My day from Hell, but karma and a total stranger..

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My day from Hell, but karma and a total stranger..

Post by Glocksman »

...did help make it better.

When I came out of the bank on my way into work, I noticed a puddle of antifreeze under my car.
I opened the hood and traced the leak to the end of a heater hose connected to the heater core.

On every other car I've owned, this is a 5 minute repair; cut off the end of the hose with the hole in it and remount.

However, on my current vehicle (1992 Olds Cutlass Ciera 3.3L), it's a fucking nightmare due to wiring harnesses and the power steering pump blocking off easy access to the firewall where the hoses connect to the core.

To make a long story short, I managed to get the hose off after about a half an hour of dicking around in 25°F weather, in the meantime managing to numb my fingers, bruise my arms and bleed all over the place (I'm on Coumadin because of my artificial heart valve, so I bleed easily) while doing so.

While I'm literally wrestling around with the clamp trying to tighten it in such a cramped environment, a total stranger offers to finish up tightening the clamp.
Fifteen minutes later, he finally gets it tight and offers me a ride to the nearest auto parts store to buy antifreeze (I lost about half a gallon).
Naturally I take him up on it. :lol:

On the way there, he offers to buy it for me if I didn't have the money. :shock:
I declined his offer, and thanked him anyway, as I'd just cashed my check and had some money.

I would have been late for work, so I just called in and went home after I finished filling up the radiator.

I like to think of this as positive Karma coming back to me after I helped a family stuck on US 41 a few years ago with their radiator hose problem.
I wound up installing it (a lower radiator hose) for them because none of them had any idea how to do it, but I didn't mind doing so because I figured that someday I'd be the one needing help.

Today was that day.
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."- General Sir Charles Napier

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Post by Phantasee »

What goes around comes around, Golden Rule and all that.

It's always somewhat inspiring to hear about a good thing happening to someone, especially when they've done good things for others in the past. Gives a person hope, you know?

Thanks, Glocksman.
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Post by Joker »

Thank goodness this fine Samaritan, Glocksman!

I've often noticed that good things come to those who do good things for others. Alot of people in that position (cold, bleeding, late for work) would probably be sort of leary or a little short to a stranger walking up to them, but you weren't. You're probably a nice person. People pick up on that and are willing to help out. I'm sure that besides incident on US 41 you do alot of other good for people. :)
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Post by Glocksman »

I can be a nice person, but I can also be an asshole.
But only those who are assholes to me first see that side of my personality. :wink:
Personally I subscribe to the philosophy of 'ask me for help and I'll give you the shirt off my back, but if you try to take it from me I'll fight you to the death'. :twisted:

I wasn't leery at all about getting a ride from him.
Maybe it's because I'm too trusting, or it could be that I'm not particularly vulnerable.
Now if I were a 5'4, 110lb. good looking blonde instead of a 40 year old 6'0 stocky male, I might have been a little more uneasy. :lol:

Interestingly enough about 12 years ago, I did help out a woman stranded on the expressway.
She was out of gas and needed a ride to buy a gas can and some gas.
I took her to one and back to her car.
The whole time she kept her keys in her hand.
I didn't think anything about it until I noticed that she had a can of pepper spray attached to the keyring.

I wasn't offended because that was simple prudence on her part.
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."- General Sir Charles Napier

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