Respectively, I think you're recalling the Commerce Guild rather than this Mining Guild (they both involve mining, so I can see why). I've also just found this on wrote:While it is quite possible that some of the more 'heavy industry' CIS members have billions of worlds as well. It is in fact, the Mining Guild. The Mining Guild survives the clone wars (and into the time of the New Republic, at least) and does not fall into the jurisdiction of the Galactic Empire.Boeing 757 wrote:The IBC (or another founding member of the Confederacy) possessed mining operations across billions of systems as per AOTC: ICS. As the IBC was nationalized along with the majority of the Separatist powers, those operations would logically be placed under the mantle of Imperial control.
Empire Strikes Back wrote:LANDO: So you see, since we're a small operation, we don't fall into the...uh...jurisdiction of the Empire.
LEIA: So you're part of the mining guild then?
That's also in conjunction with what Wookiepedia has to say on the subject.The huge commerce entities that made up the Confederacy became the spoils of war, as the newfound Empire nationalized and absorbed them into its growing war machine.