And that's the noted part.Connor MacLeod wrote:So what? As annoying as the shit Traviss does, she's hardly the all-encompassing evil some people make her out to be. She's an annoyance, but she's a minor irritant at worst. She's not really in a position to make any sweeping, destructive changes to SW - she can hardly overwrite every other author in the SW universe just because of her pet fetishes. B&B were in much more of a position to fuck over Star Trek, and they succesfully managed to do it for years.
The same is true of alot of the remnant trektards like Scooter or the clowns at SFJ - they talk big and try to make themselves out to be more important than they are, but in the end they're a fringe nuisance at worst, and best forgotten or ignored, rather than exaggerated to some epic menace (which is what they want to be, anyhow.)
The same can be said of people like Sarli.
This is the scale of what many of the inept ST writers did. But all of the idiot writers combined are nothing compared to B&B who actually damaged the franchise to the point of where it is now.
So yes, in the end, we gripe and hate and dislike Traviss...but she's just something to gripe and moan. She's never going to destroy the franchise in any of the same effects that B&B did to Trek.