All that information' is rather subjective given we dont know what she actually preserved or if it even found its way into Yoda's archives. The Exile's pilot dude didnt even know who the fuck Revan was or what side he fought on and he was supposed to be one of the people killing Jedi. Multiply that by 4 thousand years of more history and it is highly likely the events have long faded from memory and any statements based on unknown historical documentation open to unreliability.TC Pilot wrote:Yes, and Atris did a good job preserving all that information.I distinctly remember Kreia saying the halls of the Jedi temple on Coruscant had been left empty of Jedi in the years following Revan's actions.
It was also made clear in KOTOR 2 that a good deal of the galaxy didnt CARE who started the war or the differentiation between Jedi / Sith. From the common joe they were seen as the same thing hence you ended up with the Jedi hit squads.
The chances of unbiased historical documentation coming out untouched in this period seems rather unlikely to me if it would ever be made at all to a degree that makes Yoda able to instantly say he is the most powerful Jedi in 25,000 years of history from words on a computer.
Again, if your comparing DARTH Revan to DARTH Sidious then Yoda's comment is wrong becauseTC Pilot wrote:Again, we're not talking about Revan the Insignificant Agricorps Padawan, we're talking about Revan "Republic general, war hero, Sith Lord, Destroyer of Jedi."If that is the case then I would expect the archives to be incomplete or not exist at all if no Jedi are within the Coruscant temple.
A) The Jedi historical information is unlikely to have complete information on Revan's activities while he was busy breaking, beating or otherwise destroying them which makes Yoda's judgement based entirely based on hearsay.
B) Revan isnt a Jedi in this context, thus isnt using the lightside of the force and thus he isnt a foe of the darkside rather than an embodiement of it just like Palpatine. In which case the only way to compare the two is by power hence the dilema with no concrete examples of Revan's power at this particular point except what we see in the game.
No, the Jedi Masters want to 'cut the Exile off from the Force' even if you went 'good' on them. The fact they draw their fucking lightsabers made me more than sure 'cut' meant 'kill'. Especially since the whole premise of KOTOR 2 was the Exile had originally been cut off from the Force and he blamed it on the Jedi Masters, who said they didnt know how to do such a thing. Then Kreia comes in and saves your ass by killing them all with her purple lightning strike before they gang bang you.TC Pilot wrote:The Jedi Masters only attack the Exile if he killed at least one of them, which is understandable.I still find myself confused as hell by the Jedi Masters about to massacre the guy who has spent the entire game saving their asses.