Thanks for the insane times, America! Seriously, WTF? I've had bad break ups, but none that warranted kidnapping and torturing my former parter.
An American beauty queen who posed in a skimpy outfit with a machine gun became a criminal, having kidnapped her ex boyfriend.
A typical American beauty, a blonde embodying the adjectives beautiful, successful and smart, threw her American dream to the wind.
Kumari Fulbright, a 25-year-old law student, Desert Sun Miss and participant for the Miss Arizona pageant, has been charged with the kidnapping and torture of her former boyfriend.
With the help of three men, she kidnapped her ex lover, tied him up with a plastic rope and held him imprisoned for hours in a Tucson flat.
Kumari threatened the man, whose identity has not been revealed to the public, with a gun and took his wallet, mobile phone, briefcase and hundreds of dollars in cash, ABC News reports.
From criminal fiction to reality
The beauty queen, who posed skimpily dressed with a machine gun for this year’s calendar, thus became a true criminal.
The police believe that the situation arose from a dispute about some jewellery the former boyfriend allegedly stole from her.
The clever Miss Desert Sun organised a trap and invited her ex boyfriend to her flat. When he appeared, Kumaru excused herself to take a shower and the man was attacked by her friends.
After she came out of the bathroom, Fulbright bit her prisoner on his right underarm and ear, holding a knife to his throat.
After several hours of torture, the victim managed to free himself and grabbed a gun that went off, but did not cause any injuries, the Boston Herald reports.
Beauty or the beast?
Photographs that have been circulating the Internet show two sides of the fallen beauty. She managed to turn a male fantasy into a nightmare on the margins of society.
But the media have also turned up information that the credibility of the victim’s testimony could be brought into question because of his alleged criminal past.