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The Yosemite Bear
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

I'm half way through Ravenor Rogue is there any information about the dalek iquisitionair's carrier after said novel?

oh and what exactly DID happen to Eisenhorn?, Read some vague refrences in the three Ravenor novels so far, but I haven't had the scratch to purchase the Eisenhorn omnibus.....

oh, and yes, I'm probably due some horrible torture for refering to Ravenor as a dalek...

hmmm, who would win between Ravenor and a Dalek....

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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

any responses?

come on?

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Post by Jaevric »

The only further references to Ravenor (thus far) come when various characters in other books talk about his writings. We haven't yet found out what happened to him in the long run, or any of his followers. Though, if he was executed for heresy or something like that -- entirely possible, given his connections with the Eldar and the fact he was Eisenhorn's interrogator, as well as the events of the Ravenor novels -- the Inquisition hushed it up.

As for Eisenhorn, we don't know what happened to him in the long run. He killed the heretic bastard he was after, was horribly wounded in the process, and rode off into the sunset with a significant percentage of the Inquisition convinced he's a heretic. With a certain degree of justification. There are hints, I believe, that Ravenor is still in communication with Eisenhorn.
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Connor MacLeod
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Jaevric wrote:The only further references to Ravenor (thus far) come when various characters in other books talk about his writings. We haven't yet found out what happened to him in the long run, or any of his followers. Though, if he was executed for heresy or something like that -- entirely possible, given his connections with the Eldar and the fact he was Eisenhorn's interrogator, as well as the events of the Ravenor novels -- the Inquisition hushed it up.
If we take some of the early Gaunt's Ghosts stuff as being consistent, Ravenor by Gaunt's time is considered quite a great and prolific author whose works are highly respected. It would seem that Ravenor probably was not deemed a heretic - I doubt the Imperium would tolerate the writings of a heretic to remain intact (as a coutner Example, when the Soul Drinkers were declared heretic from the Imperium, the Inquisition made it a point of eliminating EVERY trace of their existence they could, uip to and including executing people with connections to them.)
As for Eisenhorn, we don't know what happened to him in the long run. He killed the heretic bastard he was after, was horribly wounded in the process, and rode off into the sunset with a significant percentage of the Inquisition convinced he's a heretic. With a certain degree of justification. There are hints, I believe, that Ravenor is still in communication with Eisenhorn.
One of the short story compilations has one that is sort of a "Prequel" to the events in the Ravenor novels, where Eisenhorn and Ravenor meet up, so yes, they are still in contact after a fashion even though Eisenhorn is renegade.
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Post by Lost Soal »

The Divine Phratery believe they killed him sometime before the events of Ravenor Returns, whether they actually succeeded is still unknown.
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Post by andrewgpaul »

From the writeup of Eisenhorn from the =][=nquisitor rulebook: "including his dispatching of the ‘renegade’ Quixos several centuries ago,". He's hanging in there. :)

Mind you, that depends when =][=nquisitor is set; the various 40K games don't tend to have a common 'now' to them, after all.
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Post by Jaevric »

Connor MacLeod wrote:If we take some of the early Gaunt's Ghosts stuff as being consistent, Ravenor by Gaunt's time is considered quite a great and prolific author whose works are highly respected. It would seem that Ravenor probably was not deemed a heretic - I doubt the Imperium would tolerate the writings of a heretic to remain intact (as a coutner Example, when the Soul Drinkers were declared heretic from the Imperium, the Inquisition made it a point of eliminating EVERY trace of their existence they could, uip to and including executing people with connections to them.)
My notion was that Ravenor's writings were already being dispersed before his death, and he was known as both an author and an Inquisitor, making him fairly high-profile. Even if the Inquisition declared him a heretic and executed him, they might have left the books in circulation just to avoid having to admit that such a well-respected and well-known member of the Inquisition went bad.

I would certainly prefer to think that the Inquisition wasn't *that* paranoid and insecure about its people's loyalties, but...well...it's the Inquisition.
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Post by White Haven »

This is the same Inquisition that maintains commando librarians to firebomb entire sections of Terra's librariums for the express purpose of wiping out knowledge of heretical activity. The same Inquisition that's done so for long that membership in those units is hereditary. If Ravenor were declared Excommunicate, his works would be ruthlessly and completely surprsessed across the board, and certainly not republished and distributed where the Imperial Guard could get hold of them.
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