it on its own. Next pray. Continue to do what you're capable of to solve the problem. If God intends to help you with your prayer, then, after you've done all you can, the miracle will come. If He doesn't intend to help, then at least you've put some effort into solving your problems. So yes the LDS Church is kind of evangelical with regards to faith. I.E. they believe in miracles, the power of prayer, etc. But they also believe in action and personal responsibility on problems. Try to solve your problem on your own, and pray about it too.
This seems like the mentality of the church, God will provide, because if you go to them in a time of need I doubt they would help with cold, hard cash. And that's what matters. You cannot get an exception for tithing, even if you are broke to fucking shit, as long as you're working.
Not really, the fast offering fund is used specifically to help members in need. The church is one of those who believes in the spiritual benefits of labor, so often a hand out is accompanied by work assignments. The church had some unhappy experience before where the generosity of neighbors wasn't sufficient. So the current church tries to be as self sufficient as it can. Included in this is its own welfare program. Although at the moment the policy is that you first seek help from your government, then the family, then the church.
As to tithing... Well that's kind of funny. Once a year there's a meeting with the Bishop where you look at what you've paid. The bishop will ask if you're a full tithe payer. If you're not you can either pay what you missed or say you're a full and honest tithe payer anyway. There really aren't any investigative methods to test if this is true. If you're not earning an income, than 10% of nothing is nothing, so Bishops usually say that you're an honest tithe payer there. Also the church has no official position, but there were always arguments on whether you should pay on Gross (pre-tax earnings) or Net (after tax earnings). The only test is if you can tell your Bishop that you think you've paid an honest tithe.
Yeah, I heard something about a "prophet" coming to some meeting, some bigshot, then a "president" and I was wondering was this some kind of Benny Hinn knockoff.
The head of the church is called the prophet, they also refer to him as President (INSERT NAME HERE). There are 12 apostles who are also referred to as President (WHOEVER). Although there's only one guy who is "The Prophet" In retrospect the lingo seems a little odd. But it never really bothered me when I was growing up.
The problem with saying that their religion encourages you to learn how the world works is it's only good compared to other religions that are completely close minded. Their idea of it is it's okay to learn how the world works, as long as it doesn't contradict Mormon teachings. Comparing cow shit to chicken shit and it's still shit. An example would be the Jesus in South America and the... what the fuck are they called, Nevii?
Nephites is what they're called, and amusingly my Fire Fox spell checker doesn't recognize that or LDS as actual words.
Among other things the Mormon church doesn't have many official positions on Science anymore. Actually the only official statement I found about Science was that the Church regards Adam as the first Human. There might be more, but I haven't heard them. Actually I don't know if you'll believe this, but in Seminary (supplementary religious instruction for young folks) one of my teachers made a statement that implied the church had an official position about evolution. My High School Bio teacher (who was also LDS) found out, walked over and had a bit of a shouting match. The next day my religion teacher retracted his previous claim and said that evolution was a 'Scientifically valid' theory, clearly unhappy about the admission and trying to downplay it as much as possible.
I can imagine going to BYU and writing an essay about how the first man really came over the Alaska land bridge, and I'd probably get expelled or get a bad grade.
I never had that experience at BYU, more specifically I never experienced academic censorship at BYU aside from issues of language (cursing, and what sort of images are appropriate were important).
The above is taken from the BYU Library
Link I'm not sure if the link will expire or not. If it does expire just go to the library and search author Dawkins. Maybe the above was just a trap 1984 style and everyone who checks it out gets thrown out of BYU, but that was not my experience when I attended, when I was there BYU did a credible job of honest inquiry.
There were a few "WTF moments" though. In two of my Freshmen classes we'd always open and close the sessions with prayer. Also, all students are required to take a certain number of religion classes. Lastly the campus honor code requires regular religious observance by the students.
That said, I never experienced any academic censorship.
Academics and learning are predicated on the idea of conflict, of finding the truth despite all else. Dawkins told a story about one of his professors, spent the better part of his life on some theory or another and found out he was wrong. The professor went up and shook the guy's hand, saying thank you. That is real integrity. The Mormon way of learning is just piggybacking on what was discovered already by other scientists and free thinkers over the centuries.
Put it another way, if the Mormon way of thinking existed when trying to disprove heliocentrism, they would've said it contradicted church teachings and supressed it.
Can't say for sure about that. But I think this is enlightening.
Murphy drew attention in the media and from the leadership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints after the publication of his essay, "Lamanite Genesis, Genealogy, and Genetics." This essay discussed available genetic evidence regarding the geographic origin and lineage of Native American groups. It relies primarily on evidence regarding mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited directly from the mother.
This DNA suggests that all Native Americans are descendents of individuals from northeastern Siberia—corroborating conclusions that anthropologists have long held on the basis of linguistic, physiological, and other anthropological evidence. Murphy notes the 99.6% absence of any genetic heritage outside of known indigenous Native American haplogroups. (The remaining 0.4% is near universally agreed among anthropologists and biologists studying the issue to represent genetic markers that were introduced after the year 1492.)
To most DNA researchers--including an increasing number of researchers who identify themselves as Latter Day Saints--this evidence raises issues regarding the historical accuracy of the Book of Mormon, a work of Mormon scripture that records the experiences of a group of Middle-Eastern Jews who emigrate to the Americas, and that the evidence contradicts the dominant and widely accepted view among Latter Day Saints that the Book of Mormon is a true and accurate account of the people whose history it purports to document. In his essay, Murphy writes:
From a scientific perspective, the BoMor's origin is best situated in early 19th century America, not ancient America. There were no Lamanites prior to c. 1828 and dark skin is not a physical trait of God's malediction. Native Americans do not need to accept Christianity or the BoMor to know their own history. The BoMor emerged from Joseph Smith's own struggles with his God. Mormons need to look inward for spiritual validation and cease efforts to remake Native Americans in their own image.[1]
Murphy concluded that "DNA research lends no support to traditional Mormon beliefs about the origins of Native Americans" and he has likened the Book of Mormon to inspirational fiction. Murphy has reaffirmed this point several times since the initial publication of his essay in interviews and in videos produced by Living Hope Ministries, a Utah-based evangelical Christian ministry specializing in Mormon outreach.
There was an attempt by local leaders to excommunicate him (read the rest of the article). But apparently protests by LDS members stopped that from happening. The guy in question is still a member. So yes, there may be some members who want to bury their heads and ignore science, and there are some who are engaged in credible research. I mostly had experiences with the latter.
That said, the Church has a very bad record when it comes to outspoken feminists. Wiki has a good list, but the basic gist is any member Feminist who is sufficiently vocal in criticism of the church will find themselves kicked out.
What happened was the physics major out of the two (one was a law the other a physics from BYU) started asking about the church policy on gays, when my brother started questioning whether they accepted gays.
I guess he pushed the wrong buttons, asked the wrong questions or asked them the wrong way, because he was quickly moved and replaced...
He probably was transferred for reasons of faith. Transfers also happen at regular intervals though, so while it's unlikely, the timing could have just been coincidence. Again, I don't think that's likely, but it could have happend that way.
I guess he pushed the wrong buttons, asked the wrong questions or asked them the wrong way, because he was quickly moved and replaced by another guy who said, and I quote: "scientists took far longer to discover what priests discovered because they were using physical means, as opposed to spiritual means." I wanted to kick him out of the fucking house for that baldfaced lie, but at that time my brother was still deep into LSD er LDS.
Yeah I've seen some of that silliness too. Essentially later doctrine states that all knowledge comes from God. Also claims are made that spiritually attuned people are better researches as a result of their spirituality
The church is pretty bad about homosexuality. I had a room-mate who was LDS (inactive) and gay. He believed in LDS doctrine, which meant that he believe he was going to hell for who he was. It was pretty depressing how matter of fact he was about the whole thing.
All I had to know was if your family was half Mormon, you can't go to their wedding or go to the Mormon temple. Which was strange, because I went to my brother's baptism. The idea is to make you dependent on the church so in the end they have you. The law guy was shoving the signature and paper in my face the day of my brother's baptism, like a victory trophy. He thought he won, but I had the last laugh.
That's sort of correct about the wedding. Mormons believe that there are some ceremonies (ordinances in the LDS lingo) that are so sacred they need to be conducted in a sacred place. The basic idea is that these ceremonies will have an eternal impact, and so because of their nature they need to be done in an extra-holy spot. That's what the temples are. Marriages are performed there. A couple of other ordinances are done there. People are excluded based on worthiness. One of my brothers is getting hitched in a couple of weeks, but since I'm inactive and not really practicing/worthy I can't attend the wedding. So while I'm nominally Mormon I can't attend. But I want to note that the point isn't really exclusion for it's own sake, but exclusion to satisfy some doctrinal points of LDS theology.
This is not faith to me: it is a corporaton, with the leaders of LSD laughing all the way to the fucking bank and fucking as many women as they want.
I'd like to note again, that there are some contrary indicators against the Leadership embezzling church funds, and there aren't many indicators that they are doing that.
For the record, when I'm pointing out disagreements, it's not because I like this religion. I've voluntarily dissociated myself from it. It's because there are probably sufficient reasons to not be a member without manufacturing vague notions of conspiracy, or misrepresenting the LDS church. If you're actually curious, wiki has a good overview of the related stuff
Link it's probably a good starting point for scholarship about the church.