magic the gathering

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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

DG_Cal_Wright wrote:One of the best was if the volcano doesn't hit soon enough, if my Wrath of God (the rare white mix occasion) or The Plague. Devestates those fucking green users like there's no tomorrow.
Wrath of God, that was it.
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Post by mantakai »

hehe, they never worked very well, but some of the funniest decks i have ever made that were very fun to play with were:

1. a complete gold deck with random mana and all of teh elder dragon lords which is quick nasty especially nica bolas (excuse spelling its been a while)

2. a green deck with many small creatures then wrath of god and bring out a lurgoaf :twisted: very very nasty
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Post by Cal Wright »

Wrath of God was nice because I'd hold it in my hand for a while. The two best people we played with always had green. There was always a shitload of creatures, especially the Fungus. You can put counters on it, and each counter is a 1/1. Holy shit. So, on my way to hell, I'd make some bitchin' speech and then toss out the Wrath of God. Heh. Fuck you A-Bomb!

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Post by Sonnenburg »

My favorite deck of all time (which won me two tournaments) was a crazy black deck built on a bet after Stronghold came out. Inquest called Hornet Cannon the worst card in the deck, and a guy bet me four Cursed Scrolls (back when they were going for pretty high money) that I couldn't build a competitive deck around it.

Hornet cannon was rather silly. It was an artifact that you pad two to tap and you got a flying 1/1 hornet token with haste that died at the end of the turn.

The concepts was pretty basic: heavy creature elimination in the form of Dark Banishing, Diabolic Edict, etc., Necropotence for strong card drawing, and the piece that held it together: Gravepact. Gravepact was an enchantment that said that every time one of your creatures hits the graveyard, your opponent has to sacrifice a creature. Result: Every turn you sent out a hornet token, and so every turn your opponent lost a creature for each Gravepact you had in play (since the token hit the graveyard on the way out; this was pre-sixth edition rules changes which might have rendered this obsolete, but it was perfectly legal in those days). It was simple attrition after that. It only worked for the first two tournaments because after that people started playing decks designed to beat it because it was embarrassing to lose to the worst card in the set.

Now if you want to talk Star Wars CCG, that's my game. 8)

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Post by The Dark »

My favorite thing to do early was shut down my friend's permission deck with ONE card: Curse of Marit Lage.

Now, my favorite combination is Dueling Grounds and Charging Rhino.
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

I started with sw ccg, then went to magic. had 600 really nice looking cards. never learned how to play right. started trading for magic and got fleeced. darth vader for 20 commons! :'(!
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Post by Sonnenburg »

Enforcer Talen wrote:I started with sw ccg, then went to magic. had 600 really nice looking cards. never learned how to play right. started trading for magic and got fleeced. darth vader for 20 commons! :'(!
That's just effing cruel. I hate cut-throat traders; how are you going to encourage more people to play if you screw over the new people?

BTW, since this is a M:TG group reading this thread, I've got two articles coming out in this month's issue of Scrye. One's on HeroClix and the other's on the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars card game.

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Post by David »

gahhh just a few comments on those......

Heroclix~ sucks ass, many stores would be happy if they sold even one or two. MechWarrior and MageKnight kicks its butt.

Star Wars~ Anything after the Decypher game has sucked.

As to Wrath of God, one of the few effective ways I've seen it used was to put out a worldgoarger dragon. When it comes into play all other of your permanents are removed from game, when it leaves play they return. Put it out then wrath of god. Everthing dies including the dragon, then all of YOUR permanents come back. They are left with nothing :)
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Post by HemlockGrey »

My friend has been bugging me about HeroClix for the last five days. I'm ready to shove one down his gullet.

I knew a guy who, when he saw a Legendary card on the field, would Clone it, and claim that the original Legendary would have to die. I think it's bullshit; the second one dies. What you say?
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Post by David »

Sorry, rules say the original dies.
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Post by The Dark »

I thought rules were the second one died, because a second one couldn't come into play while the first one was out...Ah-ha, rule 420.5e of the February 2002 revision of the Core Rules: "If two or more Legends or legendary permanents with the same name are in play, all except the one that has been a Legend or legendary permanent with that name the longest are put into their owners’ graveyards. "
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
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Post by David »

If thats what it says it may be changing soon, I got my info from Run Harvick, he is part of the R&D team at magic and does the Q&A on site.
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Post by David »

The Dark wrote:I thought rules were the second one died, because a second one couldn't come into play while the first one was out...Ah-ha, rule 420.5e of the February 2002 revision of the Core Rules: "If two or more Legends or legendary permanents with the same name are in play, all except the one that has been a Legend or legendary permanent with that name the longest are put into their owners’ graveyards. "

Ah yes I think those are the old rules, with onslaught out and the new clone I believe it was changed to the old one dying.
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Post by Lagmonster »

Sigh...Magic...a good ol' game if ever there was one.

And, guys, combo is best when done simply:
Earthcraft+Squirrel Nest= Infinite mana, creatures, whatever you want.

AND combo in multiplayer is best done quickly and under the guise that you're 'helping' the others:
Aluren+Furious Assault+any 'gating' creature under three mana CC=Infinite damage 'round the board.

AND for your newer quick-kills:
(Turn one) R-W dual land and Tireless Tribe+(turn two) attack, play About Face and discard all hand=death to one opponent.
Note: I'm semi-retired from the board, so if you need something, please be patient.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Funest Combo that will piss of you oppentent the most?

1. Mana Maze Blue card 1 and 1 Blue
You may play no spell that shares a color with the previous spell played(IE Single Color decks are screwed)
2. Erzta Gnomes combined with untaping mech of your choice
Tap them target spell is color-less

Mean they feel the maze but you don't :D

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Post by Lagmonster »

Mr Bean wrote:Funest Combo that will piss of you oppentent the most?

1. Mana Maze Blue card 1 and 1 Blue
You may play no spell that shares a color with the previous spell played(IE Single Color decks are screwed)
2. Erzta Gnomes combined with untaping mech of your choice
Tap them target spell is color-less

Mean they feel the maze but you don't :D
And since it's a blue control deck, throw in Ring of Gix (or Icy Manipulator) and Static Orb, and maybe Tolarian Academy and Aphetto Alchemist with Tinker and some Colossus of Sardias for fun.
Note: I'm semi-retired from the board, so if you need something, please be patient.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Don't forget a Meekstone and some gasous forms

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Post by Lagmonster »

David wrote:nantuko husk+ rotlung reanimator+ artificial evolution = infinate creatures.
I laugh in your general Type-2 direction. :) I use Conspiracy in my cleric deck. Moves faster with a couple rituals and some black tutor backing it up, plus less worry if someone kills your ArtEvo-hacked rotlung.

Which reminds me: Greatest use of Artificial Evolution (or Unnatural Selection) ever is STILL the tried-and-true Spirit Mirror for your uber-creature-killing pleasure.[/i]
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Post by David »

yah, most peps i play with are seriously into tournaments, so they try to keep it type 2. I can remember the name of the card, but there was one from arabian nights that gave some great ability to effrets. Can be usefull with artificial evolution.
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Post by Sienthal »

HemlockGrey wrote:I used to know an infinite mana loop. Forgot it. Damn.

My favorite card? Prodigal Sorcerer, with Gaseous Form. Pisses the hell out of people.
Eeep! Tims = Evil!

A good one I've seen is a goblin deck. It getts stuff out fast and does damage fast. Against a color-bashing deck I'd get this one card...Can't exactly remember it's name, but it's an artifact that costs 2 to play and use, and it gives a target creature +0/+1 and makes it an artifact creature, whilst (I think) retaining its original creature type.

Also, combo of Taunting Elf/Venom. Destroy all your enemy's creatures while sneaking your through the lines!

Finally, a sneak attack deck is a deadly deck. Simply fill your deck with sickeningly powerful and costly creatures, slap a Sneak Attack down, and attack with them. One-Turn buffers are good for this as well.

And speaking of one-turn buffers, Might of Oaks and Overruns are pretty nice. Might of Oaks is a +7/+7 trample buff to target creature, and Overrun is a +3/+3 Trample buff to all attackers you control.
Last edited by Sienthal on 2003-01-20 08:35pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sonnenburg »

David wrote:Heroclix~ sucks ass, many stores would be happy if they sold even one or two. MechWarrior and MageKnight kicks its butt.
Whatever your opinion of the game itself, it is a consumer success. That's why Scrye asked for more articles on that game and less on the Decipher Star Wars CCG.
David wrote: Star Wars~ Anything after the Decypher game has sucked.
Yes, but when the checks arrive in the mail it's all worth it. :D

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Post by Enforcer Talen »

Sonnenburg wrote:My favorite deck of all time (which won me two tournaments) was a crazy black deck built on a bet after Stronghold came out. Inquest called Hornet Cannon the worst card in the deck, and a guy bet me four Cursed Scrolls (back when they were going for pretty high money) that I couldn't build a competitive deck around it.

Hornet cannon was rather silly. It was an artifact that you pad two to tap and you got a flying 1/1 hornet token with haste that died at the end of the turn.

The concepts was pretty basic: heavy creature elimination in the form of Dark Banishing, Diabolic Edict, etc., Necropotence for strong card drawing, and the piece that held it together: Gravepact. Gravepact was an enchantment that said that every time one of your creatures hits the graveyard, your opponent has to sacrifice a creature. Result: Every turn you sent out a hornet token, and so every turn your opponent lost a creature for each Gravepact you had in play (since the token hit the graveyard on the way out; this was pre-sixth edition rules changes which might have rendered this obsolete, but it was perfectly legal in those days). It was simple attrition after that. It only worked for the first two tournaments because after that people started playing decks designed to beat it because it was embarrassing to lose to the worst card in the set.

Now if you want to talk Star Wars CCG, that's my game. 8)
gravepact is brilliant. I put that in my blackgreen deck with lifeline (you lose a creature and still have one in play, it comes back) and sadistic glee (creature dies, enchanted creature gains +1+1)

with a fallen angel, it gets *evil*
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Post by The Dark »

Sienthal wrote: A good one I've seen is a goblin deck. It getts stuff out fast and does damage fast. Against a color-bashing deck I'd get this one card...Can't exactly remember it's name, but it's an artifact that costs 2 to play and use, and it gives a target creature +0/+1 and makes it an artifact creature, whilst (I think) retaining its original creature type.
Ashnod's Transmogrant
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
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Post by Sienthal »

The Dark wrote:
Sienthal wrote: A good one I've seen is a goblin deck. It getts stuff out fast and does damage fast. Against a color-bashing deck I'd get this one card...Can't exactly remember it's name, but it's an artifact that costs 2 to play and use, and it gives a target creature +0/+1 and makes it an artifact creature, whilst (I think) retaining its original creature type.
Ashnod's Transmogrant

No, no...It wasn't that. Ashnod's required you to sac it to permenantly make it said creature, and the buff is +1/+1.

The one I'm talking about is an artifact that you could use as much as you want, and the buff lasted one turn.
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

Sonnenburg wrote:
Enforcer Talen wrote:I started with sw ccg, then went to magic. had 600 really nice looking cards. never learned how to play right. started trading for magic and got fleeced. darth vader for 20 commons! :'(!
That's just effing cruel. I hate cut-throat traders; how are you going to encourage more people to play if you screw over the new people?

BTW, since this is a M:TG group reading this thread, I've got two articles coming out in this month's issue of Scrye. One's on HeroClix and the other's on the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars card game.
then they persuaded me that 2 complete sw decks were worth 6 uncommon and rares, got the rares back for more commons, and when I had a collection of magic cards, stole em and pawned em for a hundred bucks.
This day is Fantastic!
Myers Briggs: ENTJ
Political Compass: -3/-6
"I really hate it when the guy you were pegging as Mr. Worst Case starts saying, "Oh, I was wrong, it's going to be much worse." " - Adrian Laguna
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