Gerald Tarrant wrote:From a trade perspective the bolded statement is absolutely correct. Many of America's trade partners do "export led growth" where domestic demand is insufficient to their production. In order to maintain full employment they try to maintain trade surpluses, so they can have sufficient demand to soak up their production. Without this the companies participating in the surplus face two unpalatable choices, cut prices and profits, or streamline by firing workers. The only way that can be avoided is if some new demand for products appears to the point where it can absorb a large volume of the former trade surplus.
Everybody in the world is looking for high quality goods (or cheap quality goods.) If Americans can no longer afford it, why can't the EU or any other country send their exports somewhere else? Like, China.
Matt Huang wrote:Ok, so you don't quite understand how much of the economy is smoke and mirrors. Let me explain:
When people talk money, you think of cash, right? Little wads of paper or discs of metal with pretty pictures on it? That's not so in the finanical world. Money is, for the most part, ink on the balance sheet.
I know it's all fake. I know that the money supply in circulation is far lower than the actual amount of money in circulation. That doesn't change my point that for the people I care about, the people who actually work for their money, investment doesn't matter a shit. Only liquid matters.
For the purposes of this explanation, let's just assume that you just got paid so you take that money and deposit it into a savings account at your bank. Well, the bank has to pay interest on your deposit, so they go out and lend most of the money (keeping some of it in reserve in case you need to make a withdraw) to some person or company who's looking for some capital for some reason or another. Of course, that second person / company isn't going to spend the money right away, so they'll deposit that money in their bank (which may or may not be the same as yours), which goes out to put out most of that second deposit as a loan to a third person who deposits the money into a bank, in theory going so on and so forth infinitely many times. The net effect? The amount of "money" in the economy is far greater than the actual amount of currency available.
I don't particularly care about the investor class. Unless the European banks or other banks have such huge sums of money invested in the US economy that if the US economy sinks, the bank goes under, I don't see your point. The bank cannot go under, not in a modern economy -- deposits are insured by governments.
Now, imagine if one of those people somewhere in the chain had made a investment in some developing nation and lost some money when that country tanked, such that they could no longer pay back that loan. No big deal, the bank should have enough other assets to compensate for that loss. Now imagine if a lot of people had made investments in what they thought was a secure, well-developed market. Now the bank is facing a lot of people who can't pay back, so the bank starts to goes under. People hear this and start to make runs on their bank (regardless of whether or not it had made the bad loan), resulting in a large number of of people who wish to collectively withdraw an amount of hard currency that doesn't physically exist. Well, most developed nations have a central bank which can come to the rescue (though only up to a certain point), but a bailout takes time and is costly to the country as a whole. Furthermore, it still shakes consumer and investor confidence in your economy.
The bank can simply institute withdrawal limits until it can rip all its money from the US. At a significant loss, but that shouldn't matter since after the readjustment all the rich and noble Americans will ditch their own currency and banks like a bad whore and dump into Europe. What is their equivalent of the Federal Reserve in their countries can give banks money for loans for short-term consumption. Do you seriously think you will see Latin American style riots in Europe if people can't access their money? The politicians will go on television and assure the public that their money is secure, that the banks only need time to pull out of America. The people are more refined, they will not panic, knowing in the long run their savings accounts are safe.
Part of the problem is economists treating long-term investments or investments in general as good as liquid. They forget the market burst in the 90's leading to the popularity of the Cash Flow Statement as opposed to the Balance Sheet. When historians look at the failure and fall of capitalism, they will
laugh at the hilarity of the Balance Sheet. How the fuck does it make sense to invest money that you don't have? It only makes sense if your investments and accounts receivable have a reasonable guarantee of collection. This is precisely what happened in the subprime, banks packaging low-quality investments as secure. "Capital flight" had little to do with subprime and everything to do with my position, that liquid is king. Liquid is what matters, even if it is insured liquid sitting in a savings account in a bank.
Just because the liquid is electronic, that doesn't change my point that liquid is what workers get paid with. Liquid is not investment, so I don't see what the point of your whole rebuttal is.