Skelron wrote:Really before they had a Bible, oh grow up Wong, before they had a Bible tthere was likely at most a few decades, depending on how long it took Constantine to get the books of the bible selected. How the fuck a group that went from powerless minority to having a bible and being in power was supposed to have gotten in some good old fashioned Heretic burning is beyond me.
Funny ... if you actually knew anything about the period, I would have thought you would contradict me with actual facts rather than supposition.
They do, all follow the same bible... Hmm False, Mormons have their own fucking book. Yet they are still classed as Christians.
Yet again, you demonstrate your ignorance of history. The Mormons were heavily persecuted for their heresy. At one point the US Army was even dispatched against them.
Also yes, the title of Heretic was thrown around. And it did lead to deaths, and yes, this means it is not a free for all, point to where I said it was?
Anyone can read what you said earlier, you lying little shit. You said that Scientology's use of trademark and copyright to prevent unauthorized splinter groups made it totally unlike Christianity, when Christianity used the sword to prevent unauthorized splinter groups. The Queen of England once had a death warrant on her because she was a "heretic", and now you act as though Christianity doesn't do this because she was able to fight off these attacks and establish herself to the point where the Catholic church gave up the fight.
I said it was possible to criticise, maybe within set limits of what was accepted by the majority, but guess what the majority at least had the chance to learn what it was they believed. The Scientologists Majority CAN'T.
Yet AGAIN, you demonstrate your astounding ignorance of history. The Catholic Church considered itself the keeper of dogma for more than a thousand years, and violently suppressed all dissent. Protestant denominations sprung up
despite violent attempts to suppress them, leading to intra-denominational hostility which claimed countless lives and continued right up into the 20th century in some areas.
That is the Fucking differance. A Scientologist believer can't hold a debate with a higher up on what exactly a teaching means because they are not in possesion of all the 'facts' and it is possible will never be in possesion of those facts.
I can ehad down to a church in the morning and after Mass, speak to the Priest. I could take issue with things in the sermon and say to him, 'I disagree with your interpretation of this, because of XYZ.' He and I would be in possesion of the same teachings, so my disagreement with him would be possible, he hasn't got any secrets over me, no Super-Secret Only to be taught to those who pay 'Blah' amount of money, information, that might very well render my intratation moot.
That is only true because men with swords demanded it be so, against the wishes of the Catholic Church.