"Satanism" -- meaning whatever you want it to mean?
Chapter 24: The All Hell, All The Time Edition! Whoopee! Seriously, though, thank you Stuart for this one, going particularly into the mentalities in Hell (for example, Satan actually referring to "kidlings"), as well as showing Rahab's calculating mind.
DarthShady wrote:If war between hell and heaven would happen it would be very good for us.
But then at that point, what becomes the (most) strategically appropriate posture towards Heaven once it is found out that the conflict's become three-way? I see three things here:
1) All of the Human force vs. Heavenly force contacts thusfar have been Humans killing angels/cherubs without taking casualties (discounting the family)... does Heaven even know about these hostile contacts? (In the case of Chapter 25,
will Heaven have found out by then... and what are the immediate consequences from both the Heaven and Hell perspectives on the "mysterious" deaths?)
2) Between Heaven and Hell, Heaven is the stronger, and Human mobilization has yet to peak... the paradigm (when Cheney's observation of declaration of war on Heaven) does not seem to have changed!
3) Taking a "neutral" stance may allow Humanity to observe the Heavenly "military" in action (against Hell); this means that Humanity would in the future actually proceed in a future conflict with better intel than they did when the baldricks (i.e. Abigor's army) first started coming in.
Stuart, so what's LTGENs Odierno and Chiarelli up to in this? Does Odierno still maintain the role he had? (In my layman's understanding, GEN Petraeus as CDR MNF-I handling strategic and LTGEN Odierno as CDR MNC-I handling tactical.) Oh, and if you start having Human intel start on the intelligence gathering for, say, understanding demons (political structure, culture, "lifestyle," etc.) as a lead up to psy ops geared for demon minds...

(As long as it's not that Humanity chest-puffing I've seen earlier in this thread, good lord.

Pun intended.)
"Yee's proposal is exactly the sort of thing I would expect some Washington legal eagle to do. In fact, it could even be argued it would be unrealistic to not have a scene in the next book of, say, a Congressman Yee submit the Yee Act for consideration.

" -
bcoogler on
"My crystal ball is filled with smoke, and my hovercraft is full of eels." -
Stark: "You can't even GET to heaven. You don't even know where it is, or even if it still exists."
SirNitram: "So storm Hell." -
From the legendary thread