Happy Hogswatch, folks!

Moderator: NecronLord
Lets not get technical hereCrazedwraith wrote:Your poll options are silly. It can be the worst Xmas episode ever and still rate better than 1/5.
Well technically (hah! what are you going to do about it?) it says worst Xmas episode ever, not worst Doctor Who Xmas episode ever, so the poll is fine.Dartzap wrote:Lets not get technical hereCrazedwraith wrote:Your poll options are silly. It can be the worst Xmas episode ever and still rate better than 1/5.
No.Crazedwraith wrote:pfft. Those credits went by a bit fast and can't the Doctor usually use a recall key on the TARDIS?
Father's Day was a point where it had activated the 'dump the exerior shell' mode. Normally he can't recall it. Only the Second Doctor (during his period working for the CIA, in the two doctors) and the Rani have used remote summoning devices.Or has that broken since Father's Day?
Seeing how they ballsed up and made the episode too long AGAIN, they had to make up the time somewhere.Crazedwraith wrote:pfft. Those credits went by a bit fast
Not as teeth grindingly awful as Queen Liz the Second's unconvincing stand in.NecronLord wrote: And damnit. They could have at least clipped Buck Palace. Rather than the offensively cheesy bit we got.
I was reffering to that.Big Orange wrote:Not as teeth grindingly awful as Queen Liz the Second's unconvincing stand in.
The bit with the "Citizens of UK go to war, with Turkey..." was quite the best in it.
I mostly liked it, but it seemed too loud, flashy, and frantic for it's own good - Kylie was very easy on the eyes for a woman pushing 40. George Costigan looked like a cross between "Remembrance" Davros and a used car salesman. Clive Swift was sweet as the elderly faux tour guide who was totally wrong about most of Earth and it's customs. Geoffrey Palmer was very good as the fatalistic captain pushed into the corner to do terrible things.
While it sucked ass, that bit made sense. The Host were programmed to kill all witnesses to prevent anyone revealing that the ship had been crashed deliberately.
Those android angels going gradually haywire in the corporate resort had overt shadings of Westworld, another iconic 1970s movie that inspired the semi-hack RTD, the other movie obviously being The Poseidon Adventure (why were they armed? Were they intended as onboard security units?).
Not everyone who wants to destroy a primative backwater is a galaxy-striding tyrant.
I liked the smarmy businessman annoyingly surviving. London's streets being empty with people leaving or hiding indoors for Christmas after two annual alien attacks was a very good touch, hinting that the general public are not as dumb and delusional to the monthly supernatural/alien related disasters as the citizens of Sunnydale are from Buffy the Vampire Slayer for example (I liked the news vendor man yelling at the sky "Not this time! Don't you dare!", or something along those lines).
I really did not mind Max Capricorn, since his evil plan was so anti-climatically banal, mean, and petty (like the Slitheen really, indirectly killing billions for profit, insurance, or cost cutting, quite opposite to the Daleks, Cyberman or the Master who are more universally ambitious with their schemes in a cliche' kind of way),
Better than Trig? Are you mad? John Lumic was hilariously deranged.and it was a great performance from George Costigan, he was much better than Trigger and slightly better than John Simm (his gold tooth going *TING* was genuinely funny).
Still, it wasn't as bad as the bit where the Queen showed up in Silver Nemesis.Big Orange wrote:Not as teeth grindingly awful as Queen Liz the Second's unconvincing stand in.NecronLord wrote: And damnit. They could have at least clipped Buck Palace. Rather than the offensively cheesy bit we got.