I get the feeling that if the Russian defense budget could accomodate the construction of naval, air, and space-based ABM systems, the Russian government would certainly deploy these systems.
Well, why didn't the USSR break the treaty? It had the ability to create space-based elements of ABM and quite readily pondered such projects. It could also put ABM elements on Cuba, such as an EW radar and a small interceptor fleet.
Why didn't it do so?
I don't know about Russia's current government willingness' to spend on it, but I think since the treaty is defunct anyway pondering Russia's possibilities is irrelevant.
B5B7 wrote:Russian paranoia is historical, not just from Cold War.
Yes, because people didn't invade Russia so many times in history, and the US in particular didn't once upon a time plan to nuke the hell out of it once upon a time, and didn't massively overspend on nuclear offensive forces when Russia barely tested it's own nuclear device and had virtually zero means of delivery! That's right boys, nothing like that happened. It was all stupid, paranoic Russians!
B5B7 wrote:US nuke spam attack on Russia - no economic/political justification for this.
B5B7 wrote:Its conventional military forces are mainly defensive, it is economically draining for them in offensive ops.
Purest bullshit. America has the largest Navy in the world and conducts offensive operations far beyond it's own borders. You can't spout a Navy like that and claim it's "purely defensive".
B5B7 wrote:So over next 2 decades US will become more technologically advanced. And the rest of the world won't?!
Yes, won't. The technological gap isn't closed as easily as you think, moron. Especially in military matters, where you can't just import shit and say "OOOH, now I have those nifty technologies! Nevermind my country is a shithole which can't make such technolologies at all!" - that shit just doesn't fly in the military, and a 30 to 500 billion gap in funding obviously creates disparity in military capabilities. Sorry, your objection is moronic.