1. We should be ready to nuke other spacefaring species.
2. Because they might be ready to nuke us.
3. Because they're afraid we might get it into our heads to nuke them, because they might nuke us, because we might nuke them, because they might...
Yes, aside from the absurdity of being prepared for all out fucking xenocide at the drop of a hat, it's a load of circular reasoning, with not so much as a single mention of anything concrete to fight over.
Oh wait, actually there is!
We've got to destroy them because they might destroy us because we might destroy them because they might destroy us... etc. Even if it is a realistic scenario, how fucking stupid is it? I mean, even the Cold War involved a conflict of ideologies!Pelligrino and Zebrowsky, verbatim, wrote: They won't come to get our resources or our knowledge or our women or even because they're just mean and want power over us. They'll come to destroy us to insure their survival, even if we're no apparent threat, because species death is just too much to risk, however remote the risk...
I rather hope no starfaring race gets its appendages on an electronic copy of this book, because it could be used as a justification for xenocide if anything ever could...