Torchwood S2x02: Sleeper [Spoilers]

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Torchwood S2x02: Sleeper [Spoilers]

Post by Bounty »

...was just on. If you missed it, it was a tired amnesiac sleeper agent story mixed up with a Terminator rip-off. Also, big invasion coming, shielded killer aliens that look like humans, blah blah blah.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Jack seemed pretty deranged. He was being dead harsh to her early on for no apparent reason. The whole apocalypse thing happened in a bout 20 minutes at the end.

And suicide by Torchwood? I'm sure the users here can sympathise.
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Post by Bedlam »

Well I supose its heart was in the right place, sort of, it was just so heavy handed with everything. Why not leave anything unsead or open to interpritation?
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Post by NecronLord »

That wasn't bad.

It wasn't good, either, but I'd say it's the best episode of Torchwood I've seen so far.

It obeyed all of my Three Rules of Torchwood.
  1. Do not have the team cause the problem.
  2. Do not have random sex/homosexuality sections that just make me go 'why?'
  3. Non-Jack characters should help solve the problem.
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Post by Bounty »

He was being dead harsh to her early on for no apparent reason.
I don't know if the "no lawyer, no call" schtick was hilarious or terrifying. I mean, on the one hand, it was so cliché and overdone you couldn't help but laugh, but the idea that the Torchwood shortbus of all groups would get that power...

And did anyone notice even the BBC announcer is taking the piss now? "Torchwood: funny and sexy. On the other channel we've got a show where kids talk about sex with their parents. For more sex, switch to BBC3. The only place where you won't find sex is the Africa Cup on Digital, but even that's not guaranteed" :lol:
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Post by Darwin »

NecronLord wrote:That wasn't bad.

It wasn't good, either, but I'd say it's the best episode of Torchwood I've seen so far.

It obeyed all of my Three Rules of Torchwood.
  1. Do not have the team cause the problem.
  2. Do not have random sex/homosexuality sections that just make me go 'why?'
  3. Non-Jack characters should help solve the problem.
Have to agree, there.

Ianto seems to have taken the role of 'resident smartass'. It works, but it's just so different from how he's acted previously, it's a bit jarring.

In a different series, this would be an 'average' episode. Very derivitive, not much creative involved, but nobody acted idiotically. For torchwood, it's above average.
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Post by GuppyShark »

Darwin wrote:In a different series, this would be an 'average' episode. Very derivitive, not much creative involved, but nobody acted idiotically. For torchwood, it's above average.
Funny. Letting the known sleeper agent with the inbuilt weaponry hang around your secret HQ qualifies as idiotic in my lexicon.
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Post by Hillary »

An awful lot was wrong with this episode, but it easily one of the best I've seen of TW, simply by the fact that it concentrated more on the alien woman than it did the fucked-up lives of the idiot squad.

I thought it was a nice idea - this woman who was having a great life with a really close and loving relationship has it all suddenly ripped away from her - her whole life has been a lie, is unreal. Then she kills the man she loves, or rather the alien part of her does. It's quite a powerful set-up and I thought she played it very well.

Obviously, it's not exactly original (DW used it in the last series in Human Nature/Family of Blood) but I thought it worked.

There are obviously holes the size of a time rift in the plot, but that's never stopped Doctor Who from being great TV.
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Post by Dartzap »

Next week looks like it has an interesting premise as well.
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Post by Lord Woodlouse »

Yeah, I thought this was actually decent by even normal standards. Though I have a soft spot for Torchwood, against my better judgement, so I'm possibly biased. :)
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