Black Admiral wrote:I'm sure I can find other reasons therein, of course.
Correct, and the Stargazer shows the ZAFT mobile suits' terrorist attacks on Earth. The Earth's population, especially the populations of the Atlantic Federation were not too trusting of the ZAFT, the upgrades and shit to the EA's ships and mobile suite were likely voted by the representatives, etc.
and Darksider, correct. They never specified the regulations, for all we know it might be a few things here and there
Darksider wrote:I'm not sure wether or not Durandal would wipe out the naturals, but some of the things he does toward the end of Destiny are authoritarian to say the least.
he wouldn't wipe out the naturals, he states he had no problem with the EA< but hated LOGOs. He helped the naturals who left the EA (See western and southwest Eurasia). He wasn't biased like that, remember him trying to calm down the PLANT populace?
Though it's interesting to see the DESTINY plan, it seemed to be like the PLAN tests but using genes. IT seems authoritarian in some ways in a predetermined destiny, but it seems that the genes also determine their likes, etc and that might be factored in there too.
But didn't Lacus, etc say all 'undesirables would be killed', but Durandal disagreed with that?
That probably caused millions of deaths earth-side, and no one ever hears about that.
Ten Million Deaths IIRC, and yes the Earth Alliance used that as propaganda ("no coordinator has the right to restrict our access to space" and "Die, you space invaders". Interestingly, that probably got a lot of people to join the Alliance Military.
Also, IIRC the Earth Alliance military never gave orders for a nuclear strike against a civillian target. IIRC they were fake orders sent by Blue Cosmos that authorized the nuking.
Blue Cosmos members loaded the nukes onboard yes, but the Atlantic Federation authorize the usage (that taskforce was specifically with the AF)
Ford Prefect wrote:biggest complaint against 'Gundam SEED' and 'Gundam SEED Destiny' is the deployment of MS pilots under the age of 18. Seriously, they couldn't wait until Meyrin was at the age of consent before putting her aboard a fucking warship in a fucking war zone?
Meyrin was 18 in the beginning. The same was for the original Gundam. Besides, this is the medium future so people likely learn and mature faster, children's rights and such. And she is a coordinator.
And what's with the "Wars are started and sustained because arms manufacturers profit from them" bullshit in 'Gundam SEED Destiny'? What, political ideology, racial tensions (with the exception of "Naturals vs Coordinators"), oil and other resources are no longer important to a government's decision to start a war?
Heard of the Military-Industrial Complex? Read the book "War is a Racket" by General Butler? Besides, it's s classic "unite people against other people" thing done in RL, using the aforementioned issues to influence a war, but the leaders genuinely believe it as well.
Though many people did mention that Durandal was using LOGOs as a scapegoat and they likely did not command as much influence as Durandal says, and they likely all had official jobs in government (see Azrael having an official Alliance position)
(I heard that arms manufacturers convinced the Pentagon to sustain American war efforts in Vietnam so they could continue to profit from that conflict, but let's be serious: political ideology, specifically American interests vs a vicious combo of Vietnamese nationalism and communist ideology, were the real reason the war lasted so fucking long.)
that too, there's various reasons.