But if you get a cat, it should have been considered in the first place that cats do Bad Things (TM) to furniture.RedImperator wrote:Scratching posts aren't worth the carpet remnants they're made out of. Cats scratch furniture, and these self-righteous blowhards pissing and moaning about "mutilation" have obviously never had a $2000 living room set destroyed by a pair of $15 cats. Competently done, declawing leaves them sore for a week. As for their balance, one of mine weighs 18 pounds and can leap up on top of an entertainment center completely covered in greeting cards and picture frames and not knock a single thing over.
Domestic cats get food, water, shelter, medical care, protection from predators, and affection, and they live three times as long as feral cats. Losing their claws is a small price to pay for all this, IMHO.
(Note that this only applies to indoor cats. Outdoor cats need their claws for defense and taking the heads off small woodland creatures. I'd never get an outdoor cat declawed.)
So if your furniture is too expensive, or you like your furniture in pristine order, don't get a cat. It's as simple.
Get a dog. They are much nicer to furniture.
But it's a moot point for me, even if I was crazy enough to actually want to do it. Declawing is illegal here.