Considering that Temasek has a public record accessible to investment experts and international auditors, highly unlikely. I vote GIC. Sure, CPF funds are supposed to be used by GIC in the first place, but we can't tell whether profits/losses are being covered up.Xisiqomelir wrote:Let's all be frank here. The CPF is the slush fund used to paper over Temasek's tragilarious "investments", as overseen by Ho Ching.
Evidence that the majority of people pay a large component of HDB flats with non HDB loans? That's literally bucking the trend.Fingolfin_Noldor wrote: Not true for the last few years. CPF loans do cover part of the costs, but you still have a huge bill to pay over the next decade with bank loans. Whereas MAS is probably stricter than the Federal Bank in the US, it doesn't change the fact that people are taking huge risks with huge loans and it doesn't take much effort for the local economy to go downhill when someone sneezes, even literally speaking.
Secondly, MAS has absolutely nothing to do with this. Citibank just wrote off 25 billion dollars in bad debt as it is.
Thirdly, subprime crisis occurs when bad debt occurs and it can't be paid off. The property market here is still viable enough that debt recovery is still possible.
Lastly, considering the international exposure of the banks involved and the pitiful small scale of Singapore market, you must be joking if you think that any form of economic depression would cause a crisis for banking.
You must be joking if you think that a mere 660 square kilometers of land possess sufficient economic value that bad debt recovery will cause a banking crisis.
Ah, I see what you're attempting to say. Unfortunately, you're wrong.Let me restate this: I do not see the logic of extending the withdrawal age limit because of the paltry returns. By that age, one has more time to do investments and so forth which reap far better returns than the pathetic interest rate, which is worse than even the savings account I have now in the US. Further, the older one gets, the larger the medical bills and thus one needs more money. Putting more money in a pathetic fund isn't going to increase the nest egg.
The extension of the withdrawal limit ensures that there's still money left in the Ordinary Account, money which goes towards Medisave/Shield payments on top of other expenses. That's the key reason why the extension was enacted.
If you withdraw that money and put it in a savings linked program, you're not going to be able to use it to pay medical bills. Medical insurance programs such as Prushield already use CPF contributions as it is and you get a better rate.
Such as? REITs and the like are actually one of the few investment funds which do give higher returns and are viable for CPF investments. Other higher returns units such as futures and derivatives are considered to be more risky and thus off limits to CPF investment.I have been told by friends etc. that unit trusts are the worst possible place to put funds in and there are much better funds with much better guaranteed returns. One needs to however, have sufficient funds to divert them to these managed funds. Of course, one could cynically construe this irritating lack of flexibility as the Govt's attempt to dissuade people from using CPF for anything.
Or have you forgotten that you can invest your own CPF money?
And all these are basic economic realities... May I remind you that up to 30% of the Singaporean population don't pay income tax at all? The tax structure for living with your parents and other dependents means you can hope to earn an monthly income of 2k, and even higher if you have kids without paying tax.For your information, the domestic economy has, until quite recently due to the sudden jump in the economy which I doubt is sustainable since all things are cyclical, been in the doldrums. Retail sales were weak, and
It has a same effect as a tax. Deal with it. Tax takes away money that people can use. So does CPF. You can use it on housing and a few other things, but daily necessities, no. And housing is still a huge bill compared to housing in the West. This is not steam, this is economics.
For the majority of Singaporeans, taxation comes from consumption taxes.
I'm just wondering, what IS the point? That 20% mandatory savings= reduced consumption? No shit. That's the whole point of MANDATORY savings.
Or are you attempting to state that the weak domestic market is responsible for the poor economic performance?
Considering that our entire economy is export orientated, that's literally bull.You can argue like one economist did almost a decade back that we should be developing our own domestic market but that's an entirely new issue altogether. I for one do NOT want a 6 million population.
Are you even aware of what welfare services are available?At a pathetic fixed rate of return. And welfare services are largely out of reach of the middle class which forms the bulk of the population.
MSW is the only free medical services available in the hospitals.
FSCs don't do means testing and are available for all.
Private services also rely largely on government aid.
Nursing homes, rehab and etc are funded out of Community Chest and government dollar for dollar programmes. Non-for profit organisation fees are meant to recover expenses only and thus rely heavily on government linked charity, such as Community Chest for survival. Not to mention reduced utility rates and etc. NKF makes a big deal about how private donations are required to sustain charitable organisations, but that ignores how Community Chest is a form of government susbsidy.
Social enterprises aren't really welfare, but they do enjoy subsidies and grants so that they can get started, providing jobs for the disabled and other social projects.
Comcare just shows how much the government has a stake in social welfare services. It doesn't set them up directly, but it provides the network and the intergration that makes them work well. Hell, Mendaki is so closely affliated with the government(for better or for worse) that it can't really function outside of it.
None of these are "outside" the reach of the middle class so as to say. You're looking too deeply into the limited offset schemes, work schemes and funds that target directly the poor. Welfare services to handle other aspects of daily life are usually privatised under the aegis of the government.