Page 254
Gunfire from Mori bastion and Primus Ravelin along the thirty metre breach opened up by the Iron Warriors. We dont know exactly how many troops were firing (Thousands best), but lasfire tearing apart "hundreds" of troops does suggest fairly extensive firepower.Hundreds of soldiers were scythed down in the murderous crossfire, their bodies torn apart in a hail of shells and lasers.
Page 272
Las-fire "vaporising" patches of the ground./ We're not sure how big a "patch" is, but if we assume a few inches diameter, we can assume 900-1000 kilojoules (or nearly one megajoule) if composition is identical to silicon. assuming a few inches in radius, the energy involved is easily several megajoules (up to say, 5-6 megajoules) per shot. This is, ,of course, conjectural, as the diameters, while conservative, are not explicit, but it is consistent with other known incidents.Shots slashed through the air beside him, bright streamres of las-fire plucking at his armour or vaporising nearby patches of earth.
Heavier blasts of las-fire speared from the ramparts, blasting craters in the floor of the ditch and tossing severed limbs and gas-bloated corpses high into the air
Page 276-277
Energy weapon from one of the Scout Titans. We dont know if these were regualr Iron Warriors or the Terminators of Forrix's own grroup. Assuming that all six iron warrios (or is it seven) were vaporized (at least partially) we can conjecture its well into the GJ range (at least several hundred MJ per torso, disregarding armour, which coudl arguably double or triple the calc.) If only the single body is vaporized it would still be in the mid to high Mj range, and overpenetration (or lower powered shots) are still a possibility.Six Iron Wrriors were obliterated in a single, devastating volley as a searing energy beam vaporised another's upper body, leaving the legs standing for a second before they toppled back down the reubble slope.
Page 282
- Warlord Titan had to duck to get under the gate and avoid losing its carapace weapons. The Reavers are smaller and have no trouble walking under the gate. IIRC the earlier sources established the gate was ~30 meters tall, so this reinforces Graham McNeill's own "titan scaling" views once more.
Page 283
We don't know for absolute certainty how big the gun towers might be, but we can conjecture. We know the walls are several tens of meters tall (say twenty metreS) and at least half that thick due to the maps. We may also further estimate that the Guard Tower should hold at least several heavy weapons squads (at least four troops) and could probably be considered to be 4-5 meters in diameter, probably more. Another possible way to calc it: the local state penetentiary near where I live has guard towers about 5 meters in diameter. Call it 6 meters, with the tower walls a meter and a half thick.A massive explosion threw up chunks of rockrete as the enemy's Titan's plasma annihilator opened fire and vaporised a corner gun tower on Vincare bastion, melting the rockcrete of the walls and causing them to sag under the intolerable heat.
If the towers extend 25 meters up, we can estimate it masses roughly 1,230,000 kg. Assuming it vaporises a 5x5 meter chunk of that (or 1/5th the mass), its at least 3.2 TJ. If the towers were larger (or the portion of the tower vaporized greater, say half), the figure would be correspondingly greater.
This doesn't account for melting the walls either. If we assume a 5x5x5 portion of each "side" of the wall was molten, you can expect at least another 1-2 TJ.
Arguably, though, ti suggests much MORE of the wall was reduced to a molten state. If, for example, a 10x10x10 section of tower (and 2 10x10x10 section of wall).. call it 1,500,000 kg for the tower (assuming 3 meter thick walls) and 4,660,000 tons for the walls... at least 32 TJ.
Thus, it can be safely conjectured that Titan weapons are kiloton range (easily)
Page 286 - the Dis Irae's plasma reactor was described as a "nuclear heart"
Page 287
If we take the earlier sources about "hundreds" of corpses as applying to the ditches here (hundreds or thousands seems likey) we can conjeture the Dis Irae's plasma reactor overload released many kilotons of energy (At least) - probably much more.Burning plasma flooded the ditch, incinerating the corpses that filled it in an instant.
Page 288 - the Two titans collapsing together [Dis Irae and one of the Imperial Warlords] massed thousands of tonnes collectively.
Page 291 - Hundreds of regiments stationed at Hydra Cordatus over the years/centuries, millions of troops. The ratios suggest between 2,000 and 50,000 troops per regiment depending on how one defines "millions" and "hundreds". Given the Jourans, it seems liklier that the regiments were all roughly in the high thousands/low tens of thousands probably.
Pag 293
No idea how "large" the craters are, aside from the fact they don't appear to penetrate all that deeply. The apparent "momentum" impared by the bolt will be from rapid vaporization of the body material, which suggests not-inconsiderable levels of vaporization do occur (a Servitor is going to mass alot, after all)A flurry of las-blasts struck the Praetorian, which rocked back, bloody craters torn across its body.
Page 293
Praetorian bolter rounds on Jouran dragoons. Not quite "chest exploding" the wa some bolters are, which may suggest either different kind of bolter/ammo, or that their flak had some (small) mitigating factor. It is perhaps "close" to grenade level damage, given the way the bodies were thrown back. Though if it were a "penetrator" round, this might be purely momentum. either is possible. The latter bit is more likely indicative of grenade like damage, though it may involve more than one shot. (though even having several bolter shells equal one modern frag grenade is insanely impressive.. we're talking about a single bolt having the equivalent of many tens of grams of TNT.)Three were thrown back, huge holes blasted in their chests.
He dropped as he was struck in the head and chest, blown apart by the mass reactive bolter shells as they detonated within his flesh.
Page 294
Leonid is using a las-pistol The first two hits do not blow the head aparrt, but that could be because of mechanical augmetnations as well as anything else. The third shot does decapitate it, suggesting it blows a 10-15 cm diameter hole through parrtt of neck and head (which may or may not have augmentics.)He squeezed off two rounds and the Servitor staggered, two massive holes blasted in its skull. It raised the heavy bolter and fired as Leonid's third shot took it in the throat, blowing its head clean off.
Assuming the usual conditions for cauterization or boiling and flesh-like densities, we're talking hundreds of kilojoules worth of energy per shot, possibly as high as a megajoule or so with a sufficiently high cauterization temp or the larger diameter (which will more than double the mass affected and thus the energy involved.)
Page 294
If we knew the velocity and dimensions of the door, we might gain some upper limit estimates on the mechanical resistance of 40K "steel"The Door to the Machine Temple was thirty centimeters thick and composed of solid steel, but it crumpled like tinfoil when the eighty-tonne drilling rig slammed into it.
Page 295
Important for a calc below. All that's importtant to note is that the head is, despite bieng composed mainly of tentacles, roughly the same volume (and roughly therefore mass) of a human head.The Magos lifted his face and Leonid gasped in horror as he saw Naicin's true features, a swirling mass of thin, worm-like tentacles that glistened and writhed togehter to form the mass of his head. A cluster of milky and distended eyes bulged in the centre of his features, above a sphincter-like mouth, ringed with needle teeth.
Page 297
The "virus bombing" of a world rendered it "uninhatibatle for centuries" but apparently or isn't suggested to be exterminatus, though some sourcese do suggest "centuries""A wasteland created by human hands. This was once a fertile and bountiful world until the Adeptus Mechanicus soughtt o make it their own. Virus bombs killed every living thing on the surface of this world and rendered it uninhabitable for centuries.
"They wanted to make sure no one ever desired this world.
qualifies as Exterminatus. This can tell us either a.) the AdMech still has some facility for making uninhabitable planets habitable (since the air of Hydra Cordatus is breathable) by at least some methods of Exterminatus, or b.) the virus bombing was not technically an Exterminatus (or a very minor, low end one.)
Page 297
According to the aforementioned mutant, there are only two places in the Imperium where Gene seed is made and stored. Presumably, the other is Terra, but that may not be the case. and its largely hearsay at best (its not as if the Imperium's own bookkeeping and love of secrets hasn't complicated such things in the past. hell, they can even lose track of entire Chapters.)The gene-seed you prize so highly, the future of the Space Marines... this is one of only two places in the galaxy where it is created and stored.
Page 298
As noted, a single shot from Leonid's laspistol blows apart the mutant's heaad. As noted, it seems "roughly" humanoid volume and therefore roughly humanoid mass.. so at least 2-3 kg, if not the full 4-5 kg noted previously. Assuming roughly boiling point you get between 500-800 kilojoules, up to a megajoule or so for the full 4-5 kg "boiling." If cauterization, it can get to several megajoules easily, agian depending on exact temp."But you won't be around to see it," snarled Eshara plucking the pistol from Leonid's hand and pulling the trigger. Naicin's head exploded, showering the platform with stinking yellow fluid and scraps of rubbery tentacled flesh.
We can safely say "laspistol = hundreds or thousands of megajoules" regardless.
Page 299
- Chaos Titan Pater Mortis is nearly thirty metres tall at the shoulders.
Page 305
Page 305-306Forrix watched the beast stagger as a shell from a Vindicator burst against its leg. The Warhound lurched, its weapon mount shearing off as it slammed into a ruined building.
Page 307More gunfire hammered the armoured carapace of the Warhoumd. its legs buckling under the weight of fire.[
- Warlord Titan [Pater Morttis] cripple/destroy a Scout Titan in a single volley.
Page 309
"Thousands" of tanks, suggesting between 2,000 and "less than a million" space MArines. At least if taken literally.Lenoid hammered his rifle butt through the glass of an incubation tank and stood back as the amniotic fluid spilled out along with its foetal cargo.
Thousands of tanks ran in ordered lines into the darkness, tehir clear surfaces forsted and cold to the touch.
If what Naicin had told them was even partly true, there was enough genetic material stored here to create untold thousands of twisted warriors of Chaos The very thought of such creations being birthed from here was truly horrifying.
the "incubation tanks" suggest the method of creating gene-seed involved implanting the progenoids into a host and letting them grow.
Page 310
again, the geneseed was apparently grrown from "host bodies" implanted with the progenoids, as suggested in other sources.The Warsmith halted beside a shattered incubation capsule and dragged out a limp rag of pink flesh, sodden and only vaguely humanoid. The Warsmith feasted upon the genetic hoste matter, feeding on the soft boneless tisue..
It should be noted that given this method, the actual loss of the "Creation" aspect of the facilities is probably not as horrible as the loss of the stored geneseed itself, since the creation method can be duplicated elsewhere with stored geneseed from tErra (or at worst, from the tithed geneseed all Chapters are supposed to provide) The stored gene-seed, of course, means loss of a reserve but also a boon that strengthens Chaos at the same time. (or it would, if it survived.)
Page 315
a kilometre-long Admech vessel. This would put it roughly in the grade of an escort-sized vessel. Its hyperspace capable, putting it in the low end scale of such vessels (destroyer or light frigate grade.)The Adeptus Mechanicus vessel Mordekai's Light drifted in geo-stationary orbit above Hydra Cordatus, its smooth black surfaces dull and non-reflective. Its kilometre-long hull was sleek and quite unlike the ungainly vessels of the Imperial Navy.
This vessel was designed for speed and stealth.
Page 317
Three hours for lance attacks to apparnelty oblierate the Hydra Cordatus facility, which basically means vaporizing the entire area (and its undegroound facilities) which means many kilometers in diameter, the signs of the battle, and so on. The fact Hawke could watch without being fried or knocked down by blast does suggest it wasn't teraton (possibly low gigaton at best, even with the reduced trimeframe) given that the planet was not even significantly impacted on a global scale as far as we can tell... but then again the craft was already mentioned as being designed for "speed and Stealth" and fwe Admech vessels ever seen in fiction seem to be even closely "heavilly armed", if armed at all, so this probably is not going to be representative of the firepower of its Naval equivalent (and even if it is, as noted its a small end vessel.)He was scanning the sky, desperately hoping the ship would return, when the first orbital lance strike lit up the sky with unbearable brightness and streaked through the atmosphere to impact on the citadel. He sat bolt upright as a massive explosion mushroomed from the citadel, scrambling backwards as a cascade of light fell from the sky, enveloping the citadel in blinding explosions.
Hawke watched, horrified as the barrage continued for another three hours. By the time it was complete, there was nothing left to indicate that the citdael had existed at all.