The accuracy of the article has not in any way shape or form been rebutted by you. Don't feel like it? Then bite me.Kane Starkiller wrote:Really so I'm alone in not accepting the factual accuracy and objectivity of wikipedia?
Make my point? Make my point imbecile? I made my point in my very first fucking post, the one paragraph you danced around at every fucking opportunity;Kane Starkiller wrote:Not to mention it's a huge article so make your argument or shut the fuck up.
Why did I even bother? You obviously failed to read and comprehend it the first time around, or you just skipped it because your a dishonest cunt.Crown wrote:The idea that the government of Skopje wants to identify themselves as 'Macedonian' is in-and-of-itself not too surprising, nor troubling. However the idea (and indeed their own propaganda) that you can actually separate the term 'Macedonian' from 'Greek' that is of massive concern. The fact so many morons above me have actually fallen for the intellectual laziness not to question this modern day theft of identity just proves that Greece is not being unreasonable in its objections, and neither are her fears unfounded. Just read above for crying out loud.
Is it any less wrong?Kane Starkiller wrote:So it IS about the name isn't it? Make up your goddamn mind already. And so what if an average person doesn't realize that Macedon Empire existed not in state of Macedonia but 100 km to the south. Does it change anything? Does it hurt anyone. (Except Greek pride that is.)
Yes, but in 2,000 years, it would have been 2,000 years ago, so what does it matter, *I'm a smarmy asshole*?Kane Starkiller wrote:What moral ramifications stem from the incorrect belief that an ancient Empire was spawned 100km to the south or north? Of course we should always cling to the truth but then again who is denying the truth? Is there some vast conspiracy or something? What analogy is there with people deliberately trying to deny that millions of people were killed and people confusing one Macedonia with the other?
Seriously dipshit this is your argument (as pathetic as it is), weaseling out of it with the 'lol moral card' is intellectually dishonest. Both the analogy and your irrelevant disregard for identity theft rely on one pertinent 'fact'; if it was 2,000 years ago, what does it matter?
Jesus you're one dumb fuck. Seriously, I'm trying to picture what kind of moron can actually make the argument of 2,000 years ago, what does it matter? Yes it's wrong, what does it matter? And the 'oh so clever' this is all about your pride, what does it matter?Kane Starkiller wrote:Ultimately this is all about pride. You have oh so much pride in Greek history and you don't want Macedonia to come in and "pretend" that it is that famous Macedonia. The fact that it is all historic trivia that has no moral, legal or scientific ramifications on todays world seems to be completely lost on you. So todays Macedonia should run around with a clunky name like FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA just so as not to hurt your feelings. Honestly.
If it matters so little; stay out of the thread.