They still consider the abandoned keeps their territory, and anyone setting foot on it is trespassing.. particularly if it's foul xenos or blasphemous heretics.Kuja wrote:Not quite. The Templars build new chapter keeps when it suits them, uses them for a period of time as they're still viable, and when the crusades move on they gut the places and bring the stuff over to the new crop of keeps.Crom wrote:Don't the Black Templars operate in the same way?Lord Revan wrote:they visit worlds only for recruits when needed they don't even have a homeworld (their Chapter Keep is mounted on a Battlebarge)
Indeed, one of the scenario missions on the Black Templars page on the GW site is about just this: the Black Templars come back to a keep abandoned centuries ago, only to find hostile squatters. "Purge!" and all that ensues.