Or, to elaborate further, whatever energy the soul had was expended in being turned into another body, most likely, which is why the demons have to torture people instead of just killing them and doing energy capture. And, yes, energy must be conserved--in this case, it is conserved by being turned into matter.Crayz9000 wrote:I'm not particularly sure if you skipped physics, but one of the fundamental portions of Einstein's equations revolved around the relationship between matter and energy. It's fairly trivial to convert matter to energy, but it takes large amounts of energy to be able to do the opposite.
Fun fact: Energy is turned into matter pretty frequently inside of particle accelerators.
This is why I'm pretty sure that people who die in Hell stay dead--the existence of the soul is impossible enough, why should we irrationally believe it must have the power for infinite cross-gradient trips and re-materializations? That would be ludicrous. Also, it would leave the demons with no reason to torture humans. The remnant soul probably dissipates as a puff of heated air, more or less, when a hell-denizen is killed there, or on Earth, or anywhere (and denizens of hell can certainly life on Earth if demons can).
One more disturbing possibility when it comes to demons is that they used to be people in some cases. Or there may be some demons who used to be people whose descendants form this demon population.
The big question is what happens to all of that energy when someone who is still alive gets killed in Hell. Do they materialize in the next plain up? If they don't, do they sort of linger there as ghosts, like in the Greek vision of Hades, their souls not having enough power against a higher gradient to generate bodies? Or does the energy just stay in hell? Because then you're going to have 50kg + M/AM detonations whenever a soldier dies. I sort of think that is quite unlikely, so one of the other alternatives is more plausible.