Bounty wrote:Or because they think loopholeism somehow makes them "right".
Few things give me more of a thrill than seeing these pond-scum beurecrats being hog-tied by their own idiotic rules.
He blatantly flaunts building laws, but now expects the council to follow planning code to the letter to save his pet project?
Their idiotic petty rules and desperate need to force their conformism on everyone else result in endless rows of boring identical boxes. Unfortunately given how often they make exceptions for large developers, I imagine they'll take any opportunity to break their own rules to take down someone who dares challenge their authority, but with luck the courts will smack that down.
The planning laws are there for a very good reason:
No, they're not. Safety codes are one thing. Outside of a very few genuinely historic areas, 'character of the area' is a load of bullshit.
if you allow people to build mansions - and that's what this is, a mansion, some faux-battlements won't change that - all over the countryside you soon won't have any countryside left.
Bullshit. Crazy people building their own eccentric castles are a
minute fraction of new buildings, somewhere under a tenth of a percent. Victorians doing /exactly this/ resulted in a lot of our most cherished historic buildings today (around here at least - just look at all the cool follies and historic country houses in the peak district). The actual threat to 'the countryside' is developers covering it in thousands of identical, soulless McMansions - and they have relatively little trouble getting planning permission, due to high-paid solicitors to game the process and contributions to local politicians.
Not to mention that there are reasons apart from aesthetics to stop people from building where they want, what if this monstrosity fucked up the water drainage of the fields? I'm sure his neighbours'll love it when their homes flood because the guy down the road thought rules didn't apply to him.
If it happens, they can sue and he will have to pay for it. Frankly though this has no correlation with whether planning permission was granted or not, given how superficial the process is and how incompetent they are at checking for compliance in non-blatantly-obvious ways.