But I do have a question I can't seem to find an answer to. Perhaps a dumb question, but I'd rather ask anyhow.
The method I've learned uses energy measured in Joules, speed in Meters, and mass in Kilograms. Example: Joules = Kilograms multipled by lightspeed in Meters squared.
My question is, by what method is it determined what unit of measure for any particular variable is? Example: Joules = Kilograms multipled by lightspeed in Kiloemters squared doesn't yield the same figure, even though the speed is same (just not the unit of measure).
Converting meters to kilometers for the speed of light obviously yields a different resulting number because one variable was reduced by a factor of a thousand, even though both units of measure mean the same thing. If all the variables are modified by the same relative factor the equation still works, but how did we come up with the "proper" units of measure in the first place?
Would much appreciate any answers or links to them! Or naturally any comments on being a dumbass for missing something obvious here...