Stas Bush wrote:Yes, no free speech is important. But the means by which it is established in fascism are somewhat similar to the US situation. Remember, Fascism can allow for private media (not "free media"), but they would be singing in tune with the fascists since their owners, the magnates, would be involved in establishing the Fascist state in the first place. Other media may be first marginalized, before being outright extinquished.
In terms of its technical operation, yes it remains private, but in political terms it remains private only in a shallow sense. However, to enforce the correct tune to sing, what surer method remains but the secret police?
Note that fascism is not the only one to do this, but I cannot envision a fascist state with serious freedom of speech. If the US is fascist, then it is profoundly lacklustre in its energy; the worst you can accuse it of is abuses by the FCC, cartellisation of news outlets and so on but it hasn't come to systematic violence yet.
Of course, other methods employed by fascism - propaganda and shouting down of opinions - are also present to some degree in the United States. Nevertheless a country in which opinion polls are regularly published showing 30% approval ratings is doing a very poor job of destroying freedom of speech.
Obviously the foundations are laid by non-violent action but ultimately there has to be the terror of the boot stamping down on the face.
Fascism can allow for freedom of religion, but usually it's limited to several religions that the fascist consider valuable.
Thus destroying the essential point, which is individual choice, and subverting it to the state's ends.
However, most if not all prominent fascists were anti-secular - Mussolini, Hitler and perhaps the most striking example, Franco, united the clergy with their movement (Franco's rule had arguably the worst consequences for secularism among all fascist movements).
Also, fascism does allow free movement, if you mean travelling both inside the country and abroad, as far as I can see.
Sorry I don't know why I mentioned that. Conceded. I was on a silly roll mentioning 'freedom of' things.
Secret police is an important feature; however, we could see the US having a similar feature with the intelligence angencies affairs.
Outside the United States? Definitely, especially considering the shit done in the name of fighting communism. Inside? Not so sure.
Of course, all of those features in the US are not as strong as in fullblown fascism
I think they're stronger at different levels and places in American society. Anti-atheist sentiment is obviously strong in the US Senate and major-level US politics where no Senator is a self-admitted atheist, and where secularists atheists are publicly derided by the Romneys and Bush 41s of the world and in opinion polls stating 'no atheist, even well-qualified, for president'. However, on the Internet, plenty of Americans are openly atheist without fear of reprisal, unless I'm massively missing something here. There are obvious geographical divisions as well.
(although intelligence agencies and their torture and mind-altering methods, developed from the 50s but only massively used in the recent history of US without much concern for legalities, really do resemble practices of fascism).
However, they don't seem to be applied systematically enough to the US population itself, if at all. I'm not saying it's okay to torture foreigners but the US instances of this are not so much fascist as they are simple imperialism, and misguidedly jockeying to protect their interests.
Fascism to my mind must include a major element of forcibly subordinating everyone to the state and ideology, and it makes sense that you would start with your own citizens first.
"Show me a commie pilot with some initiative, and I'll show you a Foxbat in Japan."