Hawkwings wrote:Your re-rolled stats are even more beastly than before. I call shenanigans.
They weren't re-rolled. He just spend most of his starting XP on stat increases this time around.
However, there are a few errors:
You do not have blather or deceive listed, and they are starting skills. You're missing either ambidextrous or Unremarkable, pick one. Also, Pistol Training (Las) is not a starting option, and you don't have it listed as purchased.
In short, check your starting kit again, and make sure everything matches.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep. The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying." SilCore Wiki! Come take a look!
Sorry, I forgot to change the typed version over from my Assassin. My above post has been edited to make things proper.
Since the start, assume that Cyrine has
-introduced herself to everyone
-managed to avoid vomiting (barely) on the shuttle ride down
-selected a bunk and said little while the Lieutenant was there, but been generally personable once the officers had left
-gotten filtration plugs at the quartermaster when everybody was crowded around
-gone back to the barracks and made herself busy for a while
-and now seen Father Havelock arrive.
I'm going to need awareness checks while he's walking outside the barracks and back to it. And search and scrutiny checks when inside the barracks to see what he can find and to measure the guile of the guarding guardsmen. After that I'm going to need an evaluate check to see if anything inside the barracks is found that might be of value.
Last edited by RIPP_n_WIPE on 2008-02-17 01:11pm, edited 1 time in total.
I am the hammer, I am the right hand of my Lord. The instrument of His will and the gauntlet about His fist. The tip of His spear, the edge of His sword. I am His wrath just as he is my shield. I am the bane of His foes and the woe of the treacherous. I am the end.
-Ravus Ordo Militis
"Fear and ignorance claim the unwary and the incomplete. The wise man may flinch away from their embrace if he girds his soul with the armour of contempt."
Scrutiny is an advanced skill, and one you don't have. No dice. Evaluate just tells you the value of things, but okay. I'll post the results.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep. The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying." SilCore Wiki! Come take a look!
Scrutiny is basic I've got the book right in front of me.
Scrutiny (Basic)
Use the Scrutiny skill to make assessments about people you encounter, to determine if someone is lying to you, to sense ulterior motives and generally appraise the worth of another being.
I am the hammer, I am the right hand of my Lord. The instrument of His will and the gauntlet about His fist. The tip of His spear, the edge of His sword. I am His wrath just as he is my shield. I am the bane of His foes and the woe of the treacherous. I am the end.
-Ravus Ordo Militis
"Fear and ignorance claim the unwary and the incomplete. The wise man may flinch away from their embrace if he girds his soul with the armour of contempt."
RIPP_n_WIPE wrote:Scrutiny is basic I've got the book right in front of me.
Scrutiny (Basic)
Use the Scrutiny skill to make assessments about people you encounter, to determine if someone is lying to you, to sense ulterior motives and generally appraise the worth of another being.
Okay, so I made a mistake on the skill you were requesting, but regardless, that skill has nothing to do with determining the worth or value of objects. It's a social interaction skill.
Regardless, the results are posted.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep. The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying." SilCore Wiki! Come take a look!
I propose that, at least temporarily and for the purposes of both efficient investigation IC and sanity and clarity OOC, we split into 2-3 semi-defined groups and works as self-sufficient teams, not unlike the fireteams of a squad. In this way we can speed things up a bit and keep it sane with all this "he said she said we're at the lockers no I'm at the base" nonsense, as well as a general not-get-the-very-important-Adept-killed that I'm personally quite fond of.
If anyone agrees that this idea has merit, then lets post some groups to work in. Currently:
Please clearly post in this thread where your character is, how he got there, and what he is currently doing. Neither group is going to say anything to you until you clearly define where you are. I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but this needs to be resolved.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep. The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying." SilCore Wiki! Come take a look!
As of now Alpha team's objective is to search records at the administratum. Also I believe we are going to the train station to gear up really quickly.
Please clearly post in this thread where your character is, how he got there, and what he is currently doing. Neither group is going to say anything to you until you clearly define where you are. I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but this needs to be resolved.
Okay there was some slight mixing up and bad attempts at retconning but I think everything should be in order now in the IC thread.
Havelock met up with Cyrine at the barracks and from there went to the transit station where he is currently waiting with her group.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep. The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying." SilCore Wiki! Come take a look!
Sigh... I just had to promise one of the most locationally confused characters that I would serve as his bodyguard. Anyway, just assume that I was with Havelock the entire time, so that would put me with the group at the transit station now. This may of course be making the team there a bit big, but I'm sure we can work things out.
I love learning. Teach me. I will listen. You know, if Christian dogma included a ten-foot tall Jesus walking around in battle armor and smashing retarded cultists with a gaint mace, I might just convert - Noble Ire on Jesus smashing Scientologists
Feil wrote:Sylas, are you coming with the newly christened ALPHA TEAM (Zakary, Lazarus, Cyrine, Draconicus)?
Or are you oging off to the Underhive as planned?
Doh, didn't notice you'd ended up in Alpha team. If I can get a team together I'll head off to the underhive so we're probing for information from the top down and the bottom up.
I love learning. Teach me. I will listen. You know, if Christian dogma included a ten-foot tall Jesus walking around in battle armor and smashing retarded cultists with a gaint mace, I might just convert - Noble Ire on Jesus smashing Scientologists
I'm good with either option. We could easily go as the quiet preacher who still knows to bring a bit of muscle with him into the Underhive and just sort of talk with people, or we could join up with Team Alpha. Either way I think we're going to get shot at, but to a certain extent I almost would like the smaller team. We won't get as bogged down as with a six man group.
I love learning. Teach me. I will listen. You know, if Christian dogma included a ten-foot tall Jesus walking around in battle armor and smashing retarded cultists with a gaint mace, I might just convert - Noble Ire on Jesus smashing Scientologists