Either that, or I'm simply not clueless. I was simply making the point that the difficulty of installing Linux apps was being grossly exaggerated. I came into Linux cold, and had no problem getting up and running with basic apps and functions. More advanced stuff took some work, but it always does. As for software installs, I made the point that many distros come with all the software you need for basic office work already pre-installed, hence installation troubles are irrelevant.
If you don’t need to use software that your distro doesn’t come with or don’t need a newer version than yeah you’re right it’s pretty hard to mess things up. That is one good thing for Mandrake at least they have a buttload of packages.
And if you try to use DLL's from NT 4.0 in win2k or even from the wrong service pack level in win2k, you'll have problems too. So what? Are you seriously trying to say that you should be able to mix and match different release levels of KDE software and libraries when you compile them, and expect smooth operation anyway? And since we're talking about newbie ease of use, why are we talking about custom-compiling pieces of the desktop anyway?
I’ve mixed and matched DLLs between win2K and win98 before without any problems.
It was a point release. It was like 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 or something and they changed a name of one of their class members or something similar so when you got to the make stage you got a mess of error messages. And kdevelop isn’t a core part of KDE it’s a separate tool although I think they might bundle it now
Or you can simply download the source and compile, rather than complaining about a 9MB download (how big are win2k sp3? Oh yeah ... 130 MB).
Compiling from source doesn’t help an RPMs dependencies (false as they are). That is a problem at times as well, if you mix packages and source compiling dependencies can (will) get messed up.
And source downloads are often larger than the binaries (Mozilla is a good example, 10 meg or so to download a binary and about 25 meg for source)
Win2K service packs aren’t quite the same as a paint package. It’s a bit of an unfair comparison and it’s not like you actually need them running a home system most of the time. Unless you’re one of the fools who runs with every single service enabled you likely won’t notice a difference.
And my point was well I was venting because some of the packagers at Mandrake are braindead
If you uninstall a piece of software without checking its dependencies, that's your problem. Try uninstalling Internet Explorer from Windows. In the case of Mandrake, you can simply install other browsers if you want; this is hardly a problem worth whining about.
It is when you’re a linux newbie and your GUI goes walkabouts and you have to reinstall using commandline RPM tools. You’re right I should have checked but I didn’t expect it to be that fricking retarded. KDE needs NN4 to function… yeah… It was and still is a moronic decision almost on the level of MS making IE core to the system and making OE run VB macros
Your complaints mostly centre around the particular set of dependencies chosen by one team when they compiled the software. These are not valid complaints about Linux in general, and in fact, most newbies (the people who are supposedly going to have all these troubles with Linux) will not run into the problems you describe, for the simple reason that they're not going to try uninstalling pieces of the distro.
True but the fortran compiler is not a key part of the OS, not even close really I’m not aware of any software that requires it.
That’s just me venting at Mandrake and their stupidity in some of their decisions mostly.
Right. And when you try to recompile the WinXP micro-kernel and reboot, you ... oh, wait. M$ won't even let you see the kernel, much less recompile and customize it, will they?
Never had the need to recompile a windows kernel. It’s just worked and whenever I needed to update there were binaries.
And seeing the source is of NO use to nearly everyone, it’s not exactly newbie friendly code to say the least.
Again, this has little or nothing to do with basic user issues. You're basically saying that you'd rather develop software for Windows. You may make some valid points, but they're not relevant for most end-users or even administrators.
I couldn’t care less about it personally, I just use the latest version of GCC that I can get because earlier versions invariably have problems that I want or need fixing.
And for cross distro compatibility (which I see a holy grail for linux) it is a grade A nightmare. Something this fundamental should have been nailed down when the C++ standard was finalised back in oh 1997 or so. That’s five years and they still haven’t stabilised yet but they are making steps forward to a common standard.
I found it easy. But I agree that hardware setup is easier on Windows (I even said so in my last message). I never said that Linux is better for everything , but I am trying to make the point that many of the anti-Linux points made by the pro-M$ crowd are either exaggerated trivialities or just plain wrong.
Yeah but I had a bloody winmodem. I had to get a binary driver for the wrong kernel version to work and it was a fricking nightmare, situation is better now with RPMs and a source download but I’ve dumped 56k and gone cable modem.
Linux might get there for end users in a couple of years but before it can do so it needs to fix up a few things. Distros need to standardise on a package format, how sweet would it be to not have to hunt around for an RPM or .deb that works for your distro? It would be as easy as using windows, just double click, hit the install button and it works. A good GUI control panel would be nice especially for beginners, their eyes just glaze over when you tell them they have to edit a text file.
Xfree needs sorting as well. On distros that don’t have their own custom installers for it the damn thing is crusty as hell and shows its age. It doesn’t help that the autodetect script didn’t work on my Geforce2mx, hardly an obscure chipset either.
Ack this is way too long and I’m tired so it’s probably not very eloquent. I’ve also got the feeling that it lost the point somewhere. I just wanted to make the point that software install is getting better but needs improving.