Jadeite wrote:Could you tell us more about this power struggle? I'm guessing its between the hard-liners and reformists? Who's on which side and controls what would be helpful to know.Stuart wrote: Also, there's a major power-struggle going on inside Iran and a serious confrontation with the USA is just what some elements of that power struggle need to put their opponents away. I'd guess that was the primary driver of this incident.
The other is, drop dummy packages in front of the ships often enough and they might get ignored when somebody drops a real one.
To give as brief as possible origin of the power struggle you have to go back to the Iranian Revolution. To make a really really really complex situation simple the Iranian Revolution was, primarily, a liberal westernizing revolutionary movement. The mainstay of the people who were marching were people who wanted a democracy in form or another as the end result. The problem with the revolution was that the Iranian liberals were about as disunited as you could possibly be partially because of heavy repression of communists and suspected communists, partly due to a lack of real historical democracy in Iran and a variety of other reasons which should only be brought in an obscure debate between drunken Poli. Sci grad students at a bar.
What united the revolutionary movement was the Shi'a Clerics who opposed the Shah's regime for a huge variety of reasons and who had a massive power base both in the provinces and in the inner workings of the Shah's government (Why? you ask. One of the Shah's major accomplishments in the 60s was a massive university enlistment program that drew people from families who had previously only studied at seminaries or with a Mullah priest. And to paraphrase a common saying, you can take the Fundamentalist out of his mosque, but you cannot take the Mosque out of the Fundamentalist.) This was further helped by the fact the only man who had massive charismatic appeal to the people was Ayatollah Khomeini. Khomeini became the touchstone of the entire revolution and everything revolved around him and his clerical supporters and he became the real executive power in Iran.
Fast forward to the end of the revolution and the drafting of the new constitution. Because Khomeini is the touchstone he's able to pull strings and politic. The liberal "westerners" draft the rough draft of the constitution but Khomeini is able to pull it so that the final draft of the constitution gets overhauled by a body clerics first. Two major things come out of this revision: 1. A Guardian Council of Clerics who get final say over legislation coming out of the Iranian Parliament and 2. The office of Supreme Leader who has final say over pretty all elected posts in Iran, is Head of State and wields an incredible amount of power. The office is, essentially, hand tailored for Khomeini. And he's a perfect fit. He's probably the only man who could hold the country together as it tries to overhaul during the revolution.
Needless to say the liberals are not happy about this. However nobody expects it to last like this. And odds are it probably wouldn't have if it hadn't for Iraq pouring across the border. Because I've been too verbose already I'll summarize even more (and I want to get this out before the server reset). Khomeini and the Clerical elite around him rally the country in a millenary revolutionary fervour directed not only against Iraq but towards uniting all Shia in the Middle East (with massive massive repercussions which we still feel acutely to this day.) In the process he pushes out most of the other forces that were left in Iran and by the end of the 80s only the clerics are left with the lynch pin of the operation being Khomeini's incredible personal charisma and power and the xenophobic and messianic (literally, there were large groups of people who viewed Khomeini as the Messiah Twelfth Imam of Shia Islam and referred to him publicly as such) popular support he has accrued. And that's where the problem comes in. Khomeini is old, he was born in 1900, and by the end the Clerics can see the writing on the wall. The post of Supreme is tailor made specifically for him and nobody can fill his shoes, much less his incredible political acumen.
To make matters even worse there's no clear successor anywhere. Khomeini was a very very widely respected Grand Ayatollah before the revolution. He had a unique list of credentials both political and religious which would fill pages. Key word: unique. When he's going there's no one left who can successfully fill the dualistic nature of Supreme Leader in being both the uniting force of the Clergy and the Politicians. To make matters even worse for the clerics in charge the one man who had been, sort of, groomed as a successor to Khomeini was stripped of all political power and sidelined about two or three years before Khomeini's death. So the clerics do what they do best and improvise. Quick backstory: During the Iran-Iraq War there were three major posts in the Iranian Government. Speaker of Parliament, President and Supreme Leader. There was another post, Prime Minister, which could have been a source of contention if it had been filled by a talented man. What ended up happening was that after a brief set of squabbles Khomeini stepped in and put someone he hand picked there. And the speaker of Parliament and President were filled by Hashemi Rafsanjani and Ali Khameini respectively, both middle ranking conservative clergy who had made their bones as politicians with a very pragmatic bend (Khameini being more conservative than Rasfanjani.) Back to the main portion. The clergy, improvising, revised the constitution. They removed the post Prime Minister altogether and entrenched the power of the Supreme Leader and the Guardian Council and made the President much more powerful stripping some power from the Speaker of Parliament. Then they made Khameini a Grand Ayatollah (something he no religious right to be) and waited until Khomeini died.
The idea seemed to be this: The Power of the Clergy was fading, so they entrenched themselves and assured themselves of at least eight years of dominance (the term limit for President) in which they could work out a new solution without Khomeini. All of the liberals and people who favoured western style democracy noticed this immediately and started circling for the kill. Khameini and the Clerics in charge had nothing near the following Khomeini had and it was viewed as inevitable that eventually the post of Supreme Leader would be sidelined constitutionally, pragmatically, or whatever way. Rafsanjani had real power but only because he knew where all the eggs lied in the political game, he could make Parliament and all the politicians dance to whatever tune he called but he did not have overwhelming support of the people or the clergy. It becomes common wisdom that eventually a much more western style of democracy will reign supreme in Iran.
Things progress down this path and it gets to the point in the late 90s where even control of the Revolutionary Guard has slipped from beyond the Clerics hands (there were internal pro-democratic riots in part of Iran, the Clerics called out the Revolutionary to put it down and the Guard told them "We think you should listen to the rioters.") and the Supreme is relying on an essentially Paramilitary organization for actual enforcement power (the Basiji.) And in 1997, when Rafsanjani is no longer able to be President, it looks like predictions have come true. Mohammad Khatami a liberal cleric is elected to the presidency with popular support and is soon reinforced by a liberal majority election in Parliament and pro-free press and liberalizing reforms start to be introduced. Among them are overtures to the United States to have an exchange of high culture (which are promptly ignored thanks in no small part to Monica Lewinski.) The conservatives panic. To stop this they pull a lame duck last day session the conservative parliamentary majority (Parliamentary elections are held before Presidential Elections in Iran so that the majority Liberal parliament would only come in about two or three years [I can't remember off the top of my head at 6:30 in the morning] into Khatami's tenure in office) and repeal a number of Khatami's liberalizations, pass news laws on a variety of subjects and then re-interpret the Guardian Council and Expediency Council so that they can veto all legislation before it gets passed.
Needless to say the reform movement whithers in its tracks and never comes back (it's really a sad thing, if you read the interviews with these people you can't help but feel incredibly sympathy for them because they've been through horrible ordeals and finally got the chance to change Iran for the better only to have jerked away at, literally, the last minute.) The clergy and the conservative forces in Iran make a pact to hold power as long as they can because they saw their life flash before their eyes already and they don't want to have it happen again. In the next rounds of elections the Guardian Council essentially purge the candidate list for Parliament of all major reformists (as is their constitutional right to do) and then approve presidential candidates who are destined to split the liberal vote allowing conservatives or Rafsanjani (who can run again and who is more palatable then anyone else in their eyes) to win the popular vote. What ends up happening is that the man we know and love today Ahmadinejad, a conservative demagogue leading a popular backlash against the perceived liberal impotence to change anything, comes in second in the first round of elections to Rafsanjani. The clerics then decide that they'd rather go with the conservative demagogue who will need to rely on them to accomplish anything than Rafsanjani who still has some political power left in his hands and mobilize everyone they can in tactics which have had their legitimacy and legality questioned publicly by a number of Iranian Governmental insiders.
And that brings us to where we are today. The conservative Clerics main source of popular support to back up their political are their control of the Basiji Paramilitary thugs and the xenophobic reaction that drives people to them and their Khomeinist line. You have a man like Ahmadinejad, who no one likes (a friend of mine from Tehran, where Ahmadinejad was Mayor, regaled with stories of the anti-Ahmadinejad sentiment that was present before he left Iran) in power because he could appeal to popular support and that provided a vital necessity that the clerics needed to protect their power. The problem there is that he's squandered his support in his international brinkmanship and his utter failure to reform anything domestically. You have moderates like Rafsanjani who want to reform the system but leave it so it still resembles the Iran of today in most ways. You have liberals who want to open up Iran and liberalize most of the restrictions imposed on the people and press. On top of that since the mid-90s riots the Revolutionary Guard has been brought into the same bed as the Clerics and given all sorts of economic and political boons. They represent a whole other, and much more secretive but nationalistic, player in Iranian politics. And even more bit players.
And that's the short story of Iranian power politics and its history.
Wow I went on for much longer than I planned. I'm sorry if some of this reads poorly, it's almost 7 AM and I haven't slept yet. I'll come through and revise this tomorrow (I think I caught most of the egregious mistakes just now.)