By the errant nail clipping of RobtheROB, the total force of Posleen slated to attack Earth get diverted to Nu Earth. The Posleen force consists of all Posleen to have attacked Earth and will arrive in similar waves to those of the books.
For fun: The Norts and Southers band together and have a year of advanced intel on the Posleen. They have this much time to prepare and assume they are united from the onset.
More funz: Assume the Posleen begin their assault by surprise right during the opening of the Quartz massacre.
How will future humanity fare? Who has been reading too much "Hell's
RogueWiki Pretty devoid of info in the pertinent respects. I'd load some scans from my books but they're in N.J. and I'm in Sicily.
A bunch of aliens who eat everything in their path attack a poisoned world?
The Posleen are fucked.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
Nu Earth isn't just poisoned; as far as the look and style of it go, it's atmosphere is now 72% nitrogen, 18% oxygen and 8% mustard gas. The remaining 2% being trace compounds like Soman, Sarin, VX, stuff like that.
What the biochemistry that can survive that looks like- well, apart from Rogue and the rest of the GI's, there is some surviving native life, which was apparently already trans- Australian in it's poisonousness anyway. Some. But not much. One mutant earth plant- sugarsucking cane- 0ne known native plant and one half-seen troll/shoggoth thing. I doubt that anything carbon-based would be immune in such circumstances, and I'm not sure if the native life actually was. Admittedly, numerous aliens were anyway- not sure why.
The reason Nu Earth got chemmed rather than nuked is the presence of what at least the Norts refer to as the Tartarus Gates, a major black hole/wormhole and trans-galactic bypass; both sides wanted enough of the planet left to decontaminate(!) and turn into a fortress world protecting access to the black hole.
That very strategic importance is going to be a deal- breaker anyway. The major powers can both smother a world in gas, and expect to be able to do the work of cleaning it up afterwards; That indicates they dispose of a lot of energy.
Considering that a missile dump for the Nort fleet prematurely detonated and took out a moon, Torpor, large enough to form a planetary sphere in the first place, that implies tactical naval firepower of a high order.
In space, the Posleen might easily be screwed by this. A planet that important and an outside enemy- there will be a battle fleet waiting for them.
On the ground, even assuming that the Posleen really are that immune, that will not stop Milli-Com trying to come up with some further chem weapon that will kill them. Bio-Wire would be fiendishly effective against posleen, and they were never that smart when it came to mines either- of which Nu Earth has far more than it's fair share.
Actually, the OP is remarkably evil anyway- setting them up aginst Kashar and Kashan Legions and the Genetic Infantry Regiment. The whole point of doing it as an infantry ambush was, presumably, to take prisoners and materiel for analysis. With the posleen, that will apply to some degree- but not far enough to stop the simple, elegant expedient of detonating a Nort "Vulkan" crust breach and volcano making device under their drop zone and having them plummet into pyroclastic flow.
Vulkan them. Have the Kashar, Kashan and GI's standing by to mop up the survivors with line-of-sight range laser rifles, Obliterator homing mines, lazookas, and all the other messy ideas Nu Earth has running over it. Take enough prisoners and bits of tissue to develop a new chem weapon for use. Watch waves two, three, four, etc drown in their own internal fluids. problem solved.
Posleen are generally immune to poisons anyway, for mostly unexplained reasons. It's best to come up with some other reason than "chemical weapons" as to why the Posleen will end up dead. Carpet nuking of their landing zones, for example.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
That would work- and it really couldn't do much more damage to Nu Earth than has been already. It's just not a very in-universe solution.
Ultimately it does happen, after a Nort War Marshal loses his son on the planet he goes berserk and starts nuking everything in sight; but this is a massively bad political move, hallowed ground, hallowed blood and all that. He eventually gets killed by his own side.
NB: the Rogue trooper wiki is wrong on the scale. The comics support the idea that it is a much wider war than one planet, the factions span the human portion of the galaxy- size unspecified- but Nu Earth is one of the major focal points. A Verdun- analogue.
Armour and war droids, automated sentries, land mines that crawl under your foot, living wire that creeps out and entangles you, 'hard rain' and flesh disintegrators- Nu Earth has been a meatgrinder for a long, long time.
It's not so much the posleen chemical immunity- which I don't and probably can't understand because it makes no sense to me- that's even the primary problem; it's the fact that everything else is vulnerable. There's damn all left to eat. Their immunity only makes the difference between prompt death from toxins and slow death from starvation.
Using a "Vulkan" and setting off a Thera- level volcanic eruption in the middle of their drop zone would just be adding insult to injury. Of course, we can nuke them as well, just to make sure.