Stas Bush wrote: That doesn't just mean "Top Dog". That means "I kill whomever I want, in whatever quantities I like, with whatever weapons I want to" and "but you all can't do shit".
We've been in that position before and you're still here. From the late 1940s to the early-mid 1960s we had a virtual monopoly of nuclear strike power. We could dump literally thousands of warheads on any target we chose and we would be very unlucky if the number we got back went far into single digits. Yet we didn't do it. The fact is that as Top Dog, we've been pretty benevolent all things considered. There's no reason why that should change. The problem is that somebody has to be Top Dog and if not us, who? I'd suggest that if you look at the historical record, the other people who've been in that position haven't been nearly so generous of spirit.
So in fact ABM is a real and huge danger to other nuclear powers, and Russia is right for screaming at US at every opportunity.
Except this misses the point completely. It might be true if the US was the only country developing an ABM system but it isn't. ABM is a reality, its world-wide deployment is coming very fast and there's nothing anybody can do about it. Nations have two choices. They can be one of the nations with an ABM system or they can be one of the nations without an ABM system. The "nobody has an ABM system" option has long gone; it died in 1991 when Saddam Hussein fired Scuds at Israel.
Russia's present policy of screaming at the US isn't right, its rather foolish on first-face and certainly counter-productive. All its likely to do is accelerate US ABM deployment. Russian government policy should be based around accepting that ICBMs are a thing of the past and deciding what system or systems are best-suited to a post ICBM environment. The trouble is that the Russian government decided to invest its resources in a dying technology and now realizes its mistake. Shouting won't change that, some mature and reflective thought will produce a better result.
The more diplomatic roadblocks we build to this system, the more free hands we and all weaker nations have. Very good.
No, pointless. As I've said, ABM is a fact, nothing is going to change that. All Russia is doing is spitting in the wind; you should be working out how to use that wind for propulsion.
The whole A-135 arsenal as far as I know is made up from interceptors, the difference being the range of intercept, exo- versus endoatmospheric, exoatmospheric only number around 130.
The number I have is 36 x 51T6 "Gorgon" missiles and 64 53T6 "Gazelle" missiles (their nuclear warheads have been replaced by conventional ones by the way. That's not a bad force. It's a two-phase system with the 51T6s doing the long-range stuff and the 53T6s killing leakers.
As for blocking U.S. efforts, we must accelerate the development of ASAT with the capacity to destroy space-based ABM elements
You already have that with the 51T6; say again, ASAT and ABM are two sides of the same coin. However, you're still thinking old-style. ASAT and ABM are done deals, nothing is going to stop them. Here's a thought for you. If we don't deploy a missile screen, China, as sure as god made little green apples will. They demonstrated that capability when THEY shot down a satellite. Now, do you want China with its ambitions sitting on your Eastern border, secure behind a missile screen? Without us to checkmate them? Because that's where obstructing our ABM effort will lead.
and start looking into the possibility of chemical/nuclear/bioterrorism as a both limited and last-case response.
You might look at Iraq to see where that concept led.
I never thought I'd make a case for nuclear terrorism, but if there's a nation which can nuke anyone out of existence without the fear of unacceptable loss, other means of destroying this nation from the face of the earth should be devised.
Or, just possibly, has it occurred to you that going along with said Big Dog would be a much less expensive and dangerous approach. After all Big Dogs are notoriously lazy and if left alone go to sleep. The great art of dealing with a sleeping dog is to turn it over now and then so it doesn't get uncomfortable, dust it over with flea-powder so it doesn't wake up and let it dream on.
I guess Islam just figured it out a little earlier - the disparity between US unilateral killing ability and theirs was too great already, so asymmetric warfare became the only way. Soon all other nations will figure that out. China, Russia, India - someone will look into that pond first.
Unfortunately, that has little to do with it. Another question. Do you want to face a Moslem world with nuclear weapons and protected by an ABM screen? Because they hate you almost as much as they hate us.
On a side note, how did you figure that A-135 doesn't have 1200 missiles when it seems to have that - 16 SH-08 per launcher, 68 launchers? That aren't SAMs, that are ABMs and there's 68 launchers which house a total of 1088 missiles.
Not so; there are 68 53T6 missiles, not 68 launchers with 16 per. If you had over a thousand of them, then you have a very capable ABM system already and this discussion would be moot. Even now, you have five times as many ABMs deployed as we do so your protests seem rather weak.
Personally, if I were running Russian today, I'd be expanding that ABM system to cover major population centers plus develop a new longer-range ABM to provide anti-MIRV coverage. This would achieve three things.
1 - neutralize the US ICBM arsenal and degrade the effectiveness of teh SLBM arsenal.
2 - Proof the Rodina against attack.
3 - Develop a VERY marketable weapons system that would be saleable pretty much across the world and wouldn't have that much in the way of opposition.
4 - By thus spreading ABM widely, you'd negate the US arsenal ina way that would be stabilizing and beneficial to everybody involved. You'd also push people into using aircraft and cruise missiles for nuclear attack which would greatly expand the market for the S-400 (your electronics people should be able to get it working by 2012). The American saying for this is "when stuck with lemons, make lemonade".
5 - By doing the above, you've converted an offensive arms race into a defensive arms race and that makes the world a lot safer
Now doesn't that make more sense?