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Post by Academia Nut »

Two words: Sailor Cthulhu.

Yeah, that one caused a bit of SAN loss right there just dreaming it up, let alone the fact that I did actually put pen to paper (or rather fingers to keyboard, but you get the point). That one is going to remain buried though.

Somewhat more seriously, I've long bandied about the idea of writing stories in the present day only going into great detail to explain every day items as if to someone who had never even heard of them before, and then cut to an editor complaining about how 'unrealistic' they are, like the bits about the Soviet Union imploding on itself, humanity more or less abandoning efforts towards long range space travel, and people having multiple computers in their homes. It would be a time travel story where the protagonist finds that he cannot alter the flow of history, but decides to at least try and write some warnings of the shape of things to come in the hopes that maybe someone else will be able to affect change.
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Academia Nut wrote:Two words: Sailor Cthulhu.
:shock: :lol:

That is, without question, the most ingeniously badass concept I've heard in a long time. Just reading those two words together made me choke on my apple juice, and set forth all manner of hilarious mental imagery to run rampant in my already disturbed brain.

Burning question; what did you have them yell to initiate their transformation? I'm dying to hear this.
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You know, I don't think I ever really figured that bit out, I only wrote about 17k words and the main character actually wasn't the titular Sailor Cthulhu, although she would have been pretty important. If you want though, I could give you a taste of the insanity featuring a conversation between main character Harold and Nyarlathotep with the 'Great Old Sailors' involved in the background. That one will cause severe psychological damage though, but at least its the funny sort of damage.
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Academia Nut wrote:If you want though, I could give you a taste of the insanity featuring a conversation between main character Harold and Nyarlathotep with the 'Great Old Sailors' involved in the background. That one will cause severe psychological damage though, but at least its the funny sort of damage.
*Palpatine voice*

"DO IT!!!"

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by Wyrm »

Oh God. Well, way back when, I had an idea to combine the most annoying Ranma 1/2 memes. The first meme that, way back when, self-insertions into the Ranmaverse have a tendency for the self-inserter to overshadow good ol' Ranma. The second meme, way back when, was the tendency of crossovers with Ranma to degenerate into "Ranma is GOD". My idea was to have Ranma's future godlike self return to the past to help him through his own ascension. I did everything in my power to make future-Ranma as SI like as possible, to hide the fact that it was a "Ranma is GOD"-type story, to eventually end up with Ranma becoming a god, Akane his demon wife, and defeating a super-demonic Kasumi. At least that was the plan. The damn thing bogged down and died horribly. after the first volume.

The other wacko-jacko idea was Urotsukidojo. 'Nuff said on that.
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Post by Instant Sunrise »

This thread has made me want to pick that fanfic back up, and possibly do an overhaul of it make it better. Such as putting it in order, having it actually focus on a character and taking out a LOT of the pointless cliffhangers.

To be perfectly honest, looking back at it now, I don't know HOW anybody could have liked the old one.

I saw a pretty good "Realistic Mario Brothers" posted on SA a while back. Linka. It's actually a pretty common idea that I've seen, but if you can pull it off in an interesting way, then more power to ya.
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Post by RogueIce »

Almightyboredone wrote:Not nearly as outrageous as some listed, but I, at one point, wanted to do a Halo Fanfic entirely from a Grunt's perspective.
That would be one short fanfic once the MC shows up. :D

I have toyed with (and there are those here who I've told this to) a fanfic where the GTA3 guy gets hired by Rita and Lord Zedd to kill the Power Rangers. And succeeds. I don't quite remember if it was set in the MMPR timeframe, or PRZ though.

I might do it in Turbo though. Just so that damn Justin can die. Painfully. Though given that he was a kid and all, that might be somewhat problematic.
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Post by Redleader34 »

I wanted to do a story, where a random man, would wander through anime mecha shows, and fight of the main robots, but just with his fists, Fist of the North Star style. JThe start would be the main machines entering into a final battle, when you hear the character shout "I have come from HAB to tell you, you are already dead," before the mech explodes in 1000 parts.

Another idea would be what would happen if a bunch of fanboys from the internet, with full knowledge of popular series ran through various fictional universes, screwing up cannon, and just being jerks in general, UFP, but with less porn, and more jerks,
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Post by Steve »

Oh, where do I begin.....

I have given various SB and SDN posters Final Fantasy class-themed powers and sent them to FFX's Spira to hunt down bad guys from various games/shows (IIRC their prey included Apocalypse from X-Men, Saruman, a variety of Final Fantasy villains led by Kefka, and Darth Maul). A thankfully aborted adjunct of that story would've seen the party raising havoc on Gor, and the initially-planned sequel would've had them helping people on an originally-crafted fantasy world against the Sith-powered DarkStar who has nearly conquered it and a new clique of supervillains, including a super-powered Shredder from TMNT, and would've turned one of them into a blatant copy of the Phoenix from X-Men (just with a magic-based Phoenix entity instead of "personification of evolution" Phoenix from the comics).

Another idea I had, long ago, would've crossed over post-ROTJ Star Wars with post-Rebirth Transformers G1 (not counting the Japanese-only seasons after Rebirth), including Palpatine taking over a new Decepticon body, killing Galvatron, and taking command of the Decepticons and leading them back to the SW galaxy to aid him in reconquering it.

When Mayabird and I finish the third "Girl in the Metal Suit" story (she's currently writing the middle for it as I have a bad case of writer's block for that part), the fourth one is going to be the literal mother of all crossovers. I'm talking a kind of zany crossover of reality-unraveling apocalyptic doom that has an egg-head meeting including Spider-Man and Samantha Carter, Hiro Nakamura hanging around (and playing a key role in preventing the End of Everything, I believe), and a massive mother-of-all-battles crossover fracas for the climax that will have Timmverse DCAU Superman and modern TMNT animated show Silver Sentry punching around the corrupted Bahamut from FFX-2, a general melee involving the modern animated Ninja Turtles + Casey Jones, Wolverine (needs no introduction), Jackie Chan, El Toro, Viper (all JCA), and the heroines from FFX-2, a circle of magic-casters that includes Mistyverse locals Nitram and Tevar from GitMS #2, Dr. Strange, Dr. Fate, Uncle and Tohru from Jackie Chan Adventures, etc. Just complete and utter universe-crossing pandemonium.

And, of course, just this past month, I wrote out of boredom a fun little concept tickling the back of my head, that of a young Gorean woman raised mostly by her mother's Earth-born slave trying to escape, getting caught.... and then getting saved by a shining green light that informs her: "You have the ability to overcome great fear. I am a power ring sent by the Guardians of the Universe. We will now travel to Oa, where you will be trained as a member of the Green Lantern Corps." Only posted it to LA, and it was just the opening chapter. Unfortunately, I have severe writer's block for all of my serious stuff like the UFP Civil War, the SG-1 TGG story, etc.

And that about does it for now.
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Post by Darth Ruinus »

Wild west squids fighting giant worms that eat water producing barnacles, while the planet turns into a massive desert.
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Post by Steve »

Actually, I also forgot my fun idea of a crossover involving the Warcraftverse. Namely, a new power rising on Azeroth to fight the various assorted Big Bads of the WoWm period.... an Azerothian branch, championed by the Naaru, of the Green Lantern Corps.

Yes, I know, I have Green Lanterns on the brain. 8)
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

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Post by Singular Quartet »

I keep having this idea for a Power Rangers-esque fic, where the Rangers pick up symbiotic weapons from a dying alien during Science Class Field Trip. Except they see it was a Power Rangers show, until they get told by the mysterious and shadowy Other Ranger (ie: Green, White, Silver, Plaid Ranger) that they aren't doing it right. They can, infact, turn into hideous lovecraftian nightmare monsters. Just like the ones they face, in fact.

There would also be gangs, the military, an alien civil war, shadowy government organizations, philisophical discussions on the human spirit, and the moral quandries of eating human souls.
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Post by Robo Jesus »

A Naruto fanfic where the Kyuubi is in fact the Fox from the book "Fox in Socks" by Dr. Seuss.
This is sickening... You sound like chapters from a self-help booklet! Prepare yourselves!
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Post by Academia Nut »

With Thousand Shinji coming to an end, I'm looking back over some of my older ideas looking for inspiration on what to do next. Let's see what we've got in the old archives:

Oh My Goddess/WH40k crossover, which is about as sadistic as it sounds. Plot: due to accident or malicious intent, Keichii gets hurled into 40k. Five minutes pass as the goddesses work to retrieve him from a distant plane they know nothing about. When they get him back, two hundred years have passed for him and he now is an old, bitter Ordo Malleus Inquisitor with a couple Exterminatuses under his belt. Would be an exploration between the culture clash that would ensue and all the mental scars Keichii would be carrying.

Hellsing/WH40k crossover. Classic match-up in that the vampires from Hellsing are actually in the right power bracket for 40k (personally at least for the vast majority of enemies, an orbital bombardment is still going to ruin their shit). Had a couple of variants for this one, although one of the more refined versions would feature a successor chapter to the Blood Angels founded by a select group to guard a curious creature from the ancient past, given this task by the Emperor and Sanguinus upon the eve of the Seige of Terra. So yes, I would have had Hellsing vampires + Space Marines + Black Rage. The splatter would have been incredible. I also batted around the idea of a Rogue Trader with a secret, in that she has wandered the skies for far longer than all but her most loyal staff know. Yes, I was going to have a Sensei who was the daughter of Integra and the Emperor.

Berserk/WH40k crossover (are you seeing a pattern yet?). Guts is one of the Lost Primarchs. Enough said.

Although under the category of semi-originalish stuff, discussions with this one friend of mine currently has me thinking about writing something along the lines of "The Narrative Causality Multiverse Survival Guide: Or So You're Trapped in a Fictional Story" featuring a character who one day inexplicable slips into a (badly written) fictional universe and is forced to use a combination of Genre Savvy and exploitation of the often inane and nonsensical tropes and cliches of some sort of generic fictional universe. There would be a number of "rules of survival" he has concocted through his trials and travels, with the whole thing being written in a roughly chronological order featuring his new life in this strange reality. One of his rules would be along the lines of, "Do NOT get cocky and effortlessly solve all the problems: that causes escalation" with the primary example being how he accidentally turned the inane romantic comedy story he was being subjected to into a demonic invasion featuring giant robots.

Yes, yes I am insane.
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Post by Xon »

Academia Nut wrote:Hellsing/WH40k crossover. Classic match-up in that the vampires from Hellsing are actually in the right power bracket for 40k (personally at least for the vast majority of enemies, an orbital bombardment is still going to ruin their shit). Had a couple of variants for this one, although one of the more refined versions would feature a successor chapter to the Blood Angels founded by a select group to guard a curious creature from the ancient past, given this task by the Emperor and Sanguinus upon the eve of the Seige of Terra. So yes, I would have had Hellsing vampires + Space Marines + Black Rage. The splatter would have been incredible. I also batted around the idea of a Rogue Trader with a secret, in that she has wandered the skies for far longer than all but her most loyal staff know. Yes, I was going to have a Sensei who was the daughter of Integra and the Emperor.
This idea is made of win and awesome.

Where would Seras Victoria fit in all of this? I dont see her letting her humanity slip much, and it should be quite easy for her to end up more humane than most of the WH40K humans :P
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Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

A long time ago, I drew up a proposal for a alternate history crossover fanfic involving more anime, manga, and video games than you can shake a stick at. Real life and writer's block got in the way of the actual writing, but they just gave me time to flesh out the backstory and make adjustments to the main plots.

The general gist of the alternate history scenario is that the United States now comprises all territories from Greenland to Panama, the Soviet Union hasn't broken up, China is a democracy (still controlled by Communists, however), Korea is one nation, and Vietnam is still divided, among other things. There are a whole bunch of other details (alchemy, Alters, Chiropterans, the Chimera virus, various types of mecha actually operating alongside super-heavy tanks, et cetera), but this thread really isn't the most appropriate place to discuss them all.

Most of the story itself is unchanged from the first draft of the proposal, but it's obvious that I've expanded on it since then. Roy, Cloud, Sheena, and Kazuma now have to fight Naruto and his buddies in order to get to Bradley and Volgin, for one thing. Back in Saigon, everything essentially boils down to Sousuke Sagara, Ichigo Kurosaki, Negi Springfield, Lelouch Lamperouge, Light Yagami, Haruhi Suzumiya, Konata Izumi, Kotonoha Katsura, Saya Otonashi, Ayumu Kasuga, Saber, Shana, Rufus Shinra, and a United Nations peacekeeping force versus Tohru Honda, Tamaki Suoh, Hayate Ayasaki, Yusuke Urameshi, Organization XIII, and the Viet Cong. While all that's going on, Kira Yamato's flying a stolen Sukhoi Su-47, leading his own squadron on missions all over Southeast Asia, and flying alongside such people as Rei Ayanami and Renton Thurston in his efforts to make the lives of the North Vietnamese as miserable as possible.

The best part of it all? There was going to be a sequel involving an invasion of Europe by the Soviet Union, in more or less the same style as Red Storm Rising, World in Conflict, and the Command & Conquer: Red Alert franchise (emphasis on the last one). Among other things, Roy and his friends get tossed onto the front lines in France and the Low Countries, Sousuke and company find themselves on the wrong side of enemy lines in Germany and are forced to fight a Red Dawn-style guerrilla campaign, and Kira, Rei, and Renton get to lead missions to Murmansk, Leningrad, and Sevastopol. Of course, Yuri's helping out with the Soviet war effort, and he gets the opportunity to test out his toys and gadgets on the NATO forces. If you're wondering where Kane is, I'm saving him for something even bigger.

List of Intellectual Properties Directly Involved in this Crossover So Far
  1. Fullmetal Alchemist
  2. Final Fantasy VII
  3. Tales of Symphonia
  4. s-CRY-ed
  5. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
  6. Naruto
  7. Full Metal Panic!
  8. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
  9. Lucky Star
  10. Bleach
  11. Blood+
  12. Death Note
  13. Fate/stay night
  14. Shakugan no Shana
  15. Code Geass
  16. Ouran High School Host Club
  17. School Days
  18. Negima
  19. Fruits Basket
  20. Azumanga Daioh
  21. Hayate the Combat Butler
  22. YuYu Hakusho
  23. Kingdom Hearts II
  24. Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
  25. Neon Genesis Evangelion
  26. Eureka Seven
  27. Command & Conquer: Red Alert series (emphasis on Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge)
  28. Resistance: Fall of Man
If I were to actually go ahead with this endeavor, would the end result be made of win and awesome, or would it be a failure of epic proportions?
Last edited by Shinn Langley Soryu on 2008-03-17 08:12pm, edited 2 times in total.
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

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Post by Academia Nut »

Actually, by Hellsing canon, the only way to make more true vampires is for a vampire to drain the blood of a virgin of the opposite gender, thus Seras would have been the one to have been guarded by Blood Angels. Plus, between Alucard and Seras, which one do you think the Emperor would be more likely to not put down like a rabid dog?

The idea would have been that the whole Hellsing/Millenium/Iscariot war in London would have attracted the Emperor's attention. He shows up at some point and lays some serious smackdown before deciding to stick around and see how he could factor Hellsing into his long term plans for humanity while also studying the bound vampires to determine if they were a threat or something worth keeping around. Along the way we get Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing II.

Fast forward the better part of thirty thousand years. Because of the incredibly long lifespan of Integra the Second, Hellsing is still around after a fashion, even if Britain no longer is, and they've moved on to keeping Terra free of daemons rather than hunting vampires. With the Emperor rising to prominence, they approach him and basically get a daemon hunting contract disguised as a Rogue Trader charter... just one that would make the Inquisition jealous if they ever found out.

Meanwhile the last vampire, Seras Victoria, has been sealed and in stasis since early M3 when it was confirmed that the only vampires left on the planet were the ones in the employ of Hellsing... and Alucard went missing. Worried about what he could be up to if he had slipped his leash, they kept Seras around just in case.

Unfortunately as Horus and his goons roll in, the warp begins to disturb the bindings about the Last Vampire. This is brought to the attention of the Emperor, who considers just destroying her now before deciding that she is not a servant of Chaos (having known since he had studied her) and since she could still be a valuable asset to humanity, he decides to have her sent far away. Sanguinus volunteers five of his most loyal warriors to take her away and guard her until either he or the Emperor give the all clear.

You can imagine how that went.

When the dust of the Heresy settles, one of the marines sent away comes forward to inform his brothers that they will continue with their duty as instructed, until Sanguinus or the Emperor tell them otherwise, and thus they're probably going to need replacements. It is agreed that a small number of marines will be seconded to them quietly in the shuffle of the Second Founding, enough that they can replenish their ranks. Technically they are on the rolls of known Space Marine chapters, but they keep a low profile. This mainly has to do with the fact that only the Dark Angels have a bigger guilt complex than them. The chapter would probably be called something like Blood Guardians or the like.

Fast forward a few thousand years and a group of Word Bearers have come seeking what they believe is a powerful artefact of the Blood God. Ready to destroy the object that their chapter has guarded since before the Emperor Ascended to His Throne rather than let it fall into the hands of Chaos, the Chapter Master is cut down before he can complete the act, but his blood sprays upon the millennia old mummy.

The rather surprised Word Bearers do not make it off the planet, especially now that the reanimated body of their leader is attacking them.

Now that it is M41, the Blood Guardians are just as secretive as ever, which considering the fact that if anyone ever found out what they would probably get a nice visit from the Grey Knights along with some warships carrying cyclonic torpedoes. They primarily find members of Chaos and quietly beat the shit out of them. Like all non-cursed-with-bad-luck successors to the Blood Angels, they suffer from the Black Rage and the Red Thirst, going so far as to form Death Companies, but those that survive the Black Rage long enough to be brought back to their homeworld are turned, the process that binds them to the long absent Hellsing family line returning a modicum of control to the berserkers.

The entire "Lost" Company is thus made up of Space Marine vampires capable of regenerating from being cut in half by lascannons. While rarely deployed anywhere where the other members of the Imperium can see them, they're basically the only things capable of making daemons shit themselves. Which is to say nothing of the truly ancient vampire queen hidden at the heart of the Chapter.

And then they run into a peculiar Rogue Trader...

Yeah, that's pretty much all the background information I had on that story.
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Post by Xon »


A Space Marine chapter with Hellsing Vampire regeneration? Loyal until dead to Hellsing?

Win and awesome. Especially since you are a great writer.
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Post by Vehrec »

I've been toying with Bleach and WH40K. I'm not sure why, but the scene with Tousen, Kenpachi and Konamura writes itself in my head. For those who are interested, Kenpachi is turned into a Ordos Xenos Inquisitor who is so violent that the Eldar go three sectors out of their way to avoid him, Tousen is a secretly Monodominant Hereticus agent, and Konamura is also Hereticus but more moderate-Amaltheran in his leanings. Might be due to the fact that he's a filthy mutant the size of an Ogryn and summons a giant fuck ass warrior as his best move.

And yes, Kenpachi doesn't take off his limiter for the entire fight. Makes it more sporting that way. :roll:

I'm a bit unsure as to what assassin temple Yoruichi and Soi Fong should be students of though. Suggestions?
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Post by Satori »

Academia Nut wrote:Actually, by Hellsing canon, the only way to make more true vampires is for a vampire to drain the blood of a virgin of the opposite gender, thus Seras would have been the one to have been guarded by Blood Angels. Plus, between Alucard and Seras, which one do you think the Emperor would be more likely to not put down like a rabid dog?

The idea would have been that the whole Hellsing/Millenium/Iscariot war in London would have attracted the Emperor's attention. He shows up at some point and lays some serious smackdown before deciding to stick around and see how he could factor Hellsing into his long term plans for humanity while also studying the bound vampires to determine if they were a threat or something worth keeping around. Along the way we get Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing II.

Fast forward the better part of thirty thousand years. Because of the incredibly long lifespan of Integra the Second, Hellsing is still around after a fashion, even if Britain no longer is, and they've moved on to keeping Terra free of daemons rather than hunting vampires. With the Emperor rising to prominence, they approach him and basically get a daemon hunting contract disguised as a Rogue Trader charter... just one that would make the Inquisition jealous if they ever found out.

Meanwhile the last vampire, Seras Victoria, has been sealed and in stasis since early M3 when it was confirmed that the only vampires left on the planet were the ones in the employ of Hellsing... and Alucard went missing. Worried about what he could be up to if he had slipped his leash, they kept Seras around just in case.

Unfortunately as Horus and his goons roll in, the warp begins to disturb the bindings about the Last Vampire. This is brought to the attention of the Emperor, who considers just destroying her now before deciding that she is not a servant of Chaos (having known since he had studied her) and since she could still be a valuable asset to humanity, he decides to have her sent far away. Sanguinus volunteers five of his most loyal warriors to take her away and guard her until either he or the Emperor give the all clear.

You can imagine how that went.

When the dust of the Heresy settles, one of the marines sent away comes forward to inform his brothers that they will continue with their duty as instructed, until Sanguinus or the Emperor tell them otherwise, and thus they're probably going to need replacements. It is agreed that a small number of marines will be seconded to them quietly in the shuffle of the Second Founding, enough that they can replenish their ranks. Technically they are on the rolls of known Space Marine chapters, but they keep a low profile. This mainly has to do with the fact that only the Dark Angels have a bigger guilt complex than them. The chapter would probably be called something like Blood Guardians or the like.

Fast forward a few thousand years and a group of Word Bearers have come seeking what they believe is a powerful artefact of the Blood God. Ready to destroy the object that their chapter has guarded since before the Emperor Ascended to His Throne rather than let it fall into the hands of Chaos, the Chapter Master is cut down before he can complete the act, but his blood sprays upon the millennia old mummy.

The rather surprised Word Bearers do not make it off the planet, especially now that the reanimated body of their leader is attacking them.

Now that it is M41, the Blood Guardians are just as secretive as ever, which considering the fact that if anyone ever found out what they would probably get a nice visit from the Grey Knights along with some warships carrying cyclonic torpedoes. They primarily find members of Chaos and quietly beat the shit out of them. Like all non-cursed-with-bad-luck successors to the Blood Angels, they suffer from the Black Rage and the Red Thirst, going so far as to form Death Companies, but those that survive the Black Rage long enough to be brought back to their homeworld are turned, the process that binds them to the long absent Hellsing family line returning a modicum of control to the berserkers.

The entire "Lost" Company is thus made up of Space Marine vampires capable of regenerating from being cut in half by lascannons. While rarely deployed anywhere where the other members of the Imperium can see them, they're basically the only things capable of making daemons shit themselves. Which is to say nothing of the truly ancient vampire queen hidden at the heart of the Chapter.

And then they run into a peculiar Rogue Trader...

Yeah, that's pretty much all the background information I had on that story.
And I thought my Buffy/WH40k fusion idea was messed up.

I'm not even in the ballpark of that much crazy.
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Post by Gomu Niwatari »

Shinn Langley Soryu wrote: If I were to actually go ahead with this endeavor, would the end result be made of win and awesome, or would it be a failure of epic proportions?
Win or fail, either way it would be epic.
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Post by Uraniun235 »

Someone once suggested a Star Trek vs X-Men crossover... oh wait, that one was actually done by Marvel. Image

Well, these days, I've had the idea bouncing around in my head of a grand alliance of the Starship Enterprise, Space Battleship Yamato, Space Battleship Arcadia, Super-Dimension Fortress Macross, Battlestar Galactica, plus assorted other ships from these various franchises. All tasked with a deep-strike mission to take on a mammoth Cylon Super-Basestar serving as a mobile forward base for the Cylon/Mazone invasion force.

Utterly ridiculous, but ever so fun to think about.
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What is Project Zohar?
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Post by speaker-to-trolls »

In my youth I basically tried to have every sci-fi franchise i could think of existing simultaneously in one setting, no wormholes, no rifts, just everyone squashed into the same galaxy with each other. Off the top of my head the franchises included Star Trek, Star Wars, Farscape, Warhammer 40,000, Animorphs, the Matrix, Dune and my own half-assed continuity based around some exiled humans called the Starhawk Union. I obviously didn't know a great deal about some of these franchises, because I had the Imperium as part of the Good Guys Alliance along with the Federation, Andalites and Starhawks against the Empire, Peacekeepers and Trade Federation.
The story I started also featured myself and my friends as characters in the Starhawk navy, not by proxy or anything but actually there as we were under our own names, at our ages at the time (I think I was about 10).

Last year I thought about writing an episode of Scrubs called My Day of Wrath. I also began and quickly abandoned a crossover between Avatar and Rome starting at the end of season 2 for both series.

By comparison to some peoples ideas, of course, these are probably pretty sensible.
Post Number 1066 achieved Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:19 pm(board time, 8:19GMT)
Batman: What do these guys want anyway?
Superman: Take over the world... Or rob banks, I'm not sure.
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Post by Bug-Eyed Earl »

I once started a Terminator/ Legend of Zelda x-over- the idea being that in the future, humans colonized other planets, and tried to conquer Hyrule. The evil humans were defeated, and sent a Terminator back in time to kill Princess Zelda, and a female resistance fighter was sent back to stop it. The terminator I visually modelled after Famke Jansenn, and she sported twin crossbows. This was back in 2001.

I also wrote Buffy: Unit G. Chronos from the Guyver series conquers the Earth, and discovers the existence of magical beings, and becomes determined to wipe them out. It was intended to be a gigantic crossover- the theme being that the evil monsters (Dracula, Elizabeth Bathory, Count Orlock(who was intended to be Inigo Montoya vampirized(, the Warlock, Pious Augustus from Eternal Darkness, and an army of famous monsters such as Jason, Freddy, the Creeper, the Aliens) fighting back by trying to resurrect a Dark God, who i would reveal to be Morgoth.

Plot threads:

Guyvers 1 amd 3, Aptom, and Agito Makishima's resistance group capture a Creator ship, and are attacked by Archanfel, the leader of Chronos. They trap him in hyperspace after killing the Zoalord with him, and scatter Guyver units that were inside(inadvertently, of course) all over the world.

Clark Kent in Smallville is drunkenly attacked by Whitney Fordham, whose parents were revealed to be sleeper Zoanoids on X-Day, and killed in the attack. Hitting rock bottom, Whitney joins Chronos, and is processed into a Derzerb model Hyper-Zoanoid. Having figured out Clark's secret, he attacks him, and Clark is beaten into unconsciousness.

Meanwhile, a teenage John Connor (this was in 2001, mind you) arrives in Smallville with the mercenary Shale from the Substitiute. They are undercover Zeus' Thunderbolt agents, sent to pose as father and son and spy on Chronos. Lex Luthor rose to prominence in that organization and erected a Chronos Tower in the edge of town to better study the meteor rocks and its effects and possible practical uses. It is unknown whose side Lex is really on.

In Maine, Alex Roivas from Eternal Darkness is worried about the strange young man who has paid her for unlimited access to her grandfather's library- Bruace Wayne ahs become obsessed with the occult in recent years, and his studies are interrupted when they are attacked by Pious' monsters. The house is overrun, and they are forced to retreat- the city of N'Geh beneath it is now under the Monsters' control.

Meanwhile, in New York City, two ninja clans are meeting in secret. The Foot and the Hand. The mysterious leader of the Hand, Kyodai Ken, reveals himself to be a vampire, and attacks the Foot- having turned his entire clan into vamps, they add many more ninjas to their ranks.

On the roof of the warehouse this is taking place in, a group of heroes converge, all there for different reasons, and all agree to attack as one. Blade, Daredevil, the TMNT, and Spider-Man start to interfere, when Zoanoids join in, slaughtering the vampires. Kyodai Ken escapes, as does Karai, the leader of the Foot and now the only unturned member.

Dracula has come to Smallville. He wants something inside Chronos tower. His son Alucard confronts him, commenting that his face is different yet again)referring to how Dracula looks different in every Castlevania game, but also referring to all the different looks he has had in movies).

Dracula escapes him, and meets the agent working for Umbrella who is selling him a sample of the T-Virus. Dracula kills the agent, and breaks the vial to create a distraction.

Dracula slips into the tower, where a branch of Chronos' new Paranormal Research division is studying the Necronomicon. Reading from its pages, he unleashes an army of Deadites onto Smallville and escapes with the book. Ash, the new head of housewares in the SMallville S-Mart, springs into action. Barry, Chris, Jill, Claire, and Leon are too late to stop the sale of the T-Virus, and they join in the battle.

In the meantime, a mysterious old man and his young sidekick suddenly appear out of thin air, and start recruiting heroes, including the Scoobies (Xander has found a Guyver unit and merged with it), a few immortals( Duncan Macleod has also received a Guyver Unit), and the NEw York heroes.

Clark escapes, having been powered up by UV lights while kept sedated. Dracula also opened up the Puzzle Box, another artifact being studied, and between Deadites, Cenobites, and zombies, Smallville is quickly going to hell. Teh de facto protectors of the town, Chronos, lose control when several Zoanoids are possessed.

A mysterious Guyver opens his mega-smasher straight down into the heart of the Chronos building, destroying it. The Guyver is revealed to be Lex, who has found the last missing unit. He is the only one capable of killing deadite Zoanoids, and he concentrates on them.

The old man and his assistant bring the other heroes to the town, and when the heroes converge in one place, surounded on all sides with a nuke on the way, he teleports them to safety. The old man is revealed to be Gandalf. He has come from an alternate Earth where Middle-Earth was part of the world's history, and he explains how different worlds often have wildly divergent pasts that often have similar futures. And this world is in great peril; the monsters seek to unleash Hell on Earth to destroy Chronos, and if they fail, there is still the chance the alien Creators will return and again try to destroy the planet.

Morgoth has found a loophole to return to Earth- he must return to any Earth other than the one he knew. Thus, he returns to a world that is billions of years old and whose humans were engineered by aliens, and where magic still exists despite this.

Some worlds have mroe heroes, but very few have the mix of magic and science that this world does- so it faces unique perils and thus an eclectic group of heroes must fight it.

So eventually, all of the characters listed above attack Castlevania, and defeat Dracula and his monsters. Morgoth returns to Earth, however, and he is revealed to be much worse than what Gandalf thought- he was wrong, adn this Morgoth is not the one he knew, but a much more demonic and powerful one who slew the Valar of his world in the process of his entrapment. He lays waste to large portions of Chronos' empire, and is destroyed when the surviving Zoalords agree to a truce- they will provide a starship that they have unearthed, as two are needed for the plan that is hatched.

With a guyver piloting each ship, the two close in on Morgoth, who has created a new army of orcs, spiders, and evil Maia, and is rebuilding Angband. Once they get close enough, remembering what they did to Archanfel, they fold space- but to two different locations. The ships need to be guided through hyperspace, and they exert a pull on Morgoth in two differnet directions- and then, while in the hyperspace tunnel, they create an infinite number of exits. The effort destroys both ships, but it tears Morgoth apart, and scatters him across the universe, destroying him for good- he could only attain a solid form on this Earth, not a spiritual one, and was thus reliant on his (admittedly indestructible)body to protect him.

Thinking they have lost two Guyvers, the heroes mourn, when Archanfel suddenly appears- he has been aware of what has happened on Earth via an empathic link- the strange nature of hyperspace and his empathic link to the human race has left him marginally aware of everything. He drops both the guyvers at this feet, and the congregation of heroes know that no one among them can possibly defeat him- but then, he transforms into his human mode, and kneels in a gesture of respect. The forces of darkness have been handed a resounding defeat that they may not recover from for centuries. Archanfel survived in hyperpsace and learned to navigate it, but could never open it. Sensing the Guyvers, he was able to find them witha thought and rescue them and retreat through one of the portals to Earth that was still open.

He explains that he cared little for the war against the supernatural; he hibernated for most of the year, and left such tasks to the Zoalord council. Now, he will order an end to this, and the supernaturals and the forces of science will have much to learn from each other.

-a cosmic accident sent the Terminator to this reality- Skynet could not exist in this world, and Kyle Reese was unknowingly protecting a version of Sarah Connor who, despite what the Terminator thought, was not destined to be the mother fo the savior of the human race. This went on the idea from the T2 script on the DVD that Kyle and the other Terminators were sent within hours of each other to the various time periods.

-there are different breeds of vampires in this world- the buffy, Castlevania, from Dusk till Dawn and Blade vampires all exist as different breeds of the same species.

-Clark would be severely injured early on by a vampire who tricked him, and would be temporarily taken out of the fight, but would learn of how his blood could kill vampires, and use this before being killed by Morgoth.

-Faith would be in this, and as a love interest to Spidey.
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Post by Lusankya »

I had vague plans to write a Jesus slash fic.

You see the way I see it, Jesus and Judas totally have this thing going, but then Jesus starts hanging around with this Mary chick, and Judas gets jealous. But Jesus convinces him that there's nothing going on and it all calms down until Judas catches Jesus doing the naughty with Peter!

So naturally Judas is pissed off, and goes off and gets pissed, and then this Roman guy sees that Judas is drunk and upset with Jesus and takes his opportunity. He offers Judas the 30 pieces of silver if he tells him where Jesus is, and Judas is all "Last I saw, the lying cheating man-whore slut was in the garden making sure that absolutely everyone was deeply filled with the love of God. I wish the cocksucking dickwank would just go and get himself nailed to a tree." And then the Roman is all "Thanks" and he gives Judas the money. Not long afterwards, Judas throws up in his beer and passes out in a disgusting pile of beer and vomit.

Then the Romans arrest Jesus and put him to trial and nail him to a cross. At some time during these proceedingsthey interview Peter and he's all, "Nooo.... I never knew Jesus. Seriously. Not that there's anything wrong with that, mind you."

Then Jesus dies and Judas is all "Noooo! I did not mean to betray you my love! I was caught in a moment of weakness and anger due to your infidelity, but I forgive you and wish to join you in death!" And then Judas kills himself in grief.

... And it concludes with the great love story being passed on from generation to generation. Fathers read it to their sons. Mothers read it to their daughters. And everyone looks back and contemplates and wish that they too could feel the love of Jesus (and Judas).
"I would say that the above post is off-topic, except that I'm not sure what the topic of this thread is, and I don't think anybody else is sure either."
- Darth Wong
Free Durian - Last updated 27 Dec
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