And the strict Catholics are the Old People, anyway. And it's the Old People who hold a lot of power. It seems like nowadays, the dissonance or gap between the Young and the Old has really widened - maybe more so than in past generations.
If only, dude. The cynical young people often bitch about how America left us, since if we were an American protectorate or something, we could have fancy shit like dollars and could fly to the continental US without passports or something. Oh, but those Fat Old Fucks were oh so adamant about national pride! Oh national pride! The Philippines has a carabao! The Philippines has a monkey-eating eagle! The Philippines has the smallest monkey in the world! The Philippines had a president that was also the greatest thief in the world!Beowulf wrote:I've got a solution: Petition for Annexation to the United States of America.
Where the fuck is your national pride now, you saggy old sons of bitches?!
Fuck them and the motherfucking carabaos they rode on.