Inner sphere forces vs. ZAFT

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Inner sphere forces vs. ZAFT

Post by Darksider »

So after watching Gundam SeeD Destiny (which sucks btw, don't watch it) and playing copius amounts of Mechwarrior 4 (3 won't work on my comp for some reason) I found myself wondering who would win in a fight between the Inner Sphere's forces and those of ZAFT.

Here's the scenario.

The Kell Hounds has been hired by the Earth Alliance to secure an abandoned colony being used as a base by ZAFT. Said colony is an O'neil cylinder type colony similar to heliopolis. The first units in consist of

8 "ShadoCat" light mechs, standard Mechwarrior 4 loadouts
8 "Osiris" light mechs, Standard Mechwarrior 4 loadouts
6 "Raven" Electronic Warfare mechs, standard loadouts
4 "Cougar" Scout mechs, standard mechassault loadout

5 "Uziel" Medium mechs, standard loadout
5 "Hellspawn" Medium Mechs, standard loadout

2 "Mad Cat" Heavy mechs, standard loadout
2 "Mad Cat MK II" Heavy mechs, standard loadout
2 "Atlas" Heavy mechs, standard mechwarrior 4 loadouts.

these units are supported by an armored division of about 50 tanks, a mix of Myrmidons, Bulldogs, and Demolishers, and two squadrons of areospace fighters

Opposing the Kell Hounds is a ZAFT force consisting of
20 standard "Ginn" Mobile Suits
20 High manuver "Ginn" Mobile Suits
10 ZuOOT Ground Attack Mobile Suits
5 BuCUE Mobile Suits
15 DINN aerial combat mobile suits

These units are supported by two squadrons of Zaft VTOL fighters.

The Kell Hound's Objective is to defeat the initial defense force and clear a beachead for the rest of the unit to board the colony, the Zaft Forces objective is to repel the assault.

Who wins?
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Post by Dark Hellion »

Btech is immensely difficult to quantify, as the armour system seemingly does not follow the same laws of physics as the real world. Painrack can explain much better, but the nearly magitek armour makes nearly every Btech vs. matchup very odd, because WWI artillery may be more effective than railguns against it. It's messy, and its because FASA and Stackpoole seemed to insist that game mechanics and fluff matched in some way.

This might have changed recently though, so take it all with a grain of salt.
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Post by Darksider »

Alright, after looking through the BTech Technical archive thread, I've begun to understand the whopping inconsistancies in BTech canon.

How about this?

The OP Scenario remains the same, but BTech forces are high-end per the canon (I.E. The Mackie test can be taken at face value, the Mackie stopped a 105 or 120mm round with no damage)
And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
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Post by PainRack »

Darksider wrote:Alright, after looking through the BTech Technical archive thread, I've begun to understand the whopping inconsistancies in BTech canon.

How about this?

The OP Scenario remains the same, but BTech forces are high-end per the canon (I.E. The Mackie test can be taken at face value, the Mackie stopped a 105 or 120mm round with no damage)
Actually, high end examples will include PPCs that impart kinetic impact, with one outlier example having twin PPCs shove a Wasp 30m back.

But in this scenario, you do know that the Kell Hounds are massively outnumbered. While their mechs weigh heavier, that may not directly translate to superior firepower either.
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