However, that was but the latest incarnation of a concept that had begun as early as the late 1930s IIRC, with a WW I veteran falling into suspended animation due to radiactive gas encountered in a mineshaft.
Both versions featured post-apocalyptic worlds with groups on Earth fighting against outside threats. In the 30s/40s version, it was North Americans vs 'the Yellow Peril' of the Han, who in later books were (IIRC) supposed to actually be of alien origin. In the 70s/80s movie/TV series, it was Earth vs Evil Aliens of the Week.
Both versions had their good and bad points. What I'm interested in is knowing how you would remake this classic concept as a TV series.
IMHO, one of the key ideas is deciding how the character of Rogers will fit in (or not) to a world 500 years later than his own. What is that world like? Does he have anything to offer it? If so, what? In the 30s/40s, he had military experience to lend to the disorganised humans. In the 70s/80s, he had unconventional thinking, combat skills and 'null-person, thus untraceable' status.
A search on Wikipedia also reveals that a couple of constants in the concept have been Wilma Deering, the love interest and warrior who was also one of the first strong, independent, capable female role models in the genre, and the sterotypical 'brain', Dr Huer. These characters would need to be included in the plot description.
(Any mention of Twiki from the 70s/80s series is grounds for flaming

So how would you do it? Who would you cast?
Let the brainstorming begin!