Scars of Mustafar (COMPLETED 1/14/09)

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Darth Fanboy
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Chapter 23: Dual Nature

There was an old saying that “Jedi never needed a locksmith,” and it had never been more true than it was on the sealed bridge of the frigate that Obi Wan was about to single handedly take on.

The doors on the bridge had been sealed and power cut to the compartment as control of the ship was shifted to the auxiliary bridge. Obi Wan had elected to use the Force, rather than risk showering his life supporting equipment with sparks from cutting the doors open with his lightsaber. With one outward shove the door began to buckle, a second burst enough of the metal away that Obi Wan could climb through. Looking to his left, he could hear the low rumble of a destroyer droid heading right for him.

Destroyer droids, or droidekas as they were referred to by their Trade Federation handlers, were one of the most lethal anti personnel weapons in the galaxy, and were strong enough to give all but the most elite Jedi a run for their money.

But Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker though, had discovered the perfect counterattack.

Obi Wan gathered the Force to him and waited until the destroyer droid rounded the corner, one of the few weaknesses the droid possessed was that it wouldn’t move into attack mode until it had a direct line of sight with the target. Most times the target would use the additional seconds to run or find a defensive position. But during a hard fought battle in the Outer Rim, Obi Wan and Anakin learned that the droids were highly vulnerable in their mobile, rolling form.

Before the droideka could react, Obi Wan reached out with his gloved fist and clenched it tight. The Force did the rest of the work, enveloping the oncoming droideka and crushing it in on itself. The once lethal automaton was now little more than debris, at least to everyone except Obi Wan. Lifting the useless pile of scrap in front of him, Obi Wan sent it back in the direction that it came from. The round pile of junk was now a projectile which rounded back along the corridor, gaining speed as it moved closer to terminal velocity.

Then it crashed in to a squad of Super Battle Droids. Caught completely off guard with an attack that their programmed had not enabled them to anticipate, over a dozen droids were smashed into junk with such strength that the corridor was now a complete mess of exposed wire and bulkheads.

Obi Wan was moving with purpose, and he was as one with the Force as he had ever been since the Battle of Utapau. Moving past the droid wreckage, he continued further into the ship, seeking out his quarry and a working communications terminal.

“If I can contact Slayke I just might be able to get out of this mess.” Obi Wan hoped.

Lott Dod stood from his desk in the secured VIP Lounge he had retreated to after his order had been put inot action. “The Jedi is still alive ? That’s impossible!” The former Senator’s skin color drained into a sickening bright pink. “You said they were both dead!”

“Both of the targets were spaced Excellency, neither of them could have survived.”

Dod walked over to the flustered soldier and grabbed him by the head, almost slamming it into the console in order to put the surprised soldier’s eyes in front of the screen. “Does this Jedi look dead to you?!” Dod screamed as he forced the soldier to watch a recorded from the various security cameras near Obi Wan’s position. The soldier’s silence was answer enough for Lott Dod, who fumbled with his own fingers.

“Send in the Brutes.” Dod ordered.

“But Excellency!” The soldier protested, “That would risk destroying us as well as the Jedi!”

“The Jedi destroyed our last droideka. Battle Droids are useless, what other options do we have? Send in your troops and lead the Jedi into the holding area. We will deal with the brutes after they’ve killed the Jedi.”

A pair of early model battle droids opened fire on Obi Wan as he entered the main transceiver control room. Walking slowly towards the two droids he deflected every blaster bolt carefully so that it couldn’t damage the vulnerable control panels. When he was close enough, he cut the droids down with a quick flurry of strikes that decimated both droids.

The Munificent class of Frigates all carried a powerful hyperwave transceiver that helped to build a powerful communications network for the Banking Clan. When San Hill defected to the Confederacy, he brought enough of the ships with him to build a military network for the Confederacy. It was powerful enough to send transmissions halfway across the galaxy, more than enough for what Obi Wan needed to reach his crew onboard Battlehymn .

He worked with the controls, but the transceiver was locked down as well.

“Looks like I’ll have to find Senator Dod first.” No sooner had the thought crossed his mind when it was struck with a peculiar sensation. Obi Wan sensed the danger of more attackers coming from behind him, but he could also perceive his attacker’s intent, and judging by the incredible amount of fear emanating from them, they were unquestionably Neimoidian.

A trio of Neimoidian Warrior cut off Obi Wan’s route out of the room and took aim with their blaster rifles. Ever the Jedi, Obi Wan backed into a defensive stance and halted his offensive against the living targets. Emboldened by what they thought was initial success the Neimoidians pressed forward, with two more joining the attack. After several volleys Obi Wan completely lost his patience and began reflecting the shots back at the Neimoidians in an attempt to scare them off. Four broke and ran but one of the Neimoidians decided to try one last time to take his shot at bringing down the Jedi. He fired a short burst that Obi Wan sent right back at him, killing the attacker and injuring one of his fleeing cohorts who was just a step too slow in exiting the room. The injured Neimoidian dropped face first onto the deck, his weapon slid across the floor at impact.

Obi Wan moved over to the still breathing soldier and used his toe to turn him over; he was cursing and pleading in his native language, Pak-Pak, which was a series of guttural tones Obi Wan couldn’t even begin to understand. As much as he abhorred violence, time was of the essence and fear was an excellent motivator. Obi Wan pointed the end of his blade at the soldier’s head close enough so that the heat of the blade’s tip singed the skin on his forehead.

“Tell me where Lott Dod is.” Obi Wan demanded. Spoken through the vocabulator, the words were immensely threatening.

“He…..he….if I tell…” The soldier cried.

Obi Wan retracted the blade and placed his hand on the soldier’s head. Through the Force, Obi Wan could tell that he was dying. The bolt had penetrated his armor and the stench of ozone and cooked flesh was unmistakable.

“I can ease your suffering if you would like.” Obi Wan told the Neimoidian softly. The Neimoidian offered no resistance, bracing himself for what he believed would be a swift decapitation. Instead, Obi Wan clutched the soldier’s hand. He drew from the Force and allowed it to soothe the dying soldier. It would not save his life, but the Force had already set to work disconnecting pain receptors and increasing the flow of endorphins.

The Neimoidian took a deep, labored breath and smiled. “Dodd is in the tank room…but you can’t....”

“Easy, save your strength.” Obi Wan pleaded.

“Too late for that Jedi…beware the brutes…” Obi Wan bowed his head, and reached his fingers down to close the Neimoidian’s eyes. Obi Wan pondered the meaning of the fallen soldier’s last words but with little avail.

“I’ve never heard of a ‘tank room’ on any Banking Clan ship…”

A few seconds passed until Obi Wan felt a spike in the force, a sudden burst of rage and unbridled anger appeared instantly.

“I guess that must be the brutes.”

Obi Wan made his way towards what he assumed would be the tank room, using the center of the hateful disturbance as a homing signal. When he was about one hundred meters away he was besieged by another group of Neimoidian Soldiers. There were twenty of them, and Obi Wan could sense that they were far less excitable than their colleagues from before.

With a heavy heart Obi Wan reignited his lightsaber, hoping that he wouldn’t have to kill too many of them.

Their own ship impounded, the Jedi in custody aboard the Akhabra were instead transported to the surface of Coruscant aboard a Kappa class shuttle. The ship descended into the atmosphere, and before long they were safely docked at one of Coruscant’s millions of sky platforms. Led by Tholme, they filed out of the shuttlecraft under the close watch of stormtroopers, each of them holding powerful sonic weapons that were effective crowd control, and anti-Jedi weapons.

Waiting for them at the other end of the Platform was a LAAT Gunship, and standing before it was Depa Billaba herself. To her right was the Jedi Master left behind on New Coronet, Roblio Darte.

“My friends,” Master Darte called out as he stepped past Master Billaba, “It is good to see you all alive and well! But where are Masters Shryne and Vos?”

There was a brief panic from some of the Jedi, but Master Tholme took control of the situation. “Master Vos’ injuries were too great, even if he still lives he could not have made the trip. Master Shryne declined the offer in part to tend to Master Vos’ injuries, for which he feels responsible.”

“A lie,” thought Depa Billaba, who was keeping her keen ears focused on Darte’s blundering questions in order to detect useful pieces of information. “But a passable one. ” Considering Tholme’s incredible talents with the more subtle aspects of the Force, she could not be completely certain he was lying and she had no evidence to prove it even if she were certain.

“I see,” Master Darte’s head hung solemnly. “It was a fierce battle that we fought, but in the end it was worthwhile. Because of events like those on New Coronet, the Empire is beginning to see our true worth.”

“You mean our potential threat.” Master Shadday countered as she stepped towards the front of the Jedi in order to place herself in the middle of the conversation.

Master Darte dismissed her comment with a wave of his hand. “The Empire now realizes they cannot keep the peace without us. Hundreds of systems are in turmoil right now, and they require wisdom, not force, in order to restore peace.”

Shadday remained unimpressed. “The Empire is lacking in wisdom, on that we can agree.”

Master Darte turned to look behind his shoulder for assistance from Master Billaba, but he did not need to. She had already walked to the forefront to meet Shadday’s stare head on.

“Master Shadday, I can certainly understand your skepticism. But you must realize that we are the ones in the precarious situation here.” Depa looked around to address the entire group. “I’m sure you are all aware of the nature of the ‘Jedi Rebellion’ which precipitated the order to terminate all Jedi?”

The group nodded their heads with acknowledgement, Depa continued. “Master Windu made the mistake of attempting to remove Chancellor Palpatine from power without first consulting the Senate. The audio recordings from the Chancellor’s office clearly indicate that Master Windu had made it his own personal duty to end the fighting at all costs. Unfortunately, in his quest for peace, he chose violence over reason. Fearful that the entire Jedi Order was complicit, Palpatine turned the clone army against us.”

“That doesn’t explain what happened to Master Windu though; I doubt that Palpatine could have handled a Jedi Padawan, let alone four members of the Jedi Council.” Shadday scoffed.

Depa Billaba’s voice turned sour. “The Four Jedi Masters were all defeated by Anakin Skywalker, upon learning of Master Windu’s intentions General Skywalker immediately renounced the Order and took it upon himself to stop Master Windu.”

The news that the Chosen One had forsaken the Jedi and sided so closely with Palpatine had unsettled most of the Jedi Masters. Tholme lamented that one of Yoda’s greatest fears had come to pass.

“However,” Master Billaba added, “General Skywalker has stated in private to me his intentions of rejoining the Order based on the outcome of tomorrow’s meeting with the Ambassador.”

“And who might that be?” Shadday remarked, her impatience evident.

Depa offered the information freely, knowing it would only serve the Jedi with more discord. “Imperial Ambassador Padme Amidala Skywalker will be conducting the meeting, and I suggest that you treat her with the utmost respect, General Skywalker is quite protective of her.” Depa Billaba turned to Roblio Darte and offered him a short bow. “Master Darte, if you would please take Master Tholme and the others to the skyhook. Ambassador Amidala and I have preparations to make.

“Of course,” Darte returned the bow, and motioned back towards the shuttle. “Master Tholme, we have been granted a currently unused Seinar Systems skyhook for as long as it takes. When we arrive I will let the other Masters aboard know that you have arrived.”

“Of course Master Darte, but do not let our sudden good fortunate cloud your judgment.”

Darte was taken aback. “Your distrust is unwarranted. Master Billaba personally lobbied for my release and the restoration of our order has come about almost entirely from her efforts.”

“I only ask you to be mindful. Convenience is treachery’s greatest disguise.”

Obi Wan entered the dimly lit chamber. The edges of his clothing were slightly scorched from blaster fire but Obi Wan and his life supporting equipment were entirely unharmed. The same could not be said for the score of dead Neimoidians in his wake. Their determination to kill Obi Wan had forced the Jedi Master to end their lives in self defense, much to Obi Wan’s chagrin.

The “tank room” was little more than the secondary cargo hold, crudely converted into some sort of laboratory. Obi Wan recognized the large cylindrical equipment as similar to the cloning tanks he had seen on his first trip to Kamino, but much larger.

Clanging footsteps thundered behind Obi Wan, and he turned expecting to come face to face with some as yet unseen type of battle droid, until he noticed that the approaching targets were the source of the intense anger he was sensing with the Force.

The Neimoidian Brutes were elite members of the Neimoidian Gunnery Battalion specially selected for their ill tempers and genetically altered to be bigger, stronger, and even more violent. Standing over a full head taller than an average human, and wielding a two meter vibromace that could smash a living being into pulp, the Brutes were among the most uncontrollable weapons in the Trade Federation military, so uncontrollable that they were used only in very desperate situations. Obi Wan Kenobi was now set to face three of them.

Obi Wan knew nothing about the brutes other than that they were scary enough that Neimoidians would rather rush headfirst into battle against a Jedi Master with a lightsaber than risk running into a Brute. Obi Wan almost hoped Lot Dodd was watching this, and he was sure that he was, because Obi Wan knew that defeating these brutes would surely frighten the duplicitous Senator beyond belief.

His theory was confirmed almost immediately. Lot Dodd’s unmistakable whimpering made itself heard over a loudspeaker somewhere in the room. “That’s the Jedi! Kill him! Kill him!”

The Brutes acknowledged with a trio of battle cries, one of them immediately turned to Obi Wan, bringing his vibromace down right where Obi Wan stood. Obi Wan anticipated it perfectly and stepped to the side, the impact of the strike was so great that it damaged the reinforced flooring. Before Obi Wan could respond in kind the other two Brutes were all over him, swing their weapons in tandem with great speed. It took all of Obi Wan’s concentration to avoid their attacks.

Another huge downward strike nearly connected as the third Brute joined in the attack and Obi Wan realized that the Brutes were attempting to back him into a corner. He knew that his counter attack had to come quickly.

With his lightsaber in hand He swiped it across the floor in front of him, creating a wave of sparks that momentarily distracted the Brutes, he then leaped straightforward, accelerated by the forced, and knocked the Brute directly in front of him onto his back with a crash that shook the room. The other two Brutes, sensing an opportunity attempted to finish the fight permanently by splattering Obi Wan all across the deck. Their attacks missed a rolling Obi Wan, and instead struck their comrade in the center of his chest. The armor caved in and Obi Wan could see blood and bile oozing out from cracks in the armor as the injured Brute gasped for air that his lungs could no longer provide. Enraged at their error, the two remaining Brutes charged forward, only to be met with a concussive blast of the Force. Only one of the Brutes faltered at the attack, and the other continued the Charge and took another swing at Obi Wan.

But the Jedi Master was far from done with his offensive. He brought his blade upwards and met the Brute’s Swing head on, lightsaber and vibromace smashed together with great force and it was the Brute who was forced to give ground. Obi Wan attacked again, this time splitting the mace into two. His follow up attack beheaded the Brute. The final Brute stood, seething, and caught Obi Wan off guard as he threw his weapon. Obi Wan had little time to react and the best he could do was turn to the side to protect his breathing equipment. The blunt end of the mace hit him in the side of his ribcage and knocked him to the ground, the armored helmet preventing an almost certain concussion.

Obi Wan attempted to get back to his feet when the Brute came up from behind and grabbed him by the back of the neck, intending to snap it with his massive hand. As the brute squeezed hard on the armor around Obi Wan’s neck, Obi Wan reached out with the Force and seized the sundered vibromace. He propelled the blunt end of the Mace towards the Brute with speed. The Brute dodged the attack, dropping Obi Wan in the process, but failed to anticipate the other half of the mace. The handle coursed right for the Brute’s face and impaled the behemoth through one of his eyes, lancing back into his brain and quickly ending his life.

The anger of the Brutes was now gone, replaced by a blossoming feeling of fear. Obi Wan picked up the trail of the fear, knowing it would lead him directly to Lot Dodd.

Darth Cynyst, Lady of the Sith, bowed before the image of her master, brimming with confidence. “All of the preparations have been made my Lord. Tomorrow we can finally end all of the charades.”

The image of Darth Sidious flickered slightly. “You are not the first apprentice of mine who has made such a statement Lady Cynyst.” Sidious held back the specific fact that similar statements had almost immediately preceded the deaths of two of his previous apprentices: Darth Maul on Coruscant before his failure in the Battle of Naboo, and Darth Tyranus aboard the Invisible Hand.

“I speak only of the truth my Master. Tomorrow will see the end of our enemies.”

“So it shall. For your sake I hope that your other enterprise is as fruitful.”

Cynyst was still dumbfounded as to how Lord Sidious had learned of her plan to use Kar Vastor to assassinate Lord Vader, but his refusal to oust her intentions to her rival allowed her to continue as planned.

“I assure you of its great success Master. With Amidala dead and the Jedi to blame the Order will be hunted down even without our forces pursuing them throughout the galaxy. People will rally to the Imperial cause for justice and peace!”

The Dark Lord of the Sith had little else to say to her. “See to it then; because others are rising to take your place Lady Cynyst, and I will not hesitate to replace with a more capable apprentice should one arise.”

The transmission ended abruptly. Sidious had to be distracted by something important if he wasn’t in the mood to be indulged with the shameful displays of loyalty he usually commanded from his subordinates before ending a conversation.

She found herself already dialing in the frequency of the transmitter she had given Kar Vastor. Due to his inability to converse normally, she sent only a short text file with the details necessary to carry out her instructions, the time of her departure, and the beginning of the actual talks among them. These times were important, because the attack had to be timed so that Anakin Skywalker could in no way perceive any danger to his wife. A failsafe in case Kar Vastor were killed.

As night fell over the center of the Imperial City, Darth Cynyst began envisioning her eventual ascension as a Sith Lord.

“He’s coming! There’s no time left! Get my shuttle ready!” A panicked Lott Dod began gathering some of his prized possessions into his arms, hoping to make his escape.

Dod’s attaché, the Neimoidian Gunnery Officer, was melancholy in his response. “Excellency, your shuttle was spaced during your first attempt to kill the Jedi.”

“Then find me another one!” Dod was still scurrying around, frantically attempting to hide evidence of his schemes from his pursuer. “What about the escape pods?”

“The Jedi will reach us by the time we reach the nearest pod. Besides Excellency, you have a bigger problem to worry about.” The anxiety had drained from the officer’s voice and Lot Dodd ceased ransacking his own apartment to berate his minion. It turned out to be a futile gesture.

The strong sense of fear Obi Wan had been using to track Lot Dodd was suddenly gone. Perplexed at the meaning of this, Obi Wan proceeded down the final hallway and opened the door to the private suite in the adjacent section of the ship to the cargo hold. It was favored location for executives who loathed being far apart from their personal possessions. It had been strangely quiet since the fight in the Tank Room, he had advanced from that point on undisturbed, but the quiet at Dodd’s location was even stranger.

Obi Wan opened the door and saw the corpse of Lot Dodd slumped over a desk next to an open data terminal, a pile of statuettes and credit chits lay on the floor as if they had been tossed without regard. Obi Wan turned the body of Lot Dodd over to find that the former Senator had a gaping blaster wound in his chest. Obi Wan sensed another presence nearby and he turned to see the Gunnery Officer on a sofa in the adjacent room, his blaster on the table in front of him

“Former Senator Dodd was hoping to assume former Senator Mothma’s underground spy and supply network”, the Officer explained, “the gauntlet you faced was also entirely of his design. I used all of his command codes to unlock the ship’s systems. You can contact your ship at any time.”

Obi Wan tried to read the Neimoidian with the Force, but his will was strong and not easily read or manipulated. “Was it necessary to kill him?”

“I did it, because I know that you could not. I saw your kindness to my brother in the transceiver room, and I saw how my former superior callously sent more of my brothers to die by your hand. I felt it was time to enact the justice he deserved. Do what you will with me.”

Obi Wan considered the Neimoidian soldier for a minute. “Very well then I’m placing you in charge of this ship.”

“What?!” the Officer leapt to his feet with surprise.

“You’re the senior most Officer left aboard this ship are you not? If I am going to annex this ship into my task force I need someone to serve as acting Captain.”

The Gunnery Officer pulled the helmet off of his head and tossed it to the side; he then gave Obi Wan a crisp salute. “What is your command sir?”

“First things first, contact the Battlehymn and have them send over a shuttle to get me. While you’re waiting for further instructions, change the IFF signature of this ship to match her new designation, and update the crew as well.”

“Very good sir, may I ask what the new designation is?”

Obi Wan considered it for a moment; he then looked his new comrade right in the eye and found his answer.

“This ship, from now on, shall be known as the Hammer of Retribution.”
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)

"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
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Post by Sidewinder »

Good chapter. Looks like the story is about to end with a bang. Is Obi-Wan going to BDZ the Imperial Palace and/or Skywalker Ranch to get Anakin?
Please do not make Americans fight giant monsters.

Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.

They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
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Darth Fanboy
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Sidewinder wrote:Good chapter. Looks like the story is about to end with a bang. Is Obi-Wan going to BDZ the Imperial Palace and/or Skywalker Ranch to get Anakin?
End? We haven't even BEGUN to see the endgame yet.


What I mean by that is, there a lot more good stuff that has tome come into play before we can say we're almost at the end. The stakes are going to get raised much higher.
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)

"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Nice chapter. I like Obi-Wan's sadness when it comes to killing actually people as oppsoed to droids. And the brute fight was pretty damn nifty. Although I'm surprised Obi-Wan wasn't concerned about his life-support systems after he'd taken a mace to the chest. Especially after his concerns about mere sparks earlier in the chapter.
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Darth Fanboy
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Crazedwraith wrote:Although I'm surprised Obi-Wan wasn't concerned about his life-support systems after he'd taken a mace to the chest. Especially after his concerns about mere sparks earlier in the chapter.
He took it in the side of his ribs, he only had enough time to keep his chest equipment from taking a direct hit.
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)

"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
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Darth Fanboy
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Chapter 24: Tranquility's End

When an entire city covers a planet, daylight was nothing special; the calendar would not change to the next day until the sun was directly above the Galactic Timekeepers Bureau along the planet’s Prime Meridian.

To the Skywalker family though, the appearance of Coruscant Prime in the morning sky was of great importance. Unlike most wealthy families, who allowed droids to handle much of the child rearing grunt work, Anakin and Padme wanted to be true parents to their twins. A balcony on the third story of their home provided an excellent view of the sun rising over the Manarai Mountains, and a trio of housekeeping droids had prepared and served an excellent breakfast.

Life was perfect.

With a Sigh, Padme rose from her seat and delivered Leia over to Anakin, who was already cradling Luke in his arms. “It’s time Ani.”

“So soon?” he frowned, “It’s not even mid morning yet.”

“The sooner I start, the sooner I can come home. Then we can talk more about our vacation.” She paused and held her hands up around Anakin and the children as if they were a frame for a wall mounted holo image. “I want to remember you three just like this while I’m gone.” She smiled.

They said their goodbyes and only minutes later, a waiting Speeder arrived to take Padme to her next destination. The children began to cry as soon as their mother had departed, and Anakin devoted all of his concentration into soothing them.

A chime rang out on his communicator, he examined it. It was from one of the Clone officers he had assigned to keep him informed regarding the follow up mission monitoring Another Chance. He ignored it, confident that it was handled to his satisfaction and far more concerned with enjoying the rest of his day.

Anakin was far too distracted to notice the dark surge in the Force, a surge that threatened to sweep over his new estate and wash everything away towards oblivion.

Tholme had finally managed a few hours sleep aboard the Skyhook but the nagging sensation of danger tore him from his slumber. The Force seethed with an ice-cold power that caused the Jedi Master to shiver. It was a rare, but not unfamiliar feeling.

“I’ve never felt the Dark Side so prevalent on Coruscant before. Something is very wrong”

He had just finished dressing when he heard a knock on the door to his quarters. He opened the door and looked around for a second before noticing the shorter Padawan in front of him. He recognized the young girl, but could not immediately recall her name.

“Ah…Esterhazy is it?”

The girl scowled for but a brief moment, and then relaxed. “It’s ok Master Tholme, it happens to me all the time. Everyone calls me Scout.”

Tholme nearly hit himself in the head, he remembered the young girl as a previous winner of the Apprentice Tournament. Her cunning had attracted Tholme’s notice, but his involvement with the war effort kept him from following her career more closely.

“Well then, Scout it is. I take it you didn’t just come to my quarters to introduce yourself though?”

Ever the child, Scout cursed under her breath and attempted to jog her memory. “Oh! Yes, sorry Master, my apologies! Master Shadday wanted me to let you know that some of the Masters have already begun preparations in the executive lounge.

Tholme smiled. “I appreciate the consideration, you can tell the Masters that I will join them shortly, and be sure to thank them for letting me sleep.” Scout turned to walk away but Tholme stopped her.

“Padawan, wait one moment,” Scout stopped and turned as Tholme asked his question. “May I ask how it is that you managed to make it all the way to Coruscant?”

Scout held her head down, it was evident on her face that the memory was painful but shedid not hesitate to recall her tale.

“I had been assigned on a mission to Vjun along with Master Jai Maruk…”

Scout explained her participation in the mission to Vjun in support of Yoda, who was planning to meet with Count Dooku. Along the way Jai Maruk had been killed, the second of Scout’s teachers to die in combat during her training. Briefly, she recalled her return from Vjun with Masters Yoda, Kenobi, and Skywalker, along with the Padawan Whie Malreaux.

“After Master Maruk died, all I could think about was completing the mission and honoring his memory. But when I made it back to Coruscant, I was back in the same situation I had been in before, there weren’t enough Masters left to take on all of the remaining Padawans.”

“Master Yoda however noticed that, despite my weakness in the Force that I did have a good sense of precognition. I was immediately transferred to Kamparas.”

Things started to make sense to Tholme. “The Jedi Pilot’s Academy.”

Scout nodded her head. “Master Yoda said that I had a good future as a fighter pilot, and that Padawans at the academy on Kamparas could reach Knighthood without the exclusive tutelage of one Jedi Master, but that it would be a lot more difficult. I was doing quite well there, and I was about to receive a Commission as Commander of a fighter wing. Then…” Scout was beginning to get choked up, “…a Star Destroyer showed up just as the news of General Grievous’ death was reaching us. My training squadron was doing a practice reconnaissance mission as the entire Academy was slagged from orbit. The Hyperspace rings on our Delta 7’s were in orbit above the planet and we tried to make a run for it but we were caught by a swarm of V-Wings and ARC-170s.” She was openly crying now and tears flooded down her face. “I was the only one who managed to dock with a ring before the others were destroyed, two of my friends died covering me as I plugged in the coordinates for hyperspace.”

Tholme repressed a gasp, this girl was tough and had survived as much combat and tragedy as a Padawan as any other student before her.

They remained silent for a time until Tholme dried the tears from her eyes with his thumb. “Thank you Scout, I know it must have been difficult, I am sorry to have put you through that.”

She sniffled. “It’s okay Master Tholme, really. Master Yoda taught me that being honest and celebrating the lives of those who have fallen is better than holding back grief and being consumed by anger.”

“A wiser Master there never will be,” Tholme said, trying to reassure the girl. “I hope that one day we will learn of his whereabouts. In due time, I am sure that he will return from hiding and lead the Jedi once again. ”

Scout’s face broke into a small smile, and her spirits lifted. With a short bow she took off at a jog down the hall, continuing with her errand.”
It had been a terrifying, yet optimistic tale of survival that had allowed Tholme a brief respite from the cold that had by now permeated his veins. He would discuss this feeling with the other Masters.

“A pity that as a Jedi I do not believe in luck, because I could sure use some good fortune just about now.”

“Has the ambassador arrived yet?”

Depa Billaba remained on her knee, bowed to the image towering over her. The Emperor had recently taken a liking to having his image projected from the neck up at a monstrous size. Annoying as it was, Depa knew that he controlled the lives of every being on the planet, including her own.

“Ambassador Amidala is on her way; our shuttle will be departing within the hour for the Seinar Skyhook.”

“Excellent, I trust you have prepared an expedient death for her, one easily blamed on the Jedi?”

“Yes my master, there is no death more identifiable than that by lightsaber. There are enough Padawans aboard to easily manipulate into a murder suicide. Even if the Jedi suspect outside involvement, they will not have a shred of credibility.”

“You have done well Lady Cynyst, but there is one more thing I would have you do.”

“Anything, my Master.”

“I want Quinlan Vos implicated as Amidala’s assassin.”

Cynyst held back the shock from her face. “But my Lord, Quinlan Vos is…”

“I realize that Vos is nowhere to be found, it suits our intentions perfectly. When your puppet Kar Vastor fails to bring down Lord Vader, the search for Amidala’s killer will carry him to the ends of the galaxy to hunt down Vos, rather than looking back at Coruscant at you and I.”

Irritated, Depa raised her haid to persuade her Master of her plot’s merit. “Master, I assure you that Kar Vastor will not…”

“Do not presume to be able to question my decisions Lady Cynyst.”

She flinched; it had been an unwise move to attempt to question her Master. “I am sorry my Lord, I only live to serve your will.”

“You may yet die at my will Lady Cynyst. Do not speak to me again until either Padme Amidala is dead or until you decide to forfeit your life.”

The image faded, Palpatine’s displeasure was evident to Depa based on his abrupt departure. Depa stood and moved back to the communications terminal, sending a small text only message via the keypad. As she completed the message transmission, a clone trooper arrived to inform her that Padme Amidala was aboard the shuttle, ready to depart for the Skyhook.

“I look forward to ending this miserable charade, one Skywalker at a time. Once the parents are gone, I’ll take care of the children. The secrets of the Sith will be mine.”

The message she sent had been short, but it’s contents were far from unimportant. It was only one sentence, but it was enough to ignite a firestorm of events that would accelerate her ascension to Dark Lady of the Sith.

The time has come, kill Anakin Skywalker,

“Master Tholme, you’ve decided to join us.” Shadday smirked as Tholme entered the room. “While you’ve been catching up on some badly needed beauty sleep, we’ve begun working out the intial terms we are going to ask for from the Empire. We think we can restructure the Order just enough to… ”

“There will be no restructuring.” Tholme said.

Visibly disturbed by Tholme’s words, the assembled Jedi Masters suddenly began speaking inhushed tones to each other with many of them giving Tholme a wary eye.

“Troubling news indeed Tholme,” Shadday had locked her state on him and was not even blinking, “do you have any reason for such a statement or are you having second thoughts about returning to Coruscant?”

Tholme went right to the point. “I felt a tremor in the Force, a terrible upheaval emanates from Coruscant’s surface. I fear that it targets us; we need to consider a contingency escape plan immediately.”

Another Jedi Master spoke up, Tholme recognized her as Fy-Tor-Ana, a skilled Jedi who wasone of the Jedi Temple’s most prominent instructors. “Strange then, that none of us have felt such a tremor Master Tholme. Is there something that you are not telling us?”

“There is nothing I withhold from any of you. I am not suggesting that we abandon our hopes of rebuilding the Order, only that we prepare in case of…”

Tholme’s mind was suddenly disconnected from his body. His view of the others in the room around him faded to white, his vision was slowly adjusting to what felt like a bright light, and he could only make out vague images. He could see the Skyhook, and a great explosion, an intense wave of suffering rippled outward from the station, and Tholme tried to close his eyes as he saw the images of young Jedi burning and writhing in pain.

“Tholme!” A voice shouted, but was quickly drowned out by a large explosion that thundered in THolme’s ears, deafening him.

Suddenly Tholme was again able to close his eyes; he blinked several times and looked back around the room again. He was back in the executive lounge with a dozen or so other Jedi Masters once more.

“Tholme!” He could recognize the sharp, feminine voice of Shadday. “What is the matter?”

Tholme rubbed his hand against his forehead; a dull throbbing ache was slowly taking over his senses. “A vision…something is going to happen to the station.” He reached up to his ears, they felt wet. He pulled his fingers away and noticed that blood had trickled onto his fingertips.

“We need a ship…soon.”

After the success of Operation: Knightfall, and the high accolades placed upon them at the conclusion of the war, Anakin Skywalker had personally placed the 501st Legion under his own command. Dubbed “Skywalker’s Fist”, the 501st responded to the honor in kind by attaching one regiment of the Legion in a rotating assignment as General Skywalker’s honor guard.

Clone Sergeant Fox and two of his troopers stood watch at their post at the front gate. Such a watch was necessary because of Ambassador Amidala-Skywalker’s insistence against remote defenses and shield generators. The troopers liked to joke about how marrying a General was the best way to advance in the chain of command, but did not complain about the additional work. Commander Appo though, had adopted General Skywalker’s concerns about Jedi assassination attempts, and instilled upon each regiment serving as honor guard to stay vigilant with their duty, soft as it may seem. The trio of clones had taken up a very visible position at the front entrance of the estate to discourage paparazzi and trespassers.

“Hey Sarge,” asked one of the troopers. “Why aren’t we being posted to escort Mrs. Skywalker?”

Fox tapped on his helmet indicating that the trooper should use the comlink in his helmet, best not to let any passers by see they were being slightly less than diligent at the moment. “Beats me 523, probably because you and 692 over there haven’t taken on any names yet and they don’t want to go around reciting your service number whenever they need you.”

“I’m telling you ‘Five Two Three’ is my name! I’m part of the DV batch until the day I die. Besides, look what taking a name has done for those Mando-clonian deviants who spend too much time in the history books. I can’t understand half of the kriffing words they say.”

DV-523 was referring to the clone trooper “fad” of embracing their template’s Mandalorian background. “Jango Fett might have left us a little heritage, but you can blame the commandos for all of the Mando’a.” Fox replied in a tone that clearly indicated agreement. “It’s funny how they bred the commandos for increased independence, yet they’re the ones slavishly adhering to an outdated doctrine. If I had been the template, I guarantee you my clones would be trained to be soldiers, not bounty hunters.”

Six Nine Two chimed in, “What I want to know is what idiot on the Holonet saw that there were 3 million units of clones when the war started and thought that it meant that there were only 3 million soldiers? Don’t these karking hacks know it takes more than 3 million soldiers to prosecute a galactic campaign against…what the…?”

Fox and Five-Two-Three looked at Six-Nine-Two and waited for a second for his punch line, when they saw that he was looking into the distance behind them, they each turned and configured their helmet displays accordingly. Several hundred meters down the thoroughfare was a high speed object, coming in fast.

Sergeant Fox was the first to react, letting the instincts he developed from countless battles take over. There was no doubt that whatever this was it was heading right for their position. “Grab your DC-15s and get ready, Six-Nine-Two, call the guard and get everything they have over here. Looks like we’re in for a fight…”

The target was now well within range of the naked eye. It continued on its path and single handed knocked a passing speeder out of its way on two different occasions. Each time the wrecked vehicle was deflected towards the buildings lining the street, scattering crowds and creating a panic.

Five-Two-Three was the first to get off a shot as he let loose with a burst of fire. A short burst of purple shots from his advanced rifle flew through the air towards their mark. Normally it was enough to take down a Super Battle Droid dead in its tracks, but this time the shots were deflected away quickly. Fox joined in and the two attempted to lay down a blanket of fire while Six-Nine-Two keyed in the distress signals to his comlink as fast as he could.

The target closed the distance before Six-Nine-Two could finish, the communicator was smashed before the clone could notify General Skywalker personally. Fox screamed for his men to take cover, but the words failed to escape his mouth. The target rose up one of his heavy shields and crushed Sergeant Fox’s helmet with a violent strike, creating a huge caved in dent at the top of his skull. Five-Two-Three looked over to see blood oozing down Fox’s collar, and he knew that there was no way he could have survived.

The stranger, whom Five-Two-Three identified as a human, as the target stood over Sergeant Fox he raised his DC-15 at close range, intending to fire a hole in the stranger big enough to fly a Star Destroyer through. Before he could though the target turned around with amazing speed, Five-Two-Three took a step back and took aim but the blaster rifle was torn from his grip by some mysterious power.

“Kark! Is he a Jedi? He doesn’t look like a of Count Dooku’s acolytes maybe?

The clone attempted to raise his arms in a defensive posture, but the target brought one of his twin shields high up until the air, still covered in the blood of Sergeant Fox.

Six-Nine-Two however, was just in the nick of time. He began firing his gun on full auto, and the target was forced to break off his attack. The target held his shields up in front of his body and face, giving Five-Two-Three time enough to get to his feet and unclip a small device from his belt.

The blaster fire was no longer preventing the target from pressing his attack, but it was long enough for Five-Two-Three to jump onto the targets back, clutching him as tightly as possible while holding the round silvery object.

Six-Nine-Two instantly recognized what his brother was doing and stopped shooting as he turned his back on the action and ran. No words were exchanged between the two, but the message was clear and Six-Nine-Two knew that for as long as he lived he knew that if the roles were reversed, that Five-Two-Three would do the same.

He had to reach General Skywalker, and he couldn’t do that unless he was far enough away from Five-Two-Three’s thermal detonator when it exploded.

Anakin Skywalker had just heard the alarm klaxons begin to sound off, the twins screamed in his arms as he sat out on the balcony. He handed the twins to the nearby nanny droid, who began playing music in an attempt to soothe them. Anakin reached for his comlink and noticed that the beginning of a message was sent from the front guard but abruptly halted, as if the sender did not have time to finish the message.

Then, a ferocious explosion erupted, and Anakin could see the force of the blast pushing smoke and flame into the sky , pieces of debris that were flung into the air came crashing down all around.

The blast had been terrible, and Vastor had not expected the faceless clones of the Empire to make such a sacrifice. But thanks to the jet boots that he wore, he was able to break the clone’s grasp and be far enough from the center of the explosion that his shields could deflect enough of the blast to where he had little more than superficial scratches.

Complete surprise was now lost though, and Vastor knew that his fight with Skywalker would be a duel between two warriors and not the ambush that Depa Billaba had ordered. But that suited Kar Vastor just fine.

“This battle just got more interesting Skywalker; let’s hope you have half of the courage of your lackeys.”

Vastor trudged through the crater created by the blast in front of the Skywalker Ranch and smashed open the doors in front of him. He had not felt the thrill of searching for prey in years, and he drank in every possible second.
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)

"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
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Post by Sidewinder »

A good chapter. I anticipate the coming battle. This line raised some questions, though.
“I want Quinlan Vos implicated as Amidala’s assassin.”
I know you have a beef against Vos, but does Sidious? Why would Sidious specifically single out Vos as the target of Vader's rage? Because Vos might know certain secrets from his time as one of Tyrannus' lackies?
Please do not make Americans fight giant monsters.

Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.

They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
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Darth Fanboy
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Sidewinder wrote: I know you have a beef against Vos, but does Sidious? Why would Sidious specifically single out Vos as the target of Vader's rage? Because Vos might know certain secrets from his time as one of Tyrannus' lackies?
Tee Hee, Sidious is a master of Schemes within Schemes but this one is pretty obvious once it's revealed.
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)

"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Solid Chapter, Fanboy, And a very nice cliffhanger, But the debunking of Travissity's work was a little out of place and jarring for me. It didn't really fit with the flow of the story.
Edward Yee
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Post by Edward Yee »

Admittedly liked the potshots against the whole Mandalorian-wank (?) though by the clones. ;) Will any more of the 501st play a role in the events to come?

EDIT: Re: Mando-wank -- that is, I like this take on the clone troopers better than the one that Traviss gave the clones (and then Mandalorians).
"Yee's proposal is exactly the sort of thing I would expect some Washington legal eagle to do. In fact, it could even be argued it would be unrealistic to not have a scene in the next book of, say, a Congressman Yee submit the Yee Act for consideration. :D" - bcoogler on this

"My crystal ball is filled with smoke, and my hovercraft is full of eels." - Bayonet

Stark: "You can't even GET to heaven. You don't even know where it is, or even if it still exists."
SirNitram: "So storm Hell." - From the legendary thread
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Darth Fanboy
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Crazedwraith wrote:Solid Chapter, Fanboy, And a very nice cliffhanger, But the debunking of Travissity's work was a little out of place and jarring for me. It didn't really fit with the flow of the story.
comic relief :wink:

to be honest it's one part filler, one part setting up the scene for the Clones and Kar Vastor, and another part Anti-Traviss fanservice
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)

"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
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Darth Fanboy
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Chapter 25: An Angel, Condemned

Depa and Padme had just began boarding the shuttle when the detonator went off, although they were far out of normal human earshot, Depa’s Force-aided senses picked up the disturbance and panic created by the explosion. Satisfied that she could head for the Skyhook with her plans firmly underway, she boarded the shuttle, seating herself right next to Ambassador Amidala.

“May I Ambassador?” Depa said, gesturing at the empty seat next to Amidala.

“Oh, by all means please Master Billaba. I would be honored. I was meaning to ask you a few questions anyways.”

Depa took the seat, puzzled; Amidala was difficult to read clearly. “Questions about the talks with the Jedi I assume?”

“Oh nothing about that,” Padme replied. “I was just wondering if I could ask for some advice regarding Anakin. He’s been rather distracted over the idea of the Jedi Order being reformed; I just don’t understand what could have changed him so much. The Order and becoming a Jedi Master meant everything to him until that day…”

Depa sensed that there was a part of the story Amidala was reluctant to talk about, but it did not matter. Depa was less concerned with giving her sagely advice, and more concerned about finding the most efficient way to dispose of her, and for some reason unbeknownst to anyone in the galaxy except for Darth Sidious, implicate Quinlan Vos in the assassination.

“Betrayal can cause deep wounds, especially in those who value friendships and loyalty. General Skywalker will require lots of time if he is to ever again trust the Jedi. But if we do our job well enough, it might give him a reason to trust in the Jedi yet again.”

When the attendants overseeing the launch area had finished loading the necessary equipment into the shuttle they signaled to the pilot, who began the pre launch sequence. Because of Amidala’s status, the shuttle would require an aerial escort of at least a pair of fights. Two V-Wings from the planet’s defense force would handle that role, with the shuttle status monitored constantly from the ground.

Within minutes, the shuttle was in the air.

Six-Nine-Two swore up and down the hallway as he sprinted towards the veranda adjacent to the main dining hall.

“I don’t care how kriffing respected he is, nobody needs a house this big!”

He finally caught up to the General, who was hurriedly taking his children towards the Master Bedroom, arguably one of the most secured residential rooms on the planet.

“General Skywalker!” He called out, as he did, the General turned.

“What is it trooper? What was that explosion?”

“We have an intruder sir, and he’s…”

For the second time of the day, Kar Vastor interrupted Six-Nine-Two, but this time he did it much more effectively. Vastor burst through the wall to the side of Anakin and Six-Nine-Two. Anakin threw up a shield with the Force at the last possible second while the Clone was forced to rely on his army to protect him from much of the debris.

Anakin reached for his lightsaber and then spat out a curse. He had left his blade in the bedroom and there was no time to retrieve it. Vastor took advantage of the situation by slamming the Jedi to the side with one of his Vibroshields, he followed that attack up by calling on the force to send Six-Nine-Two face first into the ground, knocking him unconscious.

Vastor looked out of the corner of his eye and saw the nanny droid, desperately trying to reach the secured Master Bedroom, his eyes lit up and he readied himself for an attack when he was halted in mid stride.

“Don’t even LOOK at my children!” Anakin growled. Vastor struggled and started to break free of the grip, but Anakin pushed out with the force and tossed Vastor through the opposite wall, sending Kar Vastor careening into the courtyard outside and crashing into a bronzium statue commemorating the end of the Clone Wars. Vastor hit the statue hard, but stood up immediately after hitting the ground.

An angered Anakin Skywalker stalked through the hole he had made in his own home and called upon the Force again, attempting to topple the statue on to Vastor. Vastor noticed the attack and evaded it with a counterattack of his own, utilizing his jet boots he shot forward at Anakin and leaned forward with a Vibroshield. Anakin leapt high into the air but Vastor’s Force-enhanced anticipation helped him leap upwards at the last second as well. He followed Anakin into the air and grabbed him by the ankle, tossing him to the ground and causing the General to crash in a heap below. Attempting to the end the fight quickly, Vastor used the Jet boots to shoot himself downward, hoping to crush Anakin beneath his shields.

Anakin’s hand shot upwards into the sky from where he lay, he was experienced at dealing with Jet Booted warriors from his time on Jabiim. His Force grip crushed one of Vastor’s boots and twisted the leg around, sending Kar Vastor into an almost unctrollable spiral. Vastor crashed into a wall, but instead of crashing through it he hit it with a metallic clang. The build that wall was part of had been specially reinforced so shuttlecraft could land atop of it. Despite the pain Vastor picked himself up again. The Jet boots were ruined, but he still had his Vibroshields, and he still had the Force,

The two fighters picked themselves up and stood staring at each other for a brief second, no futher than 20 meters apart. They charged at each other, each of them seemingly wanting a close in confrontation. But when they were about five meters apart, Vastor unleashed one of his shields at full speed with a throw that would have decapitated anyone in the galaxy had it hit. The throw was made impossibly quick, too quick for the human eye to track.

But, with even more impossible speed, Anakin dodged. He leaned to his right out of harms way and came to a dead stop even faster than the shield had been thrown. Vastor was still running, and he didn’t stop until Anakin’s knee firmly connected with his stomach. Anakin reeled back with his leg to kick his bowled over assailant and nearly connected with his enemy’s face, but Vastor brought his arms in front of his face quickly enough to deflect the kick to the side. Anakin, now slightly off balance, called upon the Force to toss his opponent aside, Vastor counterattacked by using his own power to shield himself from Anakin’s attack and then telekinetically tossing his second shield. The shield shot forward standing straight up, which gave Anakin more surface area to evade and the former Jedi was only able to partially dodge the attack. Part of the shield caught him in the shoulder and hit him hard, turning him around. As his back turned, Vastor advanced and brought his foot up to Anakin’s spine, which sent him sprawling to the ground.

With Anakin lying face first on the ground, Vastor reclaimed his shield and prepared for the killing blow, he moved in as fast as he could, just not fast enough to prevent Anakin’s recovery. Too fast for KAr Vastor to track, he rolled onto his back and shoulder kipped to his feet. He then moved forward with a series of Force assisted punch/kick combinations he had learned from Jedi Master Ilena Xan.

Known as “The Iron Hand,” Xan was the temple’s hand to hand combat instructor, and Anakin Skywalker was one of her most dedicated pupils. Known for his swordsmanship, Anakin was equally determined to learn to fight without his blade, and he augmented his already impressive array of combat skills with martial arts.

His right arm went forward into Vastor’s face, his knuckles slamming against the bones hidden beneath his assailant’s face. His second strike was the key to the maneuver as it struck the midsection right in the middle of Vastor’s abdomen. The increased power from the Force Anakin was able to knock all of the air out of Vastor’s lungs. With his opponent stunned, a leaping roundhouse kick was able to easy hit its mark and knock Vastor to the ground. The counter attack had taken barely a minute, but already the roles were reversed with Anakin standing over a prostrate Kar Vastor.

“I know who you are Kar Vastor.” Anakin said threateningly. “I remember you being locked away beneath the Temple, and how you were convicted of crimes against civilization.”

The last part of his statement, Anakin did not say “And I know how your partner in crime is now competing with me for the favor of the Emperor.”

Could Depa Billaba be behind this though? Certainly Sidious’ trust in her was not great, she had her uses but not even Palpatine would control someone and utilize their talents unless they were under his control. “Sort of like me…”, Anakin thought.

“Who sent you Vastor, surrender and I might see to sparing your life. I know you can’t talk, but you already know that I can hear the Force as well as anyone, as well as Depa billaba, and certainly better than your foolish relative Mace Windu.”

That had gotten under Vastor’s skin; his revenge on Windu had not been complete and his fury at Anakin for robbing him of that vengeance ran deep. The brute regained his feet and turned towards Anakin.

“You’re dead Jedi scum!” Vastor charged like a crazed Reek, and Anakin was confident that he could end the fight now quite quickly. It would only take one simple move. Anakin set his feet and prepared himself.

But his body completely froze, his heartbeat slowed to a crawl. The world slowed around him until time stopped. He turned cold, unbearably cold. Even more so than his first trip away from the desert sands and into space. His body went numb, but the pain in his mind was like a supernova, expanding rapidly until the fear had consumed his whole being.

A tear trickled down his face, and he no longer noticed Kar Vastor charging at him with murder in his eyes. Something terrible had happened.


The Shuttle was in visual range of the skyhook when Depa Billaba suddenly felt a terrible heat, at first she had thought that the shuttle had caught fire. But as she looked around she realized that no one else was noticing any kind of disturbance and it was then she realized that she had just perceived something with the Force.

“What is going on?”

She emptied her mind, focusing on the Force for an answer. She unseated herself, and followed the ethereal guide to the rear of the shuttle, where she noticed a large stack of cases of equipment. Sabé, the assistant was standing next to them doing a final inventory check.

“You, what are in these boxes?” Billaba ordered.

Sabé was taken aback at the curt order that came from the Jedi Master, “Mostly recording equipment, some data storage equipment and remote holonet connection, and of course your personal items.”

“My personal items?” Depa was shocked and now incredibly nervous. She had not brought anything with her save for the robes that she wore and the lightsaber clipped to her belt. “Where did they come from?”

Sabé was really confused now. “An attaché from Grand Vizier Pestage’s office arrived with them shortly before takeoff. He said that they were supposed to have been delivered earlier for you, but that the belongings were temporarily misplaced. Fortunately they were located again before we left, and brought to the shuttle immediately on the Emperor’s orders. I’d thought you’d be happy to see your things intact Master Jedi.”

Depa reached up and touched her forehead. She was sweating profusely, but the heat from her premonition had disappeared completely.

“Is this…fear? What is going on?”

In her confusion, she recklessly pushed a stack of equipment aside, eliciting a cry from Sabé, who was running towards the front of the shuttle now. Depa located the case that supposedly belonged to her and opened the latches.

It was a bomb.

Given time it was one she could possibly disarm, but the detonator was unfamiliar to her. A small sensor relay connected to the initiator that appeared to be hooked to some kind of communications antenna, but keyed in for a very specific signal that could only come from a singal exactly like it.

Then she recognized it. A proximity detonator! It must be calibrated to go off when…no!” She stood and raced forward to the cockpit of the shuttle, nearly knocking one of the armed escorts aside.

In her rush to avoid death, she had completely missed the irony of her speech to Padme Amidala about treachery. Her bid to become the next Dark Lord of the Sith had failed, and her own master was responsible

“Pilot!” she yelled, “Break off our approach, don’t get any closer to the skyh….”

The antenna connected to the bomb laid dormant in wait for its sister signal, somewhere aboard the Seinar Skyhook was the other transmitter. As soon as the shuttle reached the outer edge of the antenna’s range, it was triggered. A second signal less than thirty seconds later consigned the shuttle to its fate as the powerful explosion ripped through the craft. Incinerating everyone aboard instantly and leaving no remains as the white hot energy of the blast scattered debris onto the city below.

Resting comfortably at the time of her death was Padme Amidala, who was in the final minutes of a nap where she had been dreaming about her family and their promising future together. She died happy, with love in her heart for her husband and children that was beyond anything she had ever experienced.

Her final moments were untroubled, and full of happiness.

“Your majesty, your order has been carried out. Jedi Master Billaba and Ambassador Amidala Skywalker are both dead. There were no survivors.”

The three dimensional image of Sate Pestage knelt before Palpatine on the armrest of the Imperial Throne. “Very good Vizier, you have done well. Use every fighter squadron you can muster and interdict the Seinar Skyhook and then wait for General Skywalker; he will deal with the Jedi.”

“My Lord, the entire 501st Legion has emptied their barracks and is rushing to his aid as we speak, but we have not had any word of General Skywalker’s condition.”

“Fear not,” Palpatine’s voice sounded amazingly confident, “you will hear from him very soon. The battle he fights now has served its purpose of distracting Skywalker so he could not interfere with my design. I anticipate that the death of his beloved wife will only hasten the end of Depa Billaba’s pitiful ambition once and for all.”

Anakin had failed to react, and Vastor had taken advantage. Unable to move, Kar Vastor had advanced close enough to strike Anakin with a powerful head butt. As Anakin reeled, Vastor kicked Anakin’s legs out from under him, and then stomped once hard on Anakin’s ribs.

He reclaimed the nearby shield had had thrown at Skywalker and hefted it with two hands, looking to bring it down onto Anakin’s neck and behead him. Anakin was on his back, his eyes closed and his limbs unmoving. His death was assured.

Or so it seemed to Kar Vastor, as the Vibroshield neared Anakin’s neck Anakin’s eyes opened and the shield stopped less than a centimeter away from his neck. Vastor struggled to try and Force the shield down, but his powers were no match for Anakin’s.

Without warning, the cortosis-alloy shield began to crumple as if it were an old piece of flimsi. Vastor tossed it aside before the metal would curl upon his own restored hands and crush them. Like a spirit arising from the grave, Anakin rose to his feet. His eyes had an unworldly yellow glow, and Kar Vastor was stunned when he reached out into the Force, only to find that the darknees far greater than his own stood before him.

Nowhere even in the forsaken jungles of Haruun Kal did Kar Vastor ever dream he could see darkness like this, not even when entire families succumbed to flesh eating sicknesses or starvation, or even in the chaos of wars fought against the Balawai, or other enemies.

With a deep sorrow born from his extreme passion, Anakin lashed out at Kar Vastor with Sith Lightning. Vastor fell to the ground, the lightning burned so hot that it seared his throat within seconds, preventing his screams.

“"I'm not afraid to die...I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back into my life."

Anakin saw that Vastor’s skin had begun to sear away, the stench of his flesh filled his nose but he did not stop. Although his body ached, his emotions continued to feed the lethal blasts of energy from his hands.

“Anakin come back, I love you!”

Anakin wanted answers, he wanted revenge and he wanted whatever being that murdered his wife to know that he was not going to rest until he had found them and taught them a lesson in pain.

“I want to remember you three just like this while I’m gone.”

But most of all he wanted to see Padme again, just one more time.

The Sith lightning crackled and faded, and Anakin’s eyes burned with hot tears as the smoke cleared away from the skeletal remains of what was Kar Vastor. In his heart, Anakin knew that this was part of a plot to distract his attentions.

“I could have saved her...if only I had not been distracted I could have saved her.” He could hear footsteps behind him, but he did not feel the ominous sense of danger. When he turned to meet the new arrivals he saw well over three dozen clone troopers with their weapons at the ready, standing in what Anakin sensed was complete awe. The Clones had been there to watch Anakin cremate Kar Vastor alive and none of them had ever seen anything quite like it.

Stepping forward from the group was Commander Vills. “General Sir, Commander Appo informed us of the tragedy regarding the Imperial Ambassador. Fighters are already moving to surround the Jedi Skyhook. Apparently the shuttle’s escorts noticed a strange transmission prior to the blast, likely some kind of remote detonator.”

“General,” Anakin recognized Six-Nine-Two with the Force and saw that the Clone’s arm was outstretched towards him, “your lightsaber sir. Recovering it was the least I could do for the man who avenged my brothers.”

Anakin took his lightsaber in his hand and studied it for a moment before returning it to his belt. He looked out at the Clones, turned to completely face them all, and spoke at the top of his lungs.

“Someone has killed Imperial Ambassador Skywalker, whomever it was sent this assassin to kill me as well. Now I’ve just been told that this criminal has stolen part of your family as well.”

Many of the troopers hung their heads, few legions were as close knit as the 501st and Anakin knew this.

“That’s why you and I are going to bring a war to these butchers! We will smash them the same way we smashed the Separatists and we will never relent until we have our justice! Who is with me?”

In unison the troopers all cried out, raising their weapons into the air. Anakin stood with his face steeled; the only semblance of emotion coming from his was the still steady stream of tears coming from his eyes.

“Commander Vills, leave one regiment here and secure my home. My children are vulnerable right now; protect them as if they were your own I beg of you. Send the rest of the men back to their barracks and make sure that they have time to rest. It could be the last time any of them will have the opportunity to do so for a while.”

“It will be done General, you have my word.” Vills acknowledged and then crisply saluted. “Commander Appo wishes to let you know that he and some of his men are already on site near the Seinar Skyhook, he assumes that is where you’ll want to go next.”

Anakin paused and considered his next course of action, the hate in his veins had cooled to ice and his anger had become more focused as a result of his Sith training. Anakin had become a warrior who commanded devastation with both power and precision. “Tell Commander Appo that I will meet him there soon; have him send a speeder for me immediately to take me to the Emperor.”

Within Anakin Skywalker’s mind, the blue and red blades of Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader crossed together. But this time, there would be no stalemate.

Vader was now far stronger than he had ever been, and it took all of Anakin’s power just to keep his dark counterpart from striking him down. But he was weary, and full of sorrow. Vader commanded the passionate side of the mind that the two personalities inhabited, and his power surged beyond measure with the death of Padme Amidala. The blades crossed again, but the blue blade had been overwhelmed for the final time, the blade feel into the abyss, and the crimson light of Darth Vader cut down his opponent, leaving him in sole control.

The transformation, begun in a Tusken Camp on Tatooine, was finally complete.

A group of Jedi had assembled near one of the Skyhooks panoramic windows, surveying the damage. Among them was Tholme, whose warnings had finally come to pass. A squadron of V Wing fighters was now slowly circling around the installation high above, and Tholme could spot the rising shapes of LAAT gunships head out in the Jedi’s direction as well.

Their peril had grown when they heard the dark cry from Coruscant’s surface. Although not even most of the Masters had felt the impending destruction of the Imperial Shuttle, even the Padawans had been deeply frightened by a beacon of naked and malevolent anger that had followed shortly.

Tholme slowly paced across the room and found an empty seat, suddenly he became tired and took the chair before his legs gave out on him.

“I fear we are all doomed,” he said to himself.
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)

"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Oooh Shit.

Poor Bilpa, she totally got screwed by Sidious. She didn't even get to go out fighting Vader.
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

I just sort of realized That I have had the Depa as a hidden Sith Agent idea for some time now, but it was first acutally put into words and typed up over a year ago. I knew then that her character was going to be killed like this, but I didn't know she'd last through an entire year's worth of chapters!
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)

"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
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Post by Sidewinder »

Badass. By the way, am I correct in assuming Palpatine wants Vos implicated in the assassination of Padme because he wants Vos to replace Billaba as a stool pigeon?
"I'm not afraid to die...I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back into my life."
I'm assuming Padme said this, but I don't remember which work it's from.
Please do not make Americans fight giant monsters.

Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.

They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Sidewinder wrote: I'm assuming Padme said this, but I don't remember which work it's from.
Episode II

The Vos question will be addressed in the nexst chapter, which I am almost halfway finished with.
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)

"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Chapter 26: Eulogy

Flanked by a pair of troopers from the 501st, Anakin made his way to the temporary throne room within the interim Imperial Administrative offices in the EmPal SuRecon Center.

“Wait here.” He ordered them. Anakin knew that the Emperor already frowned upon his personalizing of the 501st. To walk in with a pair of clones into the Emperor’s own domain would bring nothing but unwanted trouble.

Anakin had managed to contain his outer grief over Padme’s death, but in the Force he had become a tempest of unflattering emotions. He appeared calm, but was perfectly willing to cut down anyone who said the wrong thing. Those feelings, couple with the murderous intent Anakin was harboring for Padme’s killers, were what initially alerted the Emperor to Anakin’s arrival. The voice was clear and audible as if Palpatine were whispering in his ear.

“I have been expecting you. Proceed immediately to the Throne Room.”

That signaled to Anakin that they would be able to drop the charades of their positions and speak as their true selves, as Sidious and Vader, as Master and Apprentice.

Which was fine by Anakin, he did not want to question the Emperor in front of his inner circle. Sidious was incredibly vain, and he could be incredibly fickle about how he interpreted specific lines of commentary. Especially if that commentary was questioning his decision to let Depa Billaba anywhere near Coruscant.

On his way up the tower, Anakin saw nothing of the small army of bureaucrats that worked feverishly to run the galaxy, catering to the whims of those in higher authorities who expected that their requests be fulfilled expediently. But he could sense their fear. Apparently many of them remembered Anakin’s last tirade when he had wrecked Sate Pestage’s office. None of them wanted to be around a grieving widower who had the ability to kill with a thought.

Darth Vader entered the room and, shunning formality, did not stop until he was less than a meter away from his Master. Vader was deadly serious and Sidious met his gaze with equal measure.

“I need to know everything.” Vader said, carefully treading the line between inquisitive and insulting.

Sidious’ response as unexpected, Vader had been bracing for a disagreement, and what he received was compliance. “In time Lord Vader, you will. I am placing you in charge of the investigation and granting you full autonomy in all related endeavors. After all, the attacks on both you and your wife are crimes against our Empire, and it would do little good to have them go unpunished.”

Vader was somewhat disconcerted by the supportive statement. His Master rarely sought to satisfy the desires of others, at least not when he already had control over them. “Then we will start with the obvious, where is Depa Billaba?”

“A victim of the same tragedy that claimed your wife, in more ways than one, it appears that the assassin had sought to implicate Depa Billaba and divert your attention by recruiting Kar Vastor to his aid.” Sidious stood up and brought Vader a datapad with a file on it containing facts already complied by the Imperial Security Bureau’s rapid response investigators.

Vader scrolled through the report as quickly as he could. Apparently the assassin had used an old but still working access code that predated the Imperial Reorganization in order to infiltrate and plant an explosive device aboard the shuttle. The code was displayed in bold text, and Vader grit his teeth when he identified the combination of letters and numbers. “This is a Jedi General’s access code. What incompetent fool would allow a fugitive’s access codes intact?”

Sidious was quick to reply. “Apparently one of the security officers I had placed in charge of initiating the intelligence aspects of Order 66 left them codes valid so that there would be a method of tracing Jedi movements. I would say that in this case it succeeded, after all a clever enough Jedi could have gained access without the codes after all.”

Vader hated to admit it, but his Master was making perfect sense. He had no other explanations than the one staring him right in the face. The shuttle’s detonation so close to the Jedi-inhabited skyhook, and the use of a Jedi General’s access code confirmed Anakin’s suspicions of the Jedi Order. Sidious used the prolonged silence to continue.

“ISB has referenced the code to the partial database collected from the Jedi Archives and Military Database. The code belonged to Jedi General Quinlan Vos.”

“Vos!” Vader silently exclaimed. The picture was starting to come into focus. Quinlan Vos had been known for skirting the dark side on many counts, and he had learned from Obi Wan Kenobi that Vos had performed a number of normally intolerable acts in the name of the Jedi and the Republic. As a Jedi Master, he would have been one of the few who knew the extent of Kar Vastor’s abilities and with his access codes intact, it gave him a method of freeing the imprisoned Vastor. Some questions remained unexplained, but there was little time to dwell on insignificant details, if Vos was given too much time to run he would not be found, not until the next time he struck.

Vader spun on his heels and stormed out of the throne room. He heard Sidious call out from behind. “And where do you think you are going Lord Vader?”

Vader paused but did not turn around. “Master, forgive my indiscretion, but I have some business to attend to on the Jedi Skyhook. I do not intend to waste this opportunity.”

As Vader turned to leave, Sidious could not help but allow himself a wicked grin.

Thanks to the information gleaned from his sacrificial Jedi pawn, Anakin would now be searching across the galaxy for a Jedi Master who was nowhere near Coruscant when his wife’s death occurred. Vos was the perfect scapegoat though, due to his past and due to the loyalty he received from Jedi Master Tholme. Tholme would not reveal Vos’ location on Telos under any circumstances, which would force Anakin into hunting across the galaxy in a high profile hunt, a hunt that would lead Anakin to more Jedi, and would further bolster his already legendary status amongst the populace of the Empire.

Sidious fully expected that Vader’s popularity as General Anakin Skywalker would match, and potentially surpass his own popularity as Emperor Palpatine. This was unavoidable as most beings from all sentient species tended to create icons out of warriors, not out of politicians. It was an annoyance, but a tolerable annoyance so long as Sidious still controlled Vader. To that end, Padme Amidala had to die; Vader’s loyalties could not be divided between the Empire and a woman.

But now, with Amidala gone, the apprentice had shed the trappings of Anakin Skywalker and had truly become Darth Vader. He was the perfect being to carry on the legacy of the Sith Order, and his children would naturally follow suit as the next generation. The Sith Order and the Galactic Empire would be invincible under their guide for at least another century, perhaps two. The future for Darth Vader was quite promising indeed…

Promising until his Master’s quest for immortality began to bear fruit. The life-transfer process was flawed at best until the cloning process could be improved upon. However, on the day that Sidious did unlock the answers, the days of Darth Vader and the Skywalker legacy were numbered.

Vader would handle the Jedi and rid the galaxy of many of those who remained, but there was still the matter of the dwindling number of Separatist holdouts, and the nascent underground Rebellion that was drawing from those holdouts, as well as supposedly loyal systems. Sidious had foreseen a great many things about the Rebellion, but at this early stage there were too many possibilities to consider in deciding upon a correct path. It did not concern the Dark Lord though, not with the Ultimate Weapon under construction, not with the Imperial Navy flourishing, not with his enemies dying all around him.

Obi Wan had managed to contact Mon Mothma’s contact on Ralltir, a former Republic Brigadier General named Pharl McQuarrie, and the two agreed that Obi Wan’s ships should stay away from the Core Worlds for the time being as the reports of the battle between the Rebels and the Sharpwyrm were just beginning to circulate. McQuarrie had suggested that Obi Wan divert the equipment to the Mid Rim system of Polus, as that world had cut all of its mining ties with the Separatist holdouts in favor of the more idealistic underground established by Mon Mothma. The near-human Pyn'gani could then easily smuggle the Alderaanian weaponry as needed with their advanced carbon freezing technology.

During the trip, Obi Wan had been watching a Coruscant based holonet feed when he learned of the assassination of Padme Amidala, and the attempt on the life of Anakin Skywalker. News never traveled fast in the Outer Rim, part of the delay in ending the Clone War was the simple matter of delivering the news to besieged Separatist systems.

But when the convoy you were traveling in included a fully operational Munificent class frigate, complete with the most technologically advanced communications equipment in the galaxy, you might have well been in the Core systems. When participating in an insurgency against a government that did not yet rein in the media, sometimes the news was the best source of intel one could ask for.

The general broadcast feed was being received via the Hammer of Retribution to the rest of the ships in the convoy, whose communications equipment was only suited for real-time reception of locally broadcasting networks, none of which existed in the far reaches of space where the convoy was traveling.

Obi Wan grieved the loss of Padme, and surprisingly he found himself grieving for the suffering that Anakin had to be feeling even now.

“You grieve far too much for a Jedi Master Obi Wan.”

“Master Qui Gon,” Obi Wan was glad to hear from his master, although it did little to ease his pain. He turned, but the ghostly figure that had accompanied him before was not present, only the voice.

“It is all right, after all, I didn’t take you on as my Padawan because you were the typical young Jedi. I wanted a Padawan who would celebrate and cherish life as much as he revered it. I could have done no better.”

The praise was comforting, and Obi Wan’s malaise was relieved somewhat, but he knew that there was a hidden caveat. Obi Wan had been appointed to the rank of Jedi Master several years ago, but now it was time for him to truly attain it.

“Anakin is dead, without Padme there is nothing left of him. There is only Darth Vader now.”

Qui Gon remained silent, but Obi Wan could sense within the Force that his former Master was encouraging him to continue.

“Palpatine’s plan for his apprentice has finally come to fruition; he orchestrated Padme’s death so that no one else could command Anakin’s intense loyalty. In doing so, he has unleashed a second trap upon the Jedi Order, and those Jedi that were tricked into coming out of hiding will now be hunted down by the Empire. I will have to stay in hiding, and continue nurturing the Rebellion if I am going to have any hope of fighting the Sith. The war is no long about Republic and Jedi, or Empire and Sith. It is simply the light against the dark, and I have no choice but to win.”

“There is nothing left that I can teach you…” Qui Gon said, his voice booming with pride now. “…except for one final lesson. A lesson that, once you have completed it, will allow you to become the avatar of the light that is required. But before we begin, there is one question that I will ask you, and once you answer it on your own, the key to victory will be yours.”

Obi Wan acknowledged Qui Gon with a bow of the head, and so Qui Gon continued.

“The purpose of the Chosen One was to restore the balance between light and dark. Anakin was the Chosen one until his fall, but his destiny was taken from him by the Sith and he now further upsets the balance he was meant to restore. With Anakin gone, who is the heir to his legacy as the Chosen One? Consider the answer carefully; from now on you will be on your own.”

Finally Obi Wan understood the underlying purpose of this conversation. “Then this is goodbye then.”

“To maintain my presence in this world for too long would be, unnatural, my consciousness may be present, but the Force has other plans for me. I made a vow to stay for only as long as it took to ensure your success.”

“Then succeed I shall. I am eternally grateful for your wisdom Master.”

“And I, yours, Master Kenobi. Fare well, and know that the Force will be with you, always.”

With that, Quin Gon’s spirit departed. It did not just leave, but Obi Wan could feel the presence of the Jedi Master as it simply dissipated, as if it had never existed to begin with. It was a path that Obi Wan could not follow, at least not until his current quest was accomplished.

Obi Wan turned off the holo-feed, hoping that the quiet would give him an opportunity to begin solving the mystery of the Prophecy that had set this entire chain of events into motion.

Ever a student of the late Qui Gon Jinn though, Obi Wan opened himself up to the Living Force, and the alarm he was sensing was far louder than any broadcast. A sense of danger, the Empire would be on the move and Obi Wan had the power to prevent whatever it was they had in mind. Obi Wan activated the internal intercom that linked him to every room throughout the ship, and keyed in the extension for the bridge.

He spoke into the small microphone. “Captain Slayke, this is General Cody.”

“This is Captain Slayke General, go ahead.”

Obi Wan took a deep breath. “I am transferring command of the convoy to the Master Control. Contact her captain and let him know that he is to deliver the weapons to Polus and then rejoin the main fleet at Dantooine. Once that’s completed, drop out of hyperspace, and set a direct course for Telos.

“Telos? General, there isn’t anything on Telos but a dinky little outpost with an even dinkier Cantina. We’re not going to be doing a lot of good there.”

Obi Wan chuckled a little. “If you can’t trust in me Captain then at least have trust in the Force. If this is little more than a wild droid ride then we’ll we can relax and join the fleet at Togoria very soon.”

“Acknowledged General, let’s hope the Force knows what it’s talking about. I’ll let you know when we’re on our way to Telos.”

Obi Wan turned off the communicator and moved over to the meditation chair in the center of his quarters, ready to begin the introspective journey that would lead him to the revelation he needed.

The Skyhook was currently housing a great number of Jedi, and Vader was not going to take any chances in dealing with them.

So instead of piloting his own ship to the Skyhook, he had Commander Appo assemble a squad of his best soldiers to ride with Anakin over to the station on a gunship. The Jedi in theory had not brought their lightsabers with them and thus the troopers and their automatic blasters combined with Anakin’s own might would be enough to at least survive a short skirmish. He also had the skyhook completely surrounded with fighters and gunships, so that if necessary the Skyhook would be shot to unrecognizable pieces within seconds.

In fact, that is what he truly wanted to do, he wanted to Jedi to suffer the fate that they had doomed his dear wife to. No longer was his war with the Jedi one of ideology, he had fought Obi Wan on Mustafar for the future of the Galaxy and nothing else, but now it was personal. The Jedi had killed the woman he loved, and he would not rest until they were but a memory.

But first he needed answers, specifically, the location of one Quinlan Vos.

The Jedi Masters were assembled in the executive lounge, where Padawan Olee Starstone had just informed them of Anakin Skywalker’s impending arrival. Many of them could not help but divert unhappy stares towards Roblio Darte, who was still agonizing over the loss of Depa Billaba.

“I swear Masters, I had no idea! I swear on the Force that I had no knowledge of this!”

“Forgiveness is easier to seek than participation Master Darte,” the Zabrak Jedi Master Bol Chatak chided. “Nevertheless we are now in more danger than before we accepting this blasted amnesty offer, and now my Padawan tells me that the grieving husband of a dead woman who also happens to be a powerful Jedi and the leader of the largest army ever assembled will be here any second! I don’t care about the circumstances behind Skywalker’s apparent change of allegiance, but you would have to be as dense as neutronium not to sense his intent right now!”

“Answering his anger with more anger will only exacerbate the problem,” countered Tsui Choi. “Our continued cooperation will show our genuine intentions, surely not even an impetuous youth like Skywalker will act rashly when he sees that we mean him no harm and had nothing to do with Ambassador Amidala’s death or the attempt on his life.”

Attention shifted back to Master Shadday she raised and subsequently lowered a personal comlink from her ear. “Well one way or another, we’re about to find out what’s going to happen. That was Tholme, he’s already down in the hangar ready to meet face to face with Skywalker now!”

The gunship entered the Skyhook’s landing bay, and Anakin could sense the terror in the heart of the Padawan assigned to operate the bay doors.

“At least they are being compliant for now.” Vader thought. “Not that it will help save them.”

Vader and the Clones disembarked and were met by Tholme, who waited alone in the hangar

“Master Tholme. Just the person I wanted to see.” Anakin said with no hint of emotion in his voice whatsoever.

“General Skywalker. Allow me to offer my condolences…”

“Spare me Tholme.” Anakin interrupted, “You apologies are as hollow as your teachings.”

“Hey! That’s not fair!” The Voice came from Scout, who was scurrying down the stairs to where Skywalker and Tholme were standing. She ran between the two men and shouted right at the former Jedi. “We had nothing to do with Amidala’s death!”

Anakin regarded the young woman with a great annoyance and decided that she should regret speaking out of turn.

“Ah, Scout was it? You should have more sympathy; you too lost a loved one to the Jedi.”

Scout was beside herself, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Anakin focused his gaze on her and used the Dark Side of the Force to help focus his words perfectly. “They didn’t tell you then about Whie? A pity really.” Anakin knew that he now commanded Scout’s attention entirely. He had found the one chord to strike within her to force her to lose control. “He was one of the Jedi that rebelled against the Empire after Mace Windu’s treachery was revealed.” Anakin moved closer and lowered his head to meet Scout’s reddening eyes. “I cut him down quickly so that he couldn’t be used as a pawn any longer.”

Scout lost it, she prepared to reach back with her arm and strike Anakin, everyone in the room could tell what she was about to do as she shifted her balance for her attack.

Anakin ended any hope Scout had of striking him with a simple flick of his wrist. Scout reeled and fell to the floor with a sickening sound, motionless save for heavy and rhythmic breathing. Tholme rushed to her aid, but the Clone Troopers leveled their rifles, and Tholme simply stood in his place.

“Oh she’s not dead.” Anakin remarked. “Interesting at how simple it is to use the Force in order to slam the brain of an opponent backwards against their own skull to give them a concussion. But she and everyone else on this station will die for sure if you don’t answer each and every one of my questions. Do you understand?”

Tholme understood too well, the fact that the motivation behind his peril would be revealed to him was of little reassurance. “I submit General,” was all he managed to say.

Anakin wasted little time, he turned to Commander Appo. “Take him and that Padawan into custody now. Keep at least one blaster pointed at the Padawan at all times.”

The clones complied, placing binders on Tholme’s arms and collecting the unconscious body of Scout before putting both aboard the Gunship. Anakin used the Force to reopen the hangar doors, destroying the mechanisms without care as he forced the doors to remain open.

Vader looked across the gunship and saw Tholme, who was being held at blaster point next to the dazed but awakening Scout. He reached to his belt and procured his comlink from its clip. “This is General Skywalker to all Imperial Fighters,” he then looked over at Tholme and gave the fateful order, “form up and destroy the Skyhook.”

Tholme tried to stand and retaliate but saw the clones standing next to him immediately train their guns on Scout. The Clone Commander used Tholme’s hesitation to hit the Jedi Master on the back of his head with his rifle.

“Excellent work Commander Appo, and for shame on you Master Tholme, if you try anything like that again Scout will die, and it will be your fault.”

Tholme felt blood trickle down the back of his neck and hung his head low. “You win Skywalker…”

The Commander of the fighter wing in charge of interdicting the skyhook selected three ARC-170s to finish off the Skyhook; an action that every pilot in the air knew was an eventuality. The Three ships moved into position and began their attack run slowly, allowing their targeting computers to share data for maximum effectiveness. Each of the ships then fired a pair of proton torpedoes, six in all when one would have been enough to destroy the station.

Each of the torpedoes connected at a critical part of the Skyhooks structure, designed to maximize the blast and minimize falling debris, and to ensure the deaths of all of the Jedi aboard.

When the blast faded, and the ashes had fallen away, it was clear that nothing could have survived.
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)

"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
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Post by Sidewinder »

So Sidious plans to kill off Luke and Leia when the cloning process is perfected and he becomes immortal? Damn.

By the way, will you also have Lumiya or her jackass apprentice, Carnor Jax, sabotage Palpatine's clones and doom the master as the pitiful spectacle he was in 'Dark Empire'?
Please do not make Americans fight giant monsters.

Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.

They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
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Post by FA Xerrik »

And so the plot thickens. Call me crazy, but could it be possible that Vader plans to convert Scout to the Dark Side? At any rate, I hardly expected him to offer absolutely no chance to the other Jedi besides Tholme and Scout. I guess Anakin really is no more, and Vader has won. Also, will you continue to switch back and forth between those names when referring to our ex-Chosen One? Or will he come to refer to himself as Vader exclusively in time?
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Sidewinder wrote:So Sidious plans to kill off Luke and Leia when the cloning process is perfected and he becomes immortal? Damn.

By the way, will you also have Lumiya or her jackass apprentice, Carnor Jax, sabotage Palpatine's clones and doom the master as the pitiful spectacle he was in 'Dark Empire'?
Basically my take on the thing is "Fuck Lumiya, Fuck Carnor Jax." One of the best things about the timeline I'm creating is that certain mistakes made in the EU can be "corrected". When I get way further along in this story, and perhaps into the planned sequel, you will understand why there will be no Lumiya or Carnor Jax.
FA Xerrik wrote:And so the plot thickens. Call me crazy, but could it be possible that Vader plans to convert Scout to the Dark Side?

As of right now, all Scout is is an insurance policy to ensure Tholme's cooperation. It's up to you whether you think she'll have usefulness past that but given the ruthlessness i've ascribed to Vader, I doubt it.

At any rate, I hardly expected him to offer absolutely no chance to the other Jedi besides Tholme and Scout. I guess Anakin really is no more, and Vader has won. Also, will you continue to switch back and forth between those names when referring to our ex-Chosen One? Or will he come to refer to himself as Vader exclusively in time?

Much like Palpatine and his Sith alter ego, Anakin has fully embraced his role as a Sith Lord and now considers Darth Vader his true self, with General Anakin Skywalker little more than his public persona. Vader is going to think of himself as Vader, and those who know him as Vader will refer to him as such, but poeple that do not know will continue to think of him as Anakin Skywalker.
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
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Post by Crazedwraith »

.. Ouch, did Palpatine intend for him to destroy the Skyhook? How long has the Jedi Amnesty be going on Surely not long enough to get all of the Jedi survivors to come forth.
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Crazedwraith wrote:.. Ouch, did Palpatine intend for him to destroy the Skyhook? How long has the Jedi Amnesty be going on Surely not long enough to get all of the Jedi survivors to come forth.
Remember Dark Lord, Sidious did not care as much about the Jedi as he did with consolidating his Empire and pushing Vader's progress along. What I did with this chapter was try and create a new set of circumstances where Palpatine mainipulates the circumstances to allow Vader to move past his old life and to increase his control over both the Empire and his apprentice. So, about the Skyhook, Sidious had given Vader full control over the situation, and although he may not have expected or intended for the Skyhook to be destroyed with nearly eighty Jedi aboard, he is not surprised in the least.
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)

"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
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Chapter 27: Truth Serves Only The Living

The training of Jambe Lu and Nam Poorf was going far better than Roan Shryne had expected it to. Shryne attributed this to the extensive learning the two had undergone prior to their assignment to the Jedi Agricultural Corps. Although adept in the Force, the two had not been selected as Padawans. Current events had changed their situation, and Roan Shryne was cautiously optimistic that Jambe and Nam held the potential to be true Jedi Knights.

It was an entirely unfair situation; they had skill that exceeded others who were chosen but would be left to fend for themselves in a life of anonymous service in an underappreciated role within the Republic. Whether or not a situation could be considered “fair” was irrelevant to the will of the Force, or a sufficiently closed minded Jedi Master.

Blast helmets in place, the two were deflecting shots from multiple training remotes at an incredible pace. Each student was pitted against four remotes working in concert through a small relay network for optimized attacks. Each “network” learned and adapted to each student’s combat form. Jambe and Nam were so deep into their trance, and so focused on not being hit by the painful electric sting of the remotes’ blasters, that they failed to notice the ominous vibration in the Force.

Master Shryne had felt it though, strongly enough that it was causing a considerable ringing in his ears. It was something that Shryne had always disliked about his Force sensitivity. Some Jedi got headaches, others would feel varying temperatures, there were even a few Jedi who would feel a strong sensation in their teeth, but Roan Shryne’s force-aided sensations manifested in his ears. Jedi Physicians at the temple had explained it to him before, of how the Force would generally manifest sensations in the way that would best gain the attention of whomever it was trying to reach. For Roan, it was his ears, and Roan despised earaches.

His irritation aside, the strength of the vibration was enough to warrant immediate concern. Shryne ended the exercise with Jambe and Nam and dismissed them while he went to consult with Master Vos.

Quinlan Vos was not yet fully recovered from his injuries. He was conscious though, and he could walk albeit with considerable pain. He had helped with the training whenever he could, but the majority of his waking hours were devoted to his lover, Khaleen, and his son, Korto.

Roan checked both the medical ward and the private area in the barracks Quinlan had set aside for his family, both were empty. Finally, after several minutes of searching the entire complex he found Vos in the landing bay using the Force to load supplies onto a small tramp freighter.

“Where’d you get that?” Roan asked.

Quinlan didn’t even bother to turn around, he had sensed Shryne’s approach with the Force even as he levitated and stowed survival supplies onto a freighter Shryne had never seen before.

Uninterested in answering questions, Quinlan tried to deflect Roan’s attention. “The truck came with the base. You can’t tell me you never saw it here before. Khaleen used it to dash over to the spaceport and pick up some supplies. You should send the kids down here to take a couple crates over to the galley. It would be a good workout.”

“That’s not what I meant.” Shryne responded before walking between Vos and the mysterious new Barloz class freighter that had appeared in the Enclave hangar.

Quinlan clenched his fist. “Like I said, picked it up at the spaceport yesterday, can’t be too careful.”

“That’s funny. Because it looks to me like you were being just careful enough to make sure I wouldn’t intentionally find out about this.” Roan followed up his statement with an accusatory glare.

“I didn’t want to worry the apprentices. But surely you felt that reverberation in the Force just a few minutes ago? Telos isn’t safe anymore Master Shryne, and I’m not about to sit around and wait for Master Tholme, if he’s even still alive.”

Shryne wasn’t buying it. “I’m not a youngling, there’s still something you still aren’t telling me.” Shryne looked around, noticing something was amiss. “Where’s Khaleen?”

Unable to conceal the truth from his fellow Jedi Master, Vos came clean. “Picking up more supplies at the spaceport, we found an old cargo skiff and Chak and I fixed it up. It’s a long trip though to the nearest supply depot though.”

“Otherwise you would have left by now.” Shryne said, with Vos quickly nodding in assent.

“Like I said, Telos isn’t safe. You and I saw first hand what the Empire wanted to do to us as soon as we became liabilities. As much as I’d like to join you and the others on some grand crusade to save the galaxy and bring down the Empire, I have more important things to consider. You remember the reports of what happened at the Jedi Temple, all of the Jedi there were killed. The Padawans, the Younglings, and I’m sure that they didn’t have any reservations when the got to the nursery either.”

Shryne struggled with that for a moment. It was not a pleasant thought, to think of the Jedi’s former comrades storming the temple and unleashing the destructive power of their weapons inside of the Jedi Nursery, with the youngest of all future Jedi nestled in their cribs.

“Roan,” Vos said, as he moved closer. “What if these butchers got hold of my son? What if they killed him, or what if the Sith behind all of this decides to keep him and turn him to the dark side? No victory over the Empire could ever take that pain away. Attachment isn’t a very Jedi-like principle, but neither is vengeance, and last I checked, protecting the innocent from tyrants and injustice is a good thing.”

Moved by the Kiffar’s comments, Shryne relaxed his posture slightly. “Nobody’s arguing that, but why the need for secrecy?”

“I don’t buy one bit into that supposed Amnesty offer. It might have piqued Tholme’s curiosity, but in my experience truth only serves the living. This supposed offer stinks of a trap. The Jedi are all fugitives, wherever we gather we will be hunted. As much as I’d like to bring you and the apprentices along each one of you decreases my family’s chances for survival. It’s despicable, I know, but it’s also the cold reality we live in.”

The two stood, in quiet until the silence was erased by the shrill warbling of Quinlan’s communicator. A small text only data message, easier to transmit and harder to intercept than a visual or audio recording, appeared on the small screen.

“Well you have your wish Master Shryne. Khaleen has the supplies, but the spaceport’s been hit by a blizzard. She could be stuck there for a while. She and Chak might be able to return safely, but it’s safer for Korto if they stay indoors for a while, they’ve rented a room near the main port until the storm subsides.”

“It must be nice having enough cash for an inn, a few months worth of supplies, and a brand new freighter.” Shryne smirked.

“The freighter wasn’t brand new.” Vos laughed, “The original owner was a little old Drall lady who never left the system with it. She ever even used the laser cannon. As far as the money goes, there’s nothing else to use it for now. I had it stashed to set up my spy network when I was working as a double agent, it would have been terrible counter espionage if the scum of the galaxy were paid directly out of official government accounts.”

“I thought the Chancellor and Senate were already paid from government accounts?” Shryne deadpanned.

It took Quinlan a couple of seconds to get the joke, but when he did he let out a boisterous laugh. “You’re all right Roan, you’re all right.”

“And it will stay that way, but like you I have a pair of responsibilities as well, and if it becomes apparent that Telos isn’t a safe harbor anymore…”

Shryne didn’t have to finish his statement. Vos placed his fist over his chest. “You have my word that i’ll make sure you and the Padawans have passage offworld if that happens. But I need to leave the first chance I get while there is still time left to get into hiding.”

The two men ended their discussion with an unspoken agreement, and Shryne left Quinlan Vos to his work reloading the freighter. Shryne was ready to return to his own work, if Vos was right then perhaps the Padawans needed to spend a little more time on their combat forms…

The bright lights shone through the think skin of Tholme’s eyelids. Restrained as he was and suffering from a state of semi-delirium, there was little even the Jedi Master could do to change his predicament. He had no idea where he was, his awareness of his surroundings had been dampened by Skywalker’s black aura and his senses dulled by a steady regimen of tranquilizers. The building was unlike anything Tholme remembered from his frequent trips to the Republic’s military headquarters located on the capital.

“I trust you’re comfortable. Perhaps you’re up to an earnest conversation regarding the location of the rest of your group of Jedi traitors?” The voice of Anakin Skywalker practically invaded Tholme’s ears with their dark intentions as the former Jedi stood next to the interrogation table.

Tholme could speak, but he did not want to, he attempted to feign unconsciousness with a meditative trance but it didn’t take long for Anakin to see through the ruse. He motioned to a clone trooper off to the side of the room next to the table’s control console, Tholme heard the trooper acknowledge but could not sense exactly what was going to happen, he just knew that it was going to hurt.

Instantly, energy began pouring through the table. Over a thousand volts of electricity began to course through Tholme’s body; it was enough voltage that it took all of Tholme’s concentration to keep his heart from failing him. After a very long few seconds Anakin ordered the clone to stop.

“I don’t have a problem with you being uncooperative Master Tholme. Give me any good reason to kill you and I will gladly do it. However, if you die you will no longer be able to protect your apprentice.”

Tholme’s face hurt too much to wince, but he knew that the possibility existed that he would have to sacrifice Scout. In situations like these, Jedi Masters were trained to do just that. It was a way of preventing the student/teacher bond from overriding sensibility, and a way of keeping the enemies of the Jedi from using Padawans as bargaining chips with their protective Masters.

“If I may also add, Scout is strapped to a similar apparatus that you are, and whatever you feel…” Anakin motioned back over to the trooper, who turned the dial again.

Tholme’s body began convulsing as the electricity resumed flowing. This shock was more brief than the first, but no less painful. Despite the torment that he endured, Tholme was unwavering. He had at first protected Scout aboard the Skyhook with his compliance, but the Imperial destruction of the skyhook, and the slaughter of the Jedi aboard had revealed Skywalker as not to be trusted. He vowed not to give the Empire anything.

“Try as much as you want Skywalker…” Tholme gasped with a dry, crackled voice. “You might as well kill us both.”
Anakin steeled himself. Fortunately for Tholme, or perhaps unfortunately, Anakin had been ordered and trained by Palpatine to focus his restraint better and to release and express his anger and rage in ways other than physical force. Unbeknownst to Tholme, Anakin had the luxury of being able to formulate an interrogation plan with the most devious schemer in the galaxy, a man who was also the Dark Lord of the Sith.

Anakin refocused his rage, and the frustrated sneer upon his face turned into a sinister grin. “You’ve mistaken my intentions Master Tholme. Yes your death is inevitable if you don’t tell me what I want to know, but I guarantee that Scout will live. I know you have the answers that I want; if you don’t give them to me then I’ll bring Scout in here and let her know that you’ve already written off her life. She’ll see that you’ve allowed her to suffer for your own selfish reasons, and she will turn.”

It was a development Tholme had not expected, and Anakin knew it.

“I’ve met Scout before, she’s a strong girl but in the end she’s just as manipulable as any other Padawan. With a push in the right direction she’ll embrace the dark side just as I have, and just to spite you I’ll send her on a rampage of death throughout the galaxy in service to the Empire, and by the time she finishes she’ll leave a trail of dead Jedi in her wake or die herself. Either way your non-compliance will be the catalyst to this tragedy. Of course said tragedy is not necessary and the outcome will be the same either way.” Anakin was almost surprised at just how much he himself sounded like his Master.

Tholme fought with his conscience, his motives were now headed into the murky grey areas of moral debate. Could he justify his defiance if it meant the unnecessary deaths of the innocent? If his actions indirectly related to widespread suffering at the hands of a grief and anger stricken Scout was he responsible? Could, those deaths truly be prevented, as Anakin had said?

“I will make this very easy for you Tholme. All I want to know is the location of one Jedi in particular. Your former Padawan, Quinlan Vos. Just give me the name of the system and you and Scout will be reunited, and you won’t have to worry about her heading out into the galaxy dispensing Imperial Justice at the point of her lightsaber.”

Tholme didn’t know what Anakin or the Empire wanted with Quinlan Vos, but he knew it would not bode well for his former student. But Tholme had already been willing to sacrifice Scout for the greater good, In the long run, Quinlan was no more important than she was.

The easiest option to end his own suffering and save others was the most difficult decision he could make, an age old conundrum that was normally thought upon in the hypothetical sense. Tholme's final decision was based on the terrible truth that no matter what he did eventually Anakin Skywalker and the Empire would have their way.

For the first time in his life he felt that he was broken, and truly out of options.

“Master still on Telos.” Tholme gasped and nearly choked on the words, his mouth extremely dry from the electric shocks and the tranquilizer regimen.

Anakin concentrated on Tholme with the Force and found no deception, any Jedi who had suffered as much as Tholme, would find it next to impossible to disguise a passable lie with the Force.

“You’ve done the right thing Master Tholme.” Anakin spoke in a reassuring voice as he crouched down low to stare right into Tholme’s eyes from close range. “And now, as promised, you’ll be taken to Scout.”

Anakin opened the door to the interrogation chamber and ordered a pair of troopers outside to take Tholme into the adjacent chamber.

The Jedi Master was too weak to even attempt to resist as the troopers unbound him from his restraints and stood him upright before hauling him out into the corridor. The troopers only had to drag him less than five meters before tossing him into the next room.

Tholme landed on the floor with a hard “thud!” and immediately moaned in pain as the door shut behind him. He was confused, Anakin had said Scout was being kept in a room identical to his own, but there were no signs of interrogation equipment anywhere. He scanned the room with his eyes and saw Scout’s body collapsed in a heap in the far corner. He fought back the pain and limped over towards her. She lay still, and Tholme turned her over to make sure she was all right. He had hoped that the torture they had each been forced to endure had not done too much damage.

But to his horror, Scout was dead. Her body was cold and had been lifeless for some time; her eyes were open and her death gaze vacant, as if she were looking up at the stars. Blood trickled from her nose and from the corners of her mouth and her pupils were so dilated that her eyes appeared almost entirely black.

Tholme heard a series of whirrs and clicks as a series of vents opened into the room and hermetic seals clamped down tightly around the doors. It didn’t take long that whatever nerve gas the Empire had used to kill Scout would be the same gas that killed him. Even with the Force, potent nerve agents were beyond resistance for most Jedi. Even the most powerful Jedi could only stave off the effects for short periods of time.

Scout had to have been killed not long after the two were put into this facility. The tale of her fate and well being had been a lie by Anakin to extract the information he required. Even worse for Tholme was the fact that he had sacrificed Quinlan Vos’ sanctuary in order to prevent her from being turned into a weapon, which was never the Empire’s intent to begin with. The stench of the gas filled Tholme’s nose, signaling that his time was near. Clutching the body of the fallen Padawan, he released his mind to the Force. He saw himself standing in a meadow on some distant world with T’ra Saa, the two Jedi sitting together beneath a tree, with no war anywhere in sight.

It was a sight that Tholme had hoped he would one day see with his own eyes, a dream that would never be fulfilled.

After nearly an hour’s worth of exposure to the gas, not an extraordinary amount of overkill given the nature of the prisoner, Anakin ordered the room vented and the corpses disposed of. Tholme had revealed nothing of importance in his dying moments; his mind had become an empty vessel before his body succumbed to the effects of one of the Imperial Security Bureau’s nastier concoctions.

Anakin turned to one of his troopers, the same one who had administered the electricity during Tholme’s interrogation, and began giving orders.

“Contact Commander Appo and let him know we have a target, tell him to contact Admiral Screed and arrange for a task force to be assembled immediately. By this time tomorrow I want to be in the Telos system with Quinlan Vos’ head separated from his shoulders.

Deep within his private chambers, Darth Sidious sat in a deep Sith Meditation. Already he could sense that his leash on his impetuous Apprentice was growing more tenuous by the day. Rare was the occasion when one of the Dark Lord’s plans backfired on him, but the assassination of Padme Amidala had it’s negative consequences. Consequences that the Sith Emperor failed to foresee.

In the aftermath of Padme’s death, there was a huge outburst of support for General Anakin Skywalker, and in short time Lord Vader’s public persona had eclipsed the popularity of Emperor Palpatine. As loyal as Vader could be, if he felt that he could move against his Master he would do so without hesitation. Sidious was not about to make way for the next generation of Sith, not while the entire galaxy belonged to him. He would have to move fast to act against Vader while he was still young and foolish. Vader’s legacy would be allowed to live on though; Sidious knew that he would be able to make great use of the Skywalker twins. He had foreseen it.

For the time being Sidious would indulge Vader and allow him to prosecute the hunt for Quinlan Vos. Sidious was sure Vader would turn up at least a handful of other Jedi in the process and push the hidden Jedi further towards the brink of extinction. Vader’s power could still be useful for the time being.
Even as the plan began to formulate in his mind, Sidious was still quite angry. He had spent years molding Vader to become the ideal apprentice, and now it seemed as if Vader’s tenure would not last even a small fraction of that time. Still, if his plans for the twins could go forth in Skywalker’s absence, Sidious knew the rewards from that plan would carry him on for far longer than if their father lived.
Last edited by Darth Fanboy on 2008-01-27 12:27am, edited 2 times in total.
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)

"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
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Post by Sidewinder »

A good chapter-- I like the way Anakin's character is developing as he embraces the Sith way-- but this line confused me:
Shryne attributed this to the extensive learning the two had undergone prior to their assignment to the Jedi Agricultural Corps.
Did you make up the Jedi Agricultural Corps, or is that another line of bullshit from the EU?
Please do not make Americans fight giant monsters.

Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.

They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
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Post by FA Xerrik »

Anakin is cold as ice, but I guess that's the Dark Side for you. Now we find out if Vos can move fast enough to get off Telos ahead of Skywalker... I guess it all depends on that blizzard. Good developments from this chapter.

And as for the AgriCorps, I don't know where it first was referenced, but as I understand it the corps is where they send Force-Sensitives with some talent but without either the sensitivity or power to become a full Jedi. Force Adepts, if you will, where they use their powers to... tend plants, I guess. I don't know if the concept has ever really been fully explored.
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