Firethorn wrote:
I have to agree. I'd see mostly issuing garands for use in training or rearward units, preferably modified as little as possible.
Didn’t/doesn’t the USSR/Russia and the PRC have units with differing quality weapons and training (A, B, C etc?) that would be handy in the likely event of conscription.
Firethorn wrote:
After all, .30-06 & .308 are substantially more powerful rounds than .223 or 7.62x39.
No argument from me.
Firethorn wrote:
As for who gets them, in a call up this massive you'd be surprised as to how many Garands and Springfields and other military rifles come out of the woodwork, often maintained lovingly by their collectors. You'd come out with tens of thousands of them by simply raiding gun stores. Along with magnum hunting rifles that would work well for activating militias for homeland defense. In which case I'd have the activation be 'be prepared to show up with a gun at least as powerful as .308/7.62x54 and 200 rounds'. For those who DON'T have 200 rounds of ammo(such as me and my .300 wby), raid sporting stores and such.
Why not just collect the weapons, appraise their value, reimburse the owners and then issue them as needed, instead of having sift through all the crap recruits with their own weapons. Gunnuts would scream liberal gungrab but when haven’t they? Showing up with a gun .308 or better is very good and all for the militia units, but doesn’t really work for frontline units.
Firethorn wrote:
In the longer run, run the reworked large caliber AR-15/M-16 lines full out, to include the various small private AR15 producers like rock river arms. The only reason I'd turn out M1 Garands would be for the (soon to be) human armies of hell, as they have a larger number of people trained on them, and their simpler nature allows operation in much more severe conditions. It's far easier to detail strip and clean a M1 than a M16.
Firethorn wrote:
I wouldn't bother much with shotguns, as a large caliber rifle can be just as useful at short range as a shotgun using slugs. That and part of the point is to keep the Baldricks from reaching shotgun range.
The large caliber rifles are going to be A) heavy and B) have long barrels. Not great for short ranges. Besides, all those that don’t qualify for the long range shooting necessary need something to do, might as well have them issued shotguns for the short engagement ranges, just in case they do make it into shotgun range.
Firethorn wrote:
R_H - the M16 platform, by default, only has an official range of 300 meters against point(IE human) targets. 500 meters for large targets such as formations and vehicles. As for accuracy, not all Garands were created equal, much less treated that way. There are dead on shooters, and there are ones with shot out barrels and such. People capable of taking on targets at 500 meters, scope or iron, are fairly rare. But demons are bigger, and I'm not looking for a one shot one kill at that range. Against Baldricks, a 50% hit rate at 500 meters would be more than enough.
I’ve heard (perhaps any Marines care to confirm if this is true or not, if it’s not the case I retract my claim) that they need to be able to hit a human sized torso at 500m, how reliably I don’t remember. I agree that 300m is definitely max effective range for pretty much any assault rifle. “
People capable of taking on targets at 500 meters, scope or iron, are fairly rare. But demons are bigger, and I'm not looking for a one shot one kill at that range.” Thank you for somewhat agreeing with me. A baldrick sized torso is still a relatively small to hit at 500m, let alone hit it oncee well enough to put it out of the fight, like the Duchess thinks should be the case. A hit rate of 50% with optics or with irons?
Firethorn wrote:
Duchess - Given definitions, 'Battle Rifle' is the best description for what we're looking for - A rifle designed for use in combat that uses a full size rifle cartridge, while an 'assault rifle' is select fire and uses an intermediate cartridge.
At the size and power we're looking at going to for effectiveness, select fire loses much of it's usefulness, as recoil would have you missing on subsequent shots.
Heck, I might be producing 1908 springfields for hell. The US forces, of course. Other countries should feel free to get in on it as well.
Sea Skimmer wrote:
As it is .338 Lapua Mangum has never been used in any kind of self loading rifle.
There are the Cobb MCR-400 and the Edge RND2000, both of which are semi-automatic and chamber in .338 LM
Once some Baldricks are captured it will also be most useful to test and see which, if any, of our current array of manmade poisons and war gases are effective against them. Chemical weapons could vastly reduce the need for high powered infantry weapons.[/quote]
Would also be nice to test some small arms in various calibers on them as well.