Where do you want to visit?
Assume you will be able to leave any time you wish, and even if you are harmed or killed, you will be returned to your present situation on Earth without delay. Note that I say "visit" because I don't want anyone to be forced choose where he or she might want to spend the rest of his or her lifetime. I might like to spend a few weeks poking around a dystopian Australian outback, but I wouldn't want to stay there. Though if you do want to stay there, by all means, feel free. You just aren't forced to.
Please choose a specific film within a series if so applicable. For example, 2001 is not allowed (though set in the future from the time it was produced), because we never see "future" civilization (or its remains) on Earth. Conversely, 2010 is permitted, because we do see civilization on "future" Earth, if only briefly.
Likewise, Planet of the Apes is allowed. It doesn't have to be a human (well, at least not predominately) future civilization. Just something seen on Earth.
I'm going to also make a potentially unpopular ruling, but Alien, Aliens and Alien3 are not permitted, because although we see obvious evidence of humans near Earth, we see no civilization (or the remains of it) on Earth, in any of those films. However, even though it's among my most hated of movies, the world of Alien Resurrection is permitted, because we do see this at the end of that abortion of a film:

Obviously there is society/civilization on Earth in the first 3 films. We just don't see it in those movies. And both AvP films are set in the present day, so no go there. I assume Predator is set in the then-present day, but Predator 2 is clearly in some future.
And Back To The Future Part II is allowed, but not Part I. Each of the Matrix series is permitted for what should be obvious reasons. And so on.
Oh, and please no animation. I don't remember if Final Fantasy <stifling the bile in my throat as I think of it> shows anything of Earth, but even if it did, I've reserved the right to arbitrarily exclude animation for the purposes of this topic. Similarly, though Akira shows lots of stuff on Earth, it's not allowed in this discussion. As interesting as it might be, I want to limit this to live-action, filmed depictions of Earth. And yes, movies made on videotape count, before any smart ass asks.

So, with those stringent and stifling rules in place, I choose these three:
Blade Runner. I'd like to wander the streets and explore the near-constant rain washing down on that urban decay mixed with massive structures and fly above it all in my Spinner.
I, Robot. I want to a world with consumer-grade robots. Lots of them!
I am Legend. Thought I haven't seen this, I'd like to wander around near-deserted world. Just for a week or so.
* * * * *
(I hope this is appropriate here, and not more suited to OT, but since a lot of these depictions of a future Earth might naturally fall under sci-fi, I thought this might be the best forum?)