tim31 wrote:Stuart: were you tempted at all to describe Yahweh besides being huge? Or did you simply consider it irrelevant?
It's a conscious choice of mine not to give detailed descriptions of characters; rather than draw a detailed picture at once, I like to shade it with details, pencil strokes that provice an outline. That way the reader can use their own imaginations to provide the character with an appearance that suits them. I did this consistently throughout TBO, there are very few character descriptions there. What there are are odd remarks at different times, filling in details. For example Lillith has long, very black, curly hair, honey-colored skin, full lips, heavy eyebrows, all details gently shaded in over several stories.
Armageddon is a bit different; many of the characters actually exist so you know what they look like or can look them up on the web. But, I'm shading in the demons in my preferred manner.
By ATC, do you mean all-terrain cycle? (I'm assuming you don't mean Air Training Command/Corps or Air Transport Command.)
Air Traffic Control (I have this private belief that when Israelis drive things they get taken over by the spirits of long-dead kamikaze pilots). They have this nice game in Israel Flight Control, see who is the first to get all the little dots into the circle in the middle of the radar display.
Succubus, single-sex freak? So, demons regard non-hermaphrodites as freaks?
All will become obvious in due course..........