TEchnically hear I'll be covering the books in the "omnibus" collection, whicn includes several short stories. I'll be covering the first short story "Deliverance" in this one, because frankly I'm never sure where to put some of these short stories.
Page 21
- Kage indicates that they only have to worry about Lictors and Hormagaunts vaulting over an eighteen foot wall during a Tyranid assault. eighteen feet (5.5 meters) Assuming a 1 meter running length (basically just jumping over at a short distance) they would need a minimum velocity (From a standing start) of 10 m/s. Given that they can run at at least 60 kph (Warriors of Ultramar) this is not surprising, and probably something of a lower limit. This works out to 36 kph.
Page 26
- hormagaunts clear aforementioned wall with 2-3 feet to spare. From a standing jump. This assumes a velocity closer to 12 m/s - a little over 43 kph.
Page 28 - Tyranid warriors are twice as tall as a man, or at least these ones are. I imagine some variation is possible.
Page 29
- the Chitinous carapace of Tyranids are highly resistant if not nearly immune to lasgun fire. Kage instructs his men to "aim for the flesh" (which is relatively easier, but still tough.) his is basically consistent with text derived from the Tyranid codexes (the carapace parts are tough enough to require anti-armour firepower to breach, the soft parts are equal to flak, and needing to target weak points to do damage.)'Right, men' 1 tell them, 'stay steady. Follow my lead, stay tight. If you get separated, they'll pick you off, no problem. When you shoot, aim for the flesh. Your lasguns will have about as much effect on their carapace as punching a Leman Russ. Watch your ammo counters too, 'cause tonight's gonna be a long haul and I don't want to face those fraggin' bugs with just my bare hands.
Page 30 - Hive Tyrant 3x taller than a man.
Page 32 -
Assuming the Carnifex is roughly man shaped, and disregarding the presence of the chitin, the volume of the carnifex would be some 50-100x greater than that of a normal human (1.8 m tall, assume 70 kg)In the red glare comes this huge tyranid creature, about four metres tall and just as wide. Its some kind of Carnifex, but nothing I've ever seen before. It's got four massive scythe-like arms, but the bony extrusions across its shoulders jut forward, rows of spikes thrust outwards like its some kind of living battering ram. Nestled between its immense shoulders, its head is kind of fused with its chest, a large fang-ringed mouth open in a permanant roar.
This would make it massing roughly at least 4-7 tons. Going by Anphelion project (whose dimensions are roughly comparable to the above) the Carnifex would be closer to 8 or 9 tons.
Page 33
Carnifex proves resilient to lascannon and bolter fire at least to the carapace, ,although the "soft" part proves vulernable, as we were told earlier. The lascannon shot is powerful enough to blow up the head. Going by the estimates above (4-9 tons) and the assumption that the roughly humanoid construction corresponds to percentage of body mass (human head making up about 8% in this case) the Carnifex's head owuld be between 320 and 720 kg. Simulating the effect of a grenade (going by the bolter analysis based on Mythbusters, it would probably take 10-12 grenades to simulate this.. which is ~10-12 MJ.. Probably more like 5-10x that given inefficiencies of a beam weapon vs a bomb, going by Mike's own estimates. This is not 100% precise.Breiden opens up with the lascannon, a bolt of energy powerful enough to cripple battle tanks scoring a wound across the carnifex's armoured skull making thick, ,dark blood dribble down the exoskeleton of its body. The heavy bolter in Franz's squad kicks in, explosive shells rippling across legs as thick as tree trunks in a shower of detonations.
Once more its mouth opens for another terrifying roar, but Breiden picks his moment precisely, his aim guided by the Emperor I'm sure, and the next lascannon bolt lands in its mouth, smashing its head to a pulp, scattering fragments of skull across the courtyeard.
What is more liekly is that most of the mass was at least raised to boiling point, if not cauterised (or possibly just vaporized outright) given the uplifting primer (boiling) and various cauteriation refrences I've mentioned previously. Boiling point (which we'll traet as a lower limit) will be 268 kilojoules per kg, assuming human body parameters (temp, specific heat, etc.) Cauteriation (300-400 C) would be closer to 900-1000 kj/kg (And include some vaporization of body moisture, which is likely given all otehr lasgun examples agains torganic targets.)
For boiling point the energy input would be between 86 (320 kg) megajoules and 193 (720 kg) megajoules, minimum. For the cauterization figure above we can infer between 300 and 700 megajoules. While cauterization values can go higher, we know that the head was not totally vaporized or incinerated, which leaves an upper limit of around 600-1500 megajoules - this all disregards inefficiencies, of course.
Regardless this is probably a good example of a lascannon having an energy input in the hundreds of megajoules range easily, consistent with many other examples.
Page 57
- one of the Last Chancers mentions coming from an Agri world, where a single man could farm "fifteen hundred hectares", and had lots of machines.
Page 61 -
The effects of "Tyranoforming" as mentioned elswhere. It basically leaves a world airless dead rock. Removing the atmosphere requires at least 3e26 joules, the oceans require at least e29 joules. It is mentioned elsewhere (IE Warrios of Ultramar) that Tyranoforming can have similar effects to Exterminatus.One hive ship was still awake, feeder tentacles wrapped around the shattered hull of an Imperial warship, digesting the mineral content, the flesh of the dead crew, leeching off the air contained within to sustain itself.
In their wake, a bare rock orbited the star, scoured of every organic particle, stripped of all but the most basic elemets. Nothing was left of the farming world of Langosta III. There were no testaments to the humans who had once lived there. Now all that was left was an airless asteroid, the unmarked dying place of three million people.
Page 68-69
- Typhon sector has 500 billion people in it, according to Colonel Schaeffer. This is less than the population of one hive world as mentioned in the 3rd edition rules, but we can conclude that this may be out further towards the edges of Imperial space.
Going with my earlier estimates of around 5,000-10,000 sectors minimum in the Imperium, this would indicate the Imperium's population is in the quadrillions.
Page 89
- according to KAge, a Tyranid Bio-Titan is 25 meters tall.
Page 90
- plasma gun incinerates Tyranid warriors (3 of them.)It was only Craggon and his plasma gun that saved us, incinerating the alien monstrosities as they carved through us.
According to Anphelion project, the "winged" Tyranid warriors mass 2,5 tons, which seems reasonable for the regular warriors. The energy to incinerate human tissue is roughly the ame as to vaporize water, about 2-3 MJ per kg. The energy input to incinerate would be at least 5-7 gigajoules per Tyranid.
If we're generous and assume that the Tyranids incinerated were gaunts they would be 200 kg apiece. Genestealers 300 kg apiece, and a Lictor-sized Tyranid about a ton. So we can see it won't make a significant difference to teh calc to within an order of magnitude. For the Gaunts it would be between 500-600 MJ per Tyranid, 600-900 MJ for the Genestealer,s and 2-3 GJ for the Lictor.
Realistically, it takes 1-3 GJ to incinerate a human sized body, so the energy input is going to be several times greater. Regardless, we can consider that a plasma cannon has a single or double-digit GJ enegy handling capacity (at least), if not high MJ/low (single) GJ per shot.
Page 99
- Transport ship Pride of Lothus evidently has some heavy weapons, as it fires "plasma drivers" on the surface of the planet. Its sustained bombardments have razed hundreds of square kilometers of junlge.