brianeyci wrote:snip for space
Skynet may not have even known where the TechCom bases
were. Most were underground and i get the distinct impression Skynet had only a passing familiarity with where these Resistance fighters were emerging from; the battle at the beginning of T2, with the Terminators so close to the TechCom base and yet not actually heading towards it, gave me the impression that they really weren't aware it was a base. I mean, one pile of rubble looks like every other pile of rubble. Combine that with the fact that the number of "free" humans is probably incredibly small (they'd find it impossible to hide anything more than a few thousand or tens of thousands at most) and that vast amounts of infrastucture was lost in the war and Skynet may have literally had no other choice but to chase down leads.
THAT is what Terminators are useful for, following the humans, gaining their trust, "Hey, can you take me back to your base?" and all that.
But even then, you still cant deny the fact that we have seen two (three, maybe) Terminators eat, sleep, we know they can fuck and that means they have some kind of bodily fluids (no, i
dont believe a woman would NOT notice a guy going in and coming out
bone dry, and neither do you, admit it) and more importantly if you are saying that Kyle Reese is bullshitting then you're wrong...we've seen Terminators do all the things he described: bleed, sweat, and other stuff like eat, sleep (faking it), fuck, and probably use the can a few times too. We know they can hold conversations and even fake human emotion, and in fact they can, with minimal exposure, even UNDERSTAND those emotions to a limited degree. One could even argue that Uncle Bob's "I can not self terminate" was his way of subtly saying "I dont want to commit suicide, can you do it for me?" without bitching up.
More so, some things that Cameron has done indicate to me, at least, that she both understands human emotion and can express it if she chooses to. She doesnt because she doesnt care to, it's not relevent and it's a waste of processing power right now. Considering how wanktastic their AIs are is it really that bizarre.
And then we still go back to the whole organic skin thing. Where is the blood coming from? It cant be stagnant or i'd begin to decay so it's being replaced and recycled like human what? Is it being filtered for poisons too? Rather likely i'd think, so a liver is a possibility as is a heart. And a stomach, and some digestive systems and functional sexual organs. Really i dont understand what all the tizzy here is. All of these things i just mentioned are all well within the realm of possibility and plausability, when you accept the conceit of a time traveling, hyper-advanced, AI driven, fusion powered cyborg assassin
in the first place. This is like saying "Does Darth Vader have to pee?" well, yes of course he does, by some mechanical means. So? Is it just that people have trouble accepting that they could be so easily emulated by a machine? I understand it's creepy to think that, for all practical purposes, a machine could pass completely for a human but
it's meant to be creepy.[/quote]