1)Why is he hunting deer with an M4, wouldn't a larger caliber rifle be more effective?
2)Why is he trying to run down and shoot the deer while driving the car?(3:00 to 5:00)
3)What does he spread on the front step of his condo? (7:55)
4)What were the locations he was marking on the map (red X inside a black circle? (20:28)
5)Who's appartment was he gathering supplies from? (20:38 to 22:00)
6)Do the Infected eventually die after being exposed to sunlight for a long enough period of time [after jumping out the first story window with an Infectee on clinging onto Neville's back, who's skin begins to burn while it's writhing around on the ground]? (30:09)
7)What happen to the two other Infectees that also were chasing Neville, and that also jumped out of the window while persuing him? (30:09)

9)He mentions hypothesizes that the KV-Infected "decreased brain-function" (He blathers something about social de-evolution, even though an Infected male exposes himself to sunlight after he captures an Infected female and the Infected living in "hives" seem to contradict this.) yet they're able to use Fred the mannequin as bait for a snare trap (which they built) that Neville gets trapped in. (46:25)
10)Why is he using an ACOG, why not a reddot/reflex sight (Aimpoint etc)? In the combat scenes he's in CQ evironments where, IMO an ACOG wouldn't be as effective as an Aimpoint.
11)Why doesn't he carry a pistol on his person? It would be useful in case he A) gets seperated from/loses his rifle (which is the case after he frees himself from the snare trap the Infected set) or B) his rifle malfunctions.
12)Why would the Infectees keep Infected dogs with them? Wouldn't they just eat them (seeing how they're social de-evolved and all)? Why would they need them (it's implied that the Infected humans have a better than normal sense of smell)? (49:50)
Infected physical abilities
- Two Infectees impact (one after the other) Neville's SUV with enough momentum flip it over. The left side (and the side that they ran into) of the SUV was on a slight incline though. (59:21)
- The Infectee female that Neville experimented on needed six times the human dose of the sedative "Dilotted Push [?] only sedates effectively at six times human dose" (33:10)
- The Infectee were able to follow Neville, Anna and Ethan back to Neville's condo even though "there was light on the horizon" (767:089)
- An Infectee is able to drag Neville with Neville's neck/shoulder in his mouth and then tosses him from the floor onto a table (throws him about 1.5 to 2 meters up and Neville lands upwards of 2 meters away). (79:06 to 79:26)
- Neville stabs the Infectee with a screwdriver into its thigh, after pulling the screwdriver out, the Infectee jumps down the flight of stairs, vaults over the bannister and runs into another room (79:35 to 79:52)
- An Infectee is able to hang from the ceiling while tearing a hole into it
- That same Infectee is not incapacitated after being shot at (at very close range) by 6 (possibly less) 9mm gunshot wounds (81:20 to 81:29)
- Infectees are able to rapidly climb up the walls of the condo (which is 3 or so stories tall) (82:10)
- A group of Infectees is able to break down the lab door (sending it flying across the entire width of his lab. Said door is locked and barred (not as massive as the front door though). (82:55)
- An Infectee (the hive's leader?) rams himself into/hits the Plexiglass (?) door 27 times before putting a hole into it (83:27 to 85:45)
The KV (Krippin Virus) Infectees have (according to Wiki):
"Adrenal glands that are "permanently open", giving victims increased strength but also a faster metabolism. This results in increased body temperature, heart rate, and breathing speed, making those infected hyperventilate constantly. Pupils became permanently dilated and skin became hypersensitive to UV radiation, forcing infected hosts into a nocturnal life cycle."
Wouldn't the constant release of adrenaline massively increase the threat of cardiac arrest? Why would their adrenal glands be permanently "open" if they are nocturnal? Wouldn't the Infectees die out fairly rapidly, as they need would need to intake more calories to accomplish the physical feats they are capable of, yet there is no evidence that they do anything but hunt for food. If the Infectees are able to reproduce, assuming their offspring would be born as normal humans, would 90% of them die at birth, 9% become Infectees and 1% be unaffected? If that were the case, wouldn't the death rate be much higher than the birth-rate, meaning that the Infected Humans would die out fairly rapidly?