Oh sir I do believe you've cracked it. But you can't do that much, as people will complain that 'it's called Doctor Who where is the Doctor'. Those stories are some of the best in DW's history, but pretty much everything else is made of poo. There are *bits* of Sound of Drums that are good (the Doctor/Master stuff) but Last of the Time Lords makes it all irrelevant by revealing that all that backstory and durms bullshit is TOTALLY MEANINGLESS.Hillary wrote:Is it a coincidence that the best stuff in series three (Human Nature, Family of something or other, Blink and Utopia) were all about the Doctor's relationship with someone other than Martha (i.e. the matron and Jack) or didn't have the two of them in it much at all?
Martha is of course almost totally useless.
Hey Dartzap, did that thing just say 'record ratings in the US'? How can this be possible?