Absolute WORST way you've been woken up

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Post by Darth Balls »

here is yet another one! once while I was asleep I charlie horsed BOTH my calf muscles so the sudden jolt of pain woke me up!
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Post by Crown »

Invisible page... maybe this will fix it?
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Post by Darth Wong »

In case you're curious about the details, he only hurt himself mildly and all of the blood was from his nose. It was running quite freely, and he had smeared it all over his face in his panic. It looked horrifying at first; I started checking him over for major wounds. Since he could not communicate effectively and was screaming incessantly, I had no idea what had happened for a while.

It was quite the relief when I was finally sure that it was "only" a bump on the nose and a subsequent nosebleed, but of course, I was now completely awake and obviously could not get back to sleep. Shitty way to wake up: the adrenalin rush from the fear of what it might have been was enough to wake a hibernating bear.
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Post by Straha »

The worst way I was woken up is like Mr. Wong's but in reverse.

I used to sleep in a bunk bed when I was young, had this bar on the side, I often leaned against it to read and it cracked and fell, so being the bright twit I am I spun in mid air and banged my head on it and the floor, got a horriblle nose bleed and a black eye, then to make matters worse I walked into a wall (lights were off), then when I got the light on, I stumble into my parents room crying and my mother and father who are scared out of their pants (whatever you say sometimes they can be great people) runn at me and knock me over in their rush to help me. :roll:

But no matter what you all can say I think short of being in a battle Mr. Wong's is the worst.
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Post by Yossarian »

Falling out of bed and craking my back off the nightstand by my bed.
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Post by Frank Hipper »

Christmas eve, 1986. After just dropping off with a mellow buzz of Drambuie and bong hits, my mom starts screaming "fire! fire!" Someone torched the apartment building next door. Unpleasant and annoying to me, those poor people lost everything they owned. Merry Christmas.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Waking up to two horrid blood-shot eyeballs belong to my sociopathi cousin staring me straight in the face.
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Post by Dalton »


Woke up with a charlie horse once. That was agony.

Woke up with my throat on fire. Severe acid reflux that night...took 3 tums and drank a lot of water.

Used to wake up when the fucking landscapers started up the mowers and blowers next door. That's usually in the summer.

Woke up on the Southern State Parkway after I drove onto the shoulder...I was out for like three seconds, but it was still not very pleasant.

I think the most unpleasant time was when my brother called me and begged me to answer my phone, sending me on an errand to 7-11 while half asleep to get him a couple of things (medicine and juice, as I recall). This was when he got his cojones twisted up.
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Post by Johonebesus »

When I was in college, being awakened unexpectedly, by the alarm clock or the phone or a knock on the door, would trigger a night terror. The whole half conscious, indescribable terror, running around screaming and damaging property deal. Then, after about five minutes, I would come out of it, fully awake. At least Wong had a reason to be afraid. It is downright disturbing to suddenly wake up standing in the middle of the room screaming and feeling absolutely terrified for no reason at all.
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Post by Sonnenburg »

I woke up in the fire once. Fucking five in the morning, lungs burning from smoke inhilation, standing in a pile of snow with no socks or shoes on wrapped in a blanket because I couldn't see my pants for all the smoke, and since this was my college dorm room my parents would need to drive five hundred miles to bring me a set of clothes if mine were destroyed. That was a shitty morning.

As if the day couldn't get any worse, we saw On Deadly Ground in the theater to try and "cheer up." Asshole Seagal and his ego trip... I hope he gets a prostate exam from Edward Scissorhands.

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Post by Darth Yoshi »

I vaguely remember waking up underneath the bed once when I was like three. That sucked. But I think Mike's is the worst.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

Ive woken up and heard someone I was love with fucking a guy in the next room. (obviously she didnt love me)

On a much lighter note, my best friend used to run into the room, jump on the bed and scream "wake up! wake up! wake up!". Once or twice she thumped me on the forehead with a wooden spoon. Funny, but very agravating. I can be a grouchy bear when roused from sleep. :P
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Post by Captain tycho »

Darth Yoshi wrote:I vaguely remember waking up underneath the bed once when I was like three. That sucked. But I think Mike's is the worst.
Try waking up realizing your throat is contricted and you can't breath.
Now imagine if your eyes were bleeding. Now imagine you were stone-cold and sitting in a tent. Thats me in 1986 on a camping trip to Yellowstone with one of my buddies. My friend had to hit me (REALLY REALLY) hard in my chest to keep me breathing even a little, and all the while my eyes are bleeding like crazy. Turns out I got a fucking bug bite that I was allergic to. Damn, that was horrible. :evil:
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Well this is a california one.

7.5 rector scale.
Realizing that your about to be crushed by you brother in the top bunk!

Best part, mom waking up (wrong time of the month), and yelling at us for making so much noise. Alex having to steal the sissors from her sewing kit, to cut my jammies off, where they were still pinned under what was left of the bunk beds.

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Post by One True Spoon »

Worst way...


This may sound like a cliche, but it happens. Endless high pitched racket for an hour and a half.


Oh, and this morning when I realised that my city was on fire.
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Post by Crayz9000 »

Me...? Only one I can remember at the moment is when I woke up in the middle of the Northridge, CA earthquake back in '94. My bed was a rickety piece of shit, and the result was that the shock from the earthquake got amplified. (Small surprise that, a while later, the bed broke completely.)

Of course, since it was 4 A.M., I had no clue what was going on. I couldn't even tell the time since the power was out. Naturally, after getting up, I proceeded to stub my toes on EVERY DAMN piece of furniture or wall that I passed.

To top it off, the school that I was going to at the time called everyone in, and then dismissed us about 15 minutes later as it had to be checked by a building inspector.
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Post by Vympel »

Waking up at four in the morning- wondering why you're awake- and realizing you have a stomach ache. Luckily my toilet is a few metres away (my room has an ensuite or whatever they're called).

Horrible experience having diarrhea late at night.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Captain tycho wrote:When the person in the apartment below me starts playing rap at 3am. :x
Do yourself and the rest of the Human Species a favor and get yourself a shotgun and some Brennekes. When the hatfucker starts his sewage, you grab the gun and calmly walk to his door and knock. What you do beyond this point is up to you.
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Post by XaLEv »

One True Spoon wrote:Worst way...


This may sound like a cliche, but it happens. Endless high pitched racket for an hour and a half.


Oh, and this morning when I realised that my city was on fire.
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Post by Evil Sadistic Bastard »

For me, leg cramp is the worst, followed by " PLATOON 3 FALL IN NOW!" and realizing that everybody's helmet and SBO is gone.
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Post by Coaan »

Waking up at all really...there's no easy way to rouse
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Post by Tsyroc »

When I was little I'd have to say it was waking up after falling out of bed from the top bunk. My parents have said that when I was even younger I didn't always wake up when it happened.

In the Navy the worst was being woken up after finally getting to bed after who knows how long only to have my LPO nudge me awake so I can go make coffee. I then had to get dressed go back to CDC so I could make coffee. I don't even drink coffee and yes it would have been quicker for my LPO to make the coffee himself but for some reason the senior enlisted in that division all got off on being assholes. I'm not sure why they kept it up. They had to know that they were all drinking coffee liberally flavored with piss (the deep sink we used to fill the pot happened to be in an officer's head <restroom for the landlubbers>). :twisted:

Now the worst one for me is a pounding knock on the door around noon. Since I work nights I'm usually deep asleep then but the mail usually arrives between noon & 1330. Ocassionally I get a package that won't fit in my mailbox so the carrier brings it to my door. I don't know how many times I've nearly fallen down the stairs after semi-waking from a sound sleep because of the knock on the door. Being half awake and no glasses makes the stairs very dangerous. Even worse if I'm trying to throw on some sweatpants at the same time. :)
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Post by Crazy_Vasey »

Waking up suddenly from a bad dream and darting forward only to smush your nose against the bedroom wall sucks. I just said fuck it and went back to sleep.
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Post by Mark S »

What happened to me last night.

My face...

Cat's ass.
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Post by Straha »

Mark S wrote:What happened to me last night.

My face...

Cat's ass.
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