battleships forever

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Post by SilverWingedSeraph »

Here's a taste of the kind of stuff that can be made if you don't care about lagging your computer to slag. This is my more recent stuff... it's kind of hueg. The Deus is my largest, and also one of the largest ships that has been made for BSF, using the Beta of Ship Maker 3, which offers a much larger area to build your ships on.

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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

The ship that pioneered the 'Fucking Bees!' attack.

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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Fun With Flux! Not Mine.

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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

ya! it's the neon ship...

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Post by Tanasinn »

Dumb question, but how do I disable the guide lines that show part linkage in the ship maker? I somehow did it once, but now I can't figure out how I did so.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

So I sit down after smoImageImageImageoint with my good friend from New Orleans, blundered around the net for a while, somehow stumbled into opening Ship Maker, and zoned out, high as fuck.

Result below ^_^

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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

My pathetic attempt at lobbying for turrets in the game...
Danny420Dale wrote:Mockups some moar...


Twin Bigass-Cannon Turret


Triple Bigass-Cannon Turret


Triple Huge Fucking Railgun Turret

EDIT: Triple Cannon
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Post by CaptHawkeye »

Holy shit, Ein, those dreadnaught era main guns are AWESOME.
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Post by Covenant »

People like Ein are the main reason when people joked about the failure of the Star Trek MMO if they let you design your own starships, I instantly thought of massive kickass midly phallic warvessels tearing across space in cosmic glory unknown by normal man. Those are some extremely satisfying ships, as usual! The turrets themselves look pretty damn awesome.
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Post by JointStrikeFighter »

Creation of mine:

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Post by th15 »

New Version Released
Get it here:

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Talhydras's new fleet

Shipmaker 3.1 is here. I've implemented all of the features that I plan to for now. True customization is now possible with the new shipmaker, assign custom bullet colours, weapon specific values and many other things. It features greatly enhanced features such as group actions which allow you to move/clone/rotate multiple objects at once.

I've tweaked the hp formula for the game itself so that all ships are generally tougher. This should make combat slightly more drawn out. Another big change is that groups of ship use formation-movement by default instead of vice versa. If you wish each ship in a selection to move at its own maximum speed rather than the speed of the slowest ship in the formation, hold down control while issuing the order.

Finally, please do vote for Battleships Forever at the IGF website (!
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Post by th15 »

New Version Released
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This is a major new version of the game because the Encounter Maker is finally live. You can now create your own encounters involving custom ships and share them around. An encounter is fully self-contained, as the .shp files for the custom ships used in an encounter are embedded into the .enc file itself. This means that it's now easy to share your own custom battles with everyone. Re-enact your favourite space battles in an encounter, dream up whole new conflicts and share them with your friends!

Also new is the new projectile colouring system which allows full re-colouring of bullets, as seen below:

With this release, Battleships Forever is officially feature complete. There's still some way to go with the content and polish, but all the features that I intend to implement are hereby live.

So, have fun peeps, and remember to vote for Battleships Forever at !
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Post by Alan Bolte »

Well that's certainly not an Einhander design, but something about it reminds me of him. I can't quite place it.
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Post by Gomu Niwatari »

I hereby christen it "The Rainbow of Death."
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Post by th15 »

Alright peeps, I'm off to San Francisco for the Game Developer's Conference and the Independent Game Festival. This is your last chance to vote for Battleships Forever at so please vote!
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Post by Vanas »

So, I got bored. And inspired by a movie to build myself a little fleet, a couple of space stations (to come) and a setting for them.

From the year 1979, we have the Moonrakers.

Moonraker 1:
Armed with a light laser in the nose and a hold full of ubermensch/Cosmonauts/astronauts (delete according to preference), it's the classic. This model also has a pair of laser-armed marines (as above) sitting on the wings in an attempt to fend off passing swarms of laser-wielding spacemen.

Moonraker 2:
Now with a bigger laser, capable of burning through various hull segments. Power requirements mean the marines got evicted, apart from the wing-walkers.

Moonraker 3:
Making up for the above, this one has more suits available and more launch bays. It also has a single soldier on a pintle-mounted light laser in case the enemy get the same idea.

Moonraker 4:
With a cargo-bay mounted autocannon, thicker armour and space for a third guy on the nose there's no finer way to punch holes in the sides of distracted Mark2s

Moonraker 5:
With a hold filled with ubermensch(etcetera), a squad of personal guard incinerating passing spacemonauts and an Evil Genius grade death-ray, this shuttle is the bullet-proof Rolls Royce of The Future™.

To do: US, USSR, and Spacestations.

I'd put them up to play with, but they need a bit of balance. With each other, I'd stress. They don't last long with even stock ships. They're fucking space shuttles.
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Post by Crayz9000 »

Not that it means anything, but BF is horribly screwed up running under WINE. The main game crashes and the ship creator has the lower portion of the screen filled with black.

Just a warning to anyone else running Linux and hoping to get this running without a full install of Windows.
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Post by wautd »

Crayz9000 wrote:Not that it means anything, but BF is horribly screwed up running under WINE. The main game crashes and the ship creator has the lower portion of the screen filled with black.

Just a warning to anyone else running Linux and hoping to get this running without a full install of Windows.
Yeah, thanks for bringing that up after 7 months after the last post
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Post by Venator »

At least he added something more than "I agree" :lol:.

It might be worth a new thread on the topic if this one gets locked... there's at least a half-dozen active builders who post here.
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Re: battleships forever

Post by Lagmonster »

You aren't a mod, wautd, so don't pretend to be one.

We all know thread necromancy is bad, but it was a relevant and useful update, so it's at least inoffensive and sensible necromancy. That said, I'm *still* locking this down. My advice is to use AMP if you just want to post pictures of your pretty ships. Any other info on the game itself can come in as a new thread, no problem.
Note: I'm semi-retired from the board, so if you need something, please be patient.