Obviously enough, this is an April Fool's day joke from EGM - I had an inkling from the moment I saw the article, but Burt-041 (4/1 in American month/day format) clinched it.EGM's April issue wrote:Halo 3's fight is over.
Finished, shall you say. Or is it? Of course not! Master Chief might be good at saving the universe, but he's better at something else: making mountains of money. That's why developer bungie is looking to construct some more cash with their newest project: Lego Halo.
Like Lego Star Wars, Lego Halo will let players relive the entire Halo trilogy - only with 100 percent more blocks. The move might seem strange to some, but to Bungie, it's a perfect fit...
..."Everyone on the team was so impressed with how well the Lego Star Wars games captured the magic of the movies," explains [Senior Project Lead Lee] Carlton. "We really feel like the Halo trilogy is as strong as Star Wars, and that's why we're excited to take our rich universe and present it in a way everyone can enjoy."...
Like Lego Star Wars, you'll play as multiple characters during the campaign. Master Chief will no doubt be the main brick breaker, but also expect to see Avery J. Johnson, the Arbiter, and even Chief's main virtual squeeze, Cortana. Just because Lego Halo chronicles the first three games, however, doesn't mean new characters won't be introduced.
"New characters are definitely something we plan to include in Lego Halo," says Carlton. "In one bonus mission, Master chief will be battling the Covenant with Burt-041 (emphasis mine - M), the brother of Kurt-051 from the Halo: Ghosts of Onyx novel..."
To tell the truth, I feel kind of cheated from seeing this. I love the Halo games, and I loved Lego Star Wars - and I would be truly inclined to grab a Lego Halo game on release day.
Judging from the response I've seen to this (fake) article elsewhere, the response to the idea of a Lego Halo game seems to be strongly positive - which makes it a real pity that we'll probably never see it made.
Then again, I could be wrong. Remember the "Sonic is in SSBM!" prank from a few years back?