George Washington was not a particularly great tactician, but he successfully commanded the Continental Army for eight years against the logistically and tactically superior British Army, despite his lack of formal military education and the superior training and professionalism of the British forces and commanders. It is perfectly possible to hold high command without possessing any great genius in the field -- and vice versa. Pellaeon's actual demonstrated performance in combat stands in stark contrast to descriptions of him, which compels us to conclude that those descriptions are either describing a different aspect of his performance or that they are simply mistaken.Alexian Cale wrote:I'll concede the argument, as I lack the patience, focus, time, and ability to successfully argue my case. I'm just in awe that you all don't seem to take into account the statements and opinions of characters who have made decade-spanning careers in direct opposition to Gilad Pellaeon, and -- with all due respect -- they're more familiar with him in combat than any of us here. I submit to you, once again, that Pellaeon was disliked and distrusted amongst the GA personnel, but unanimously respected by them. You've heard Wedge's account; one suspects that they grant him respect because he's deserving of it.
To wit: If someone is described as an excellent commander and repeatedly displays a lack of ability in actual combat, either he is excellent at some other aspect of command, or he is simply not excellent. Observation takes precedence before reputation.
Yes. However, there is considerable difference between saying the death of the Galactic Emperor had a negative impact on the Imperial forces, and saying that the Galactic Emperor was actively exerting influence over them. The fact that Grand Admiral Declann has been explicitly said to have been a master of battle meditation and was employing it takes precedence before the novelization's vague implication and Grand Admiral Thrawn's mistaken theorizing.Well, out of curiosity, didn't the RotJ novelization mention how the Emperor's death fucked everyone up?