Stuart wrote: There were already signs that other nations were beginning to bandwagon with Hussein so the need for decisive action was necessary - or so the powers that be decided.
Who? Aside from the families of Palestinian suicide bombers who were able to cash their welfare checks, I mean.
Now we have two additional cases. We have Syria that's doing its thing in the Lebanon and Iran that's doing ist things including sending nausea over the border into Iraq. Now, do either of those represent threats to the United States that challenge its hegemon status? That's the key question that has to be asked before an attack decision is made. In the case of Syria, the answer is almost certainly no, Syria's blunt and clumsy actions are actually counterproductive. The country is alienating prospective supporters, not attracting them. At the moment, I'd say Iran is falling into the same category although the omens and portents are less favorable.
The country that has really shot itself in the dick, as far as international opinion is concerned, is the U. S. of A, not Syria and certainly not Iran. It's only the sadism and barbarism of Al Queda that causes them to be held in somewhat lower regard than Uncle Sam, though in some countries (like Pakistan) Bin Laden is still flavor of the month.
This column by Katha Pollitt, who had no qualms about cheering for the Vietcong, FMLN, FSLN and others who fought against the American Empire, spells it out pretty well when she responds to Alexander Cockburn's call for "solidarity" with the insurgents in Iraq:
Katha Pollitt wrote:With whom, exactly, are we supposed to be showing solidarity? Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia? Shiites massacring their Sunni neighbors? Sunnis killing Shiites? Religious reactionaries who have murdered doctors, professors, working women, Christians, students, hand-holding couples? "Ignorance about the Iraqi resistance is somewhat forgivable," Alex concedes, given the lack of first-hand sympathetic reporting--not that he deigns to enlighten the reader.
So, okay, call me ignorant: The Iraqi resistance isn't dominated by theocrats, ethnic nationalists, die-hard Baathists, jihadis, kidnappers, beheaders and thugs? Who haven't tortured and killed trade union leaders, feminists, aid workers, schoolteachers and such? We would like to live--Iraqis would like to live -- in the society they want to create?
The Sandinistas and the FMLN were far from perfect, but they were leftists. They stood for health care, education, land distribution, modernization--not burning down liquor stores and music shops, beating up unveiled women, suicide-bombing ordinary civilians, bringing back sharia law. They had support from all over the left end of the spectrum--labor,churches, feminists, socialists, human rights activists, peace activists--not just because they opposed US imperialism, but because they shared the goals of the American, and global, left.
If the Central American revolutionaries had resisted American intervention in the name of the Spanish Inquisition and spent a lot of time ethnically cleansing their neighborhoods, American leftists probably wouldn't have been so eager to hold potluck suppers for them.
Why Alex thinks embracing the Iraqi resistance would strengthen the US antiwar movement is beyond me. On the contrary, the nature of the resistance is a major reason why the antiwar movement is so weak. No matter how intensely you oppose the war, it is hard to feel good about an Iraq in which the resistance calls the shots. That was not how anti-war Americans saw Central America, or even Vietnam. It's not just that the Iraqi insurgents are killing our soldiers--which, let's remember, was not an issue in Central America. It's that they're killing each other.
Thank goodness for small favors!
To some extent ignoring a challenger's actions can be more damaging to that challenger than responding to them. The worst thing that can be done is to respond ineffectually (like Clinton did when he blew up some empty tents with million-dollar cruise missiles). That was pathetic and risible. The options are to either respond effectively or don't respond at all.
Even worse is responding forcefully to a "challenger" who never challenged you in the first place. Others will take note of your predation on the weak and will try to do something to prevent their own countries from being raped. The US was heavyhanded in Latin America for many years and is now so despised that politicians nowadays get elected when running against the
Yanquis, and crowds in Bolivia cheered when they heard about the WTC attacks. You can see the same thing in Greece and other countries where a "challenger" was slapped down or a smaller, weaker country was cornholed by the US government. Screwing with other countries for the sake of screwing with them is the worst option of all.
The article in the OP reminds me of stage versions of
Peter Pan, where Tinkerbell is dying from poison and the cast begs the kids in the audience:
"If you clap your hands and say 'I believe in fairies' Tinkerbell will live!"
The difference is, rather than amusing children, this pile of bullshit is meant to
confuse adults with infantile minds.